Updated Important stuff: 21:00 23 July
Now the general idea is to make a fortress survive while being run by the community in a beaucratic way. People who sign up (known as citizens) will have to try to have the fortress run in the way that suits them (their character). This is not always the same, person to person and will in time create disagreements. This will provide the challenge to see if a fortress can survive in the lovely mess that we call democracy.
Citizen Features
Each person(citizen will have the power to (unless the government decrees otherwise)
- Stand for or vote in Mayorial elections
- Be appointed to an Office by the Mayor
- Try to influence what happens by debate, strike, or just good old rioting
You will have to
- React to different situations and deal with.... (Did Urist McMayor ban exports of cheese and you happen to be a cheese exporter?)
- Give out Orders or Actions to influence the game directly.
Orders and Actions
- Orders are things giving out by the officials (Mayor, Architect, COG) which influence the game directly.
- The orders can be for things like: Extending a factory block, mandating items, banning exports, using the military to attack enemies, removing civil rights and more
- Actions are things done by any player. They too influence the game, however can be stopped by certain things.
- Actions can consist of things like: Striking, sabotage, declaring support, voting, joining military, desertion, moving rooms and more.
There are three different official currently they are:
Mayor (leader of the fortress)
Architect (who outlines the looks of the fortress)
Captain of the Guard (outlines the training sched, squad types, uniform etc)
The officials are the people that run the fortress, they will be giving out the orders. They have almost absolute power, but like in real life, if they abuse it the people will rise.
It is the officials job to direct the fortress to what it should do/have: Produce, look like, export, military strategy, laws, rights
When you sign up
Each person who signs up will be given a random dwarf and his/her job, and some info about them. You must roleplay this person (to whatever extend you wish). And give out Orders or Actions to what they would really do.
Roleplayer Information
1. How to give out Orders/Actions
- When you give out an Order or an Action you must post it in the thread, with the word Order and Action with it. E.G. My Orders for this month are to construct a mason workshop in a 10x10 falicatate a workshop and a rawmaterials stockpile. All Orders and Actions must be done by Friday 8pm.
2. Standing for election and voting
Starts after the Winter update has been released and lasts until Tuesday. There will be a poll sent to each citizen sometime after noon on the monday (to allow candidates to put out their election posters and voters to decide who to vote for). The polls close at 22:00 GMT on Tuesday. Where I will annouce the Winner. Everyone can vote currently - However the Officals may change this.
3. Reports
- Each report will be done for each season. They will posted on to the thread on each Sunday.
4. Will the roleplayers be attached to dwarves?
- They will be permanently be attached to a dwarf, so they lose their chance are becoming reelected if they die. This will also open up opportunities for things to do when you are a normal citizen, e.g voting.
This will also allow for things like strikes and other actions during the fortress life. (more above)
5. Terms
- Terms will last 1 year, split into 4 seasons, which is 4 RL weeks and 4 times when you can give Orders/Actions.
That is it for now. Feel free to post ideas solutions and any potential problems.