I'm sure everyone watches a film or movie once in a while, so I thought I'd start a thread where we can share what we watched and whether we liked it or not. This could help decide if a movie is worth watching or not or maybe pull our attention to something we haven't heard of before.
I didn't find a thread like this, which I think is strange. Seems like if there was one, it's pretty much dead right now...
The film was [good/bad].
[Any notes, like where/how you watched it]
[Actual review in spoilers, if you want]
- The films don't have to be currently going in cinemas, it can be anything you saw recently.
- Where I wrote [good/bad], I really do mean good or bad only. This way, we can avoid getting some people overhyped about a film. It could mean 'okay' or it could mean 'excellent', but leave that for the review in spoilers. Viewing a film with a pre-established picture in mind generally ruins it, at least for me.
- If your review includes spoilers, please note that, preferable in the spoiler tag or before it. Or better yet, write it in a separate spoiler.
- Even if a film has been written about by someone else, feel free to mention it again. You could also quote the good/bad verdict from previous posters.
- For clarification: Good means "it's worth watching" or "it doesn't feel like wasted time/money", without any ifs or buts. If you think it can only be enjoyed by say, "old school sci-fi fans", then write that in without spoilers, so long as it doesn't give much more info about the film than whether you enjoyed it or not.
- Discussion of films shouldn't happen here, make a new topic for that.
Don't forget, these are all personal opinions and people may not have the same experience!
Now then, let me start off:
Title - Jurassic World
It was a good movie.
I watched it dubbed in Hungarian, in 3D, in cinema.
I didn't think I would like it much based on the trailers, but it turns out they are quite misleading in some points. It's mostly a nostalgia run, but it has its own variations and ideas which balance it out well, like the fourth wall breaking Take Thats to the viewers. Of course it's not Jurassic Park 1, but it does a good job of entertaining you and I would definitely recommend it. I don't get what problems people have with CGI and why non-feathered not-accurate-to-the-smallest-detail dinosaurs cause, they fit perfectly into the movie.
On the note of 3D: I didn't realise it much, but that could also be because they made it seem natural for most of the film. I'll have to pass on that.