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Author Topic: Allow unhappy dwarves to leave your fortress  (Read 12035 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Allow unhappy dwarves to leave your fortress
« Reply #30 on: May 26, 2013, 02:05:25 pm »

Dwarves should be able to leave for any number of reasons:

1) NPC adventurers could talk them into leaving town
2) NPC scallywags could talk members of the opposite sex to run away with them.
3) Dissatisfied dwarves with high leadership scores can talk 6 other unhappy dwarves into starting their own fort.
4) As part of the future Army Arc, hunter/tracking dwarves could leave in order to track missing loved ones that were abducted
5) Criminal dwarves could (attempt to) flee the fortress to escape punishment

The main deciding factor on whether they stay or go being how many personal relationships they have in the fortress. The fewer roots holding you to a fort, the less likely you are to stay.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2013, 02:32:32 pm by Nicolo »


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Re: Allow unhappy dwarves to leave your fortress
« Reply #31 on: May 26, 2013, 02:13:02 pm »

Emigration would work, but for it be truly awesome it'd need economy working.
Pisskop's Reblancing Mod - A C:DDA Mod to make life a little (lot) more brutal!
drealmerz7 - pk was supreme pick for traitor too I think, and because of how it all is and pk is he is just feeding into the trollfucking so well.
PKs DF Mod!


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Re: Allow unhappy dwarves to leave your fortress
« Reply #32 on: May 27, 2013, 01:25:55 am »

I really like this idea. When/ if family and religious faction becomes a game mechanic, I can imagine that playing a role in who immigrates to your fort and who leaves when things get tough. This would  really add a new element to a dwarf's identity.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Allow unhappy dwarves to leave your fortress
« Reply #33 on: June 01, 2013, 11:13:21 am »

I like this idea quite a bit, provided there are ways to make dwarves stay. Something like, when a dwarf is on the verge of leaving, they will show up in a screen similar to the noble mandate screen, with a list of demands to make them stay, or supplies they want for their voyage. Extreme conditions (ultra unhappiness or such) might make them leave without getting their supplies, and meeting their demands could make them stay. Basically, I don't want my legendary army dwarves to just walk off the map without a chance at bribing them to stay around. Especially for vital, vital dwarves like the multi-legendary farmer that makes half your food, or the crafter responsible for your best exports.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Allow unhappy dwarves to leave your fortress
« Reply #34 on: June 02, 2013, 03:32:18 am »

Try to summarize thread idea to something logic.

General goal: keep fortress population by immigration and emigration. Without any population cap. Probably cap might be useful in some situations (roleplay, tests, etc.), but generally - only by migration.

Any dwarf have new scale "sedentism". Don't know is it really good title... Express dwarf's desire about migration. It split on three general states: "high" - dwarf want to stay in settlement, "middle/neutral" - there is some question about in his/her mind, "low" - dwarf want to leave settlement.

In "neutral" state dwarf "thinking" about leaving but do nothing of that.
In "low" state dwarf seeking opportunity to leave fortress. In general this state is similar to strange mood. Dwarf will be unhappy from any lost chance, in the end - tantrum or suicide (with very low sedentism scale and unhappiness). The difference is dwarf works as usual, except more long breaks, more drank booze.

New status: migrant. You have no control upon creature. There is no impression on sedentism. They don't work and usually gather in meeting areas or around other migrants. May steal food/drinks, if they lack of it (and it's possible for creature to filch, according to treats). This is a crime, so your police can arrest them and keep in cages :)

How your emigrants might leave you:
- Trade caravan. Of course leaving map (by most part) alive. And if there are free of any danger path to them (even through closed doors, bridges, etc.). In case of no path (walls, rivers, other interesting things) to caravan, this counts as "lost chance" and minus.
If caravan is on trade deport - dwarf will try to go to them and join. If caravan didn't reach your trade deport, when they say, they are soon to leave, dwarf will try to join them immediately. When dwarf is adopted by caravan, he/she becomes migrant.
About danger: dwarf looking on environment around his path, if there are dangerous creatures on every way - alas, you ought to stay here. No influence on sedentism in this chance.
Caravan can refuse your dwarf, there may be many reasons like
    - Race (elves - 70-90% refuse, humans - 30-50%, dwarf - also a few percent, for example)
    - Political relationships (war - near 100% refuse), if they are exiles - they take anyone with happiness, etc. Might override previous point.
    - Outdoor dangers. siege, wolfs, titans - all is ok, at least Urist may feed wolfs... But minus for necromancer and some evil biomes - there is no need in more one zombie. Might override previous points.
    - Dwarf profession. One more soldier? You are welcome. Legendary smith? We will be pleased by your joining! Might override previous points.
    - Too many migrants. Traders are not service of transporting people... (max 3-5) Might override previous points.

- Expedition of emigrants. Expedition may contain any persons looking for leaving your fortress. They will try to organize "expedition".
Expedition includes: expedition leader, sentinels, non-conflict collective.
They take along: some food, booze, cloth, work instruments, some of their belongings, probably a few valuables. Soldiers take their 'native' armor and gear. Leader don't need any social profession (but preferable) though must fit traits. Guards are essential, and there are lower bound depending on risk outside. Races there might be mixed (with absence of conflicts, of course). Some persons may not like obey other race's leader.

Forming. Needs at least leader candidate and one more creature. Otherwise (without leader or only one) they will just seek opportunities. Leader and all other members need not to be in (near) panic state (see below), tantrum, melancholy, strange mood.
While expedition is being formed, all dwarf which are a part of expedition become migrants. They gather in certain place (usually in meeting hall and don't change it while it's available!) and start preparing. Any fit dwarf can join any time.
There appears new scale: readiness of expedition. Includes: stuff (food, drink, cloths) and guards. More their desire to leave (less their sedintism), then lower edge of readiness. When readiness if higher then edge - expedition is ready to leave and tries to go out. From that moment it counts as "chance of leaving" for anyone among their numbers. Expedition don't adopt anyone starting from this moment.
They leave fortress only in full numbers (except dead/badly injured) and don't return in case of lack of something (guardians too).
All members lowers their sedentism, while preparing expedition, but bonus disappears with time, if expedition abandoned by this dwarf. That may cause drop of expedition or certain dwarfs.

- Party of emigrants. Basically it's like expedition, but: no leader, guards are not essential, all dwarfs have friendly, family or trustworthy relationships (not in-game term, it might depend on traits and in-game relationships). They take the same stuff as expedition in moment of leaving (no long preparations) and leave. Minimal size of party depends of outdoor danger, self-defense and sedentism rate.
Like to be with family/friends in one party and may wait some time for them. Might push out strangers in tendency to add friend/family member.
Rarely leave fortress alone.

- Panic flee. This is for person, who has: too low happiness, too low sedentism. They have one general thought: to go out of here. May abandon their belongings, pets, try to run through dangerous creatures (goblins, etc.). Also may try to escape through caves.
Have migrant status.
    -Near panic state: dwarf wandering around, don't work (eat, sleep, drink), probably have migrant status, chaotic draw items, etc.

There is some improvements.
Immigrants have migrant status. For 1-2 weeks - this dwarfs are "looking around". After the time any of them, who have high sedentism joining our ranks. Neutral have decreasing chance of joining. Low, accordingly, just want to go out.
Oh, of course, no 70-dwarfs waves, without reason!.. It might be better to make waves often, but certainly not in that numbers.

What's infusing our sedentism?

Permanent bonuses.

- "Last stand". Our brave starting 7 didn't get all this path along just to flee, like cowardly cobolds! Always have max sedentism.
- Immigrants have "+" to sedentism due their desire to live here. Disappears after time (after 1-2 weeks, see immigrants above).
- Noble idiocy. He wants to live HERE and nowhere else... Always max sedentism. Noble can change his mind and be apathetic (equals normal dwarf) or directed to leave your fortress (only caravans and expeditions, never has panic mood or use friend party).
- Specific reasons, like dwarf traveled towards another fortress, where hi/she want to live, ("-") or in other hand want to live here ("+").
- Ages of residence here. Only increasing with time. For example dwarf lived here ~10 years, may leave fortress only after some shocking accident (killed wife, massacre of all fortress...).
- Religion, cults, other worships of god, members of organization. All this give "+" depending on numbers (slowly increasing). Leaving any of them may give temporal "-".
- Something what dwarf like give "+" bonus. The same, destruction and disappearing of beloved object (and/or all of them) may give temporal "-". Artifacts also is in this category.
- Dwarf's victories. Killed titan, have engraving of own deeds, artifact, etc.
- Friends and family. They have serious influence on our poor dwarf, usually Urist get "+" from high "+"/0/"-" from neutral and "-" from low sedentism of folks. But this point might be very complicated due to relationships and personal treats.
- Casualties, deaths. This might take different effect due to personal traits, relationships and circumstances of death.
- Bad injuries. Have influence on family/friends. Might be "+" as well as "-" (for example, dwarf won't run on crunches to other fortress, because of fractured legs :)
- Fortress wealth. But with current mechanics it may cause some problems... I think wealth need to only shows current prosperity of fortress. Let's less dependence of created things (and wipe from goods, that is not on the map: traded, filched, destroyed), and increase - from working infrastructure (make it depend on statistics from last month, season, year, few years - in decreasing order). But it's another topic. Don't forget: wealth is divided between all dwarfs, and nobles want more % then simple labourer! How it works: basically, more dwarf skill/status - more wealth he wants (in absolute dwarfpoints). There might be dependence on traits too. According to this Urist gives +/-.
- Happiness. Might work as happiness statistic for last time.

Temporal reasons.
- War-like event. All courageous dwarfs give "+" ("We need to defend our fortress!"), but cowards give "-" ("I want to live in safer place").
- Out of supplies. No food/booze/water is more bad thing for fortress now. May cause massive emigration on the extreme edge of starvation/thirst. Immigrants take stare on your piles: they don't want either starve or thirst.
- No labour. Increasing "-" bonus in time. Smoothly diminishes when dwarf works. Don't stack while sleep, eat, drink, rest, out of mind. Don't work for migrant status.

Specific reasons.
Mayor is able to set immigration/emigration policy.

Immigration policy:

- "We don't need immigrants at all". Only "-". Override all others.
- "We need <number> of dwarfs of <profession> at least (not more, equal to) <number> level". If fit then "+".
- "We don't need <profession>". If fit then "-".
- "We need <number> of free hands (hauling)". According to labour levels and personal traits dwarf can accept ("+"/0/"-") or refuse.
- "We need <number> of free hands". Actually, it lets any job, but give no guarantee to dwarf about where precisely he will work. Only 0/"-". More experienced in one profession dwarfs get more "-".
- "We need <number> of soldiers". Similar to previous point. There may be split by military skills too.
- "Nobles? GO OUT OF HERE!!111!1" (on/off). May cause serious politics problems. But eliminates noble's immigration at all :)

Emigration policy.
In general it's not so policy about migration, but liberties and limitations.

- "Dwarfs (of <profession> at least (not more, equal to) <number> level, certain dwarf) give (at least, not more, equal to) (quality, quantity) bedroom/dining room/booze/food/breaks/etc". Sweet dream :P To seduce legendary worker and evict idiots...
- "We want (<you>, dwarfs of <profession> (at last, not more, equal to) <number> level) to leave". Give serious "-" to sedetism. Might also be in form of forcing command (push out even if dwarf don't want to leave after getting minus). Exile command, you discussed above :)

Caravans and emigrants spread rumors about last seen protocol (both emigration and immigration), so it might influence your future migration sets (!)

Finally end... This is only basis, but what do you think about? Any constructive critics and suggestions are welcome.
Sorry for many mistakes above: my English is bad and I'm not English-speaking person.
If you found some mistakes - correct me, if you don't understand - ask me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Allow unhappy dwarves to leave your fortress
« Reply #35 on: June 02, 2013, 03:58:04 pm »

To add to your suggestion (to which I thoroughly applaud) the option to choose the punishment dished out by the sheriff / hammerer to include exile from the fortress would be a super idea.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Allow unhappy dwarves to leave your fortress
« Reply #36 on: June 03, 2013, 09:11:58 pm »

Unhappy dwarves deciding to leave the fortress could certainly add 'fun'.
One of the current possible way for a fort to end is the tantrum spiral. If dwarves leaving the fortress could cause a chain reaction of abandonment, we may have a new way the fortress could end: The 'Forget it, I'm leaving' domino.

Urist mcRunning has abandoned the fortress! x43
The fortress has been completely abandoned!
Game over

Also, what about using this on military dwarves to make them desert if they are facing overwhelming odds like a coincidental simultaneous invasion by a forgotten beast and twenty pages of goblins?


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Re: Allow unhappy dwarves to leave your fortress
« Reply #37 on: June 05, 2013, 03:01:47 am »

The Guards are trained professionals and wouldn't leave cause of something silly like 20 Goblins and a Forgotten Beast. They call that a light workout, if decently equipped. The elites are battle hardened and don't give a cats ass about hardly anything. in fact, they take joy in a slaughter. Not having adequate facilities or armament might work though. Or, being given orders from the High General to join the main Dwarven Army
Deepblade's Standardized Creature Parts, for when you're pissed about all the different types of animal products there are.

Urist Mc Dwarf

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Re: Allow unhappy dwarves to leave your fortress
« Reply #38 on: June 05, 2013, 02:41:41 pm »

He meant 200000000000 goblins

Rogue Yun

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Re: Allow unhappy dwarves to leave your fortress
« Reply #39 on: June 06, 2013, 12:14:56 am »

I don't understand this game as well as I would like... but here is an idea.

Maybe certain dwarves should respond to certain traits. Some dwarves have some sort of adventure trait and they enjoy difficult times and living life in/on the wild side.  The first 7 dwarves in the expedition should probably have this automatically. These dwarves will leave forts that show no signs of adventure (don't get their chance to fight goblins/bears/wearbeasts etc).

While other dwarves have a very low adventure trait and like living quiet lives of solitude and peace and these kind don't like meeting goblins and berserk dwarven child ghosts. These would leave when things got too uppity.

