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Author Topic: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)  (Read 37747 times)


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #195 on: February 17, 2015, 07:10:43 pm »

Oh, to be fair, I'm very much used to simply clicking on things to cycle through the views. Items, characters, workshops, etc. Never actually took the time to ''k'' the problem. and I approve, the forges are indeed epic. Nevermind my whinning, I get very in character when I take over a save. Don't take anything I say too seriously.

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And now, everyone dies.

*   *   *
The sixth princess

     The young princess was restless. A few hours ago, from the caverns, came something much worse than the mere sounds of battle. It was the fisherdwarf Atir who found the body, mangled and stashed behind a corner of the mine. Taupina could hardly look. Her sister, once pretty, was now hardly recognizable.

Tholthig was crying, her Lord Father was furious. ''I will have his head!'' he roared, speaking of the now baron. Not a day after Deus Asmoth had become the truthful Lord of Cactusson, his wife had gone missing. ''He must have killed her so she couldn't speak up about Mother!'' Atis said. The truth was probably not far off, agreed the king's cousins, gathered in the upper chambers.

The new baron had dismissed their accusations when confronted, of course. ''She was mad with grief, from the day she heard about her poor mother. The goblin attacks must have been the final blow to her sanity''. Lord Asmoth was guilty, of that the King's relatives were certain, yet none of the lowborn would believe it. to them, Their niece Taupe had been the crazy one, working them to the bone and depriving them of drinks and food until they did as she commanded. None of them had a second of rest since she took over. ''The moment she saw two of us taking a break in a patch of sand, she'd dispatch us to work on the roof, all day long, without water. I almost died from sunburns. The stone melts your skin when you spend too much time there!'' Lord Asmoth was seen as a quiet and charming young noble, the common folks agreed. If anyone had any reason to kill the Princess, it was one of them, not the baron.

Taupina knew not what to think off all this. for months now she had been fed the conspiracies and suspicions of her Lord Father, his grace. One could argue, however, that the old King was not what he used to be after the death of his wife. He is broken, and he seeks to put the blame of mother's death on someone. In truth, the young princess had not seen her sister in many years, when they were both younger. Even back then, Taupe had always been a bit spoiled, and prone to fits of rage. The sixth princess doubted that overseeing this hellhole could have improved her mood in the slightest.

She left the room, and Tholthig followed, before venturing off somewhere. The young princess was going back in forth along the Lone cactus halls when she came face to face with the baron, Lord Asmoth.

''Your grace, he said, I urge you to return to your chambers! It is not safe to be alone. Not now with the goblins outside our walls. ''

There was some sense in these words. Outside, in the sandy valley, she could see little dots running away from what she assumed to be goblins on the horizon. The greenskins would be here any minute now. She could hear a commotion behind the walls; screams of anger, screams of pain. The baron looked through the non-window, and on his face concern turned to horror. she could hear the sound of metal against flesh, and the whistling of arrows piercing the air. Then she heard the last thing she wanted to hear from there. a single female voice, imploring:

''Tholthig, no! Come back!''

Her blood froze. Her brother was nowhere to be seen. The foolish prince must had wandered outside. ''My brother! Tholthig!''. Deus asmoth tried to regain his composure. He put his hand on her shoulder. ''Your highness, there is nothