You put down several of the undead before the horde begins to attack as one but when they all attack you the big demon on the pile looks up from the book while chanting. He stares you in the eyes and the air around you becomes thick with evil. He continues chanting while staring into your soul and the dead are gone. The city is gone. The ground is gone. There is only fire and the thick air. He stops chanting. There is no pile, no book. Only you and the major demon. You feel your scars burn and they burn brightly. A moment later your heretical armor has appeared into your flesh, two batons in your hands, and a helmet over your head, your angelic wings are gone and there are only silver lines or the edge of the wings left. The demon is now dressed in great spiked armor of flames. It's figure inside the armor is black. You speaks gently but menacingly,"I knew one of you would come one day. To finaly end my reign of this town but never did I think this would happen till Hardemon was gone. The one who rules this region. We shall fight for this place for this is mine. You shall not defeat me."
((To use the batons just specify what weapon or type of shield you want them to be. Just the weapon no enchantments or other things those will randomly generate onto them. So if you want a wall shield and a spear just say "turn the batons into a wall shield and a spear" inside of your post. Ask any questions you might have, right now can also be used to talk to the demon. Remember this is do what you want to an extent so you could even try to get the demon to join your side if you want. The purpose of your mission is to take away major demon's powers not necisarily kill them, though the conventional method of hunting them is killing them all you need to do is take away their power to control people/things)