And maybe there is a dwarf with a trait that gives him a sense of community and these would never leave no matter what happened. (maybe these ones turn into friendly ghosts when they die!...nah!)

Maybe it should be also that dwarves tend to leave when they are idle too often. (Dwarves are "short, sturdy creatures fond of drink and industry") Why would a dwarf want to stay where there is no booze and nothing to do?

Dwarves might be more apt to leave if they have access to a wagon/horses/backpacks/water flasks/food/caravans and other such items suitable for long distance travel.

Good jobs for the adventure driven dwarf would be ranger, military, etc. And would enjoy being outdoors and seeing new things/creatures.

While the non adventure driven dwarf would prefer to be a gem crafter or clothier.   What do you all think?

.:Simple Mood 16x16 ASCII:.
Keep it Simple. Keep it Safe.

Dwarf Kitty

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Re: Allow unhappy dwarves to leave your fortress
« Reply #40 on: June 06, 2013, 05:13:15 am »

The diplomats who approach your fortress to set trade agreements could also take those migration orders, or bring with them others to do that.
Urist McMayor could tell the diplomats that he needs more Miners, or more military dwarves, or more warm bodies.
The dwarf diplomat could in turn ask for certain professions and skills of their own, and ask permission to recruit X number of dwarves, maybe specifying what they need.
Happiness in current fort, needing to get away from criminal punishment, and perhaps better wages when the economy is in place will factor into recruitments on both sides.  There certainly could be some spontaneous, unrequested migrants joining up.
Dwarfs who are leaving would pack up their things in a large bag or backpack and then leave with the caravan.  Migrants who come on request would best come in the next couple of migrant waves, alongside what other random dwarves the game comes up with.  Oh, and requested migrants would have a better chance of coming up with legendary dwarfy vampires and werebeasts if they meet the criteria.   ;D
Another way is for one deeply unsatisfied dwarf to declare, "I'm leaving this accursed place!  Who's coming with me?"  He refuses to do all jobs beyond satisfying his own needs for food and drink and rest.  The unhappiest dwarves (limited to a certain percentage of population to reduce fort decimation by abandoment) then decide to join him in a week's time.  Those that do join him gather their own stuff, and their pets, and some unclaimed tame animals roaming around, just like the incoming migrant waves.
Remaining dwarves who knew the migrants would experience a feeling of loss that's less than that from death, but would have a similar if lesser lingering pang.  Since relationship data persists, it would then be easy to erase this pang of loss if/when the departed dwarf returns.  Having friends still in the original fort would be a good incentive to return after a while.
Menaces with swipes of claw.
Meows with rumbles of purr.

A cute fluffy little creature fond of idle games, DF, and writing.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Allow unhappy dwarves to leave your fortress
« Reply #41 on: June 15, 2013, 10:50:45 am »

Hmm +1 for brilliant but how about this:

Mayor McDwarf has demanded an expedition be sent out and has selected Urist McDwarf to lead it
(Adds a squad with 6 empty slots with Urist McDwarf as the leader)
Fill it in or else Urst is getting a date with the Hammerer....

How about a pissed off dwarf fleeing the city "Urist McDwarf has fled the fortress!" only to return 10 years later with an army of rebel dwarves!

"Urist McDwarfs father has pass away at Somefort McFort. He and his family are returning to Somefort McFort to take over the family business and will be leaving with the next caravan."

"The mountain home is drafing an army and has requested 10 of your male dwarves be drafted and dispatch immediately to help with the war effort!" (They may or may not return after a few years but if they do, they come back with combat experience)

The possibilities are endless, fun, and awesome!

I think this should be merged into a thread simply "Emigration Mechanics" with Unhappy as an emigration scenario.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Allow unhappy dwarves to leave your fortress
« Reply #42 on: June 15, 2013, 11:39:55 pm »

Personally, I expect your civilization's wars against the goblins will consume a lot of dwarves.

And what better way to deal with unhappy dwarves than to let the goblins deal with their rage?

Of course, if you only send random angry peasants off to the royal army, then the goblins might win some battles and end up on your doorstep.


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Re: Allow unhappy dwarves to leave your fortress
« Reply #43 on: July 21, 2015, 02:57:15 pm »

In order for this to work properly (or better), as pointed out we would need the economy back. But what's better, we would need to have independent, kind of NPC citizens that come and go about their pleasure, and they would compose the majority of your fortress. Sure you could have the government forges, mines and what not, but the "private" sector could be responsible for the majority of the stuff in the fortress, depending on how feudal you feel.

I'm curious as to how a tank would evolve. Would it climb out of the primordial ooze wiggling it's track-nubs, feeding on smaller jeeps before crawling onto the shore having evolved proper treds?
My ship exploded midflight, but all the shrapnel totally landed on Alpha Centauri before anyone else did.  Bow before me world leaders!
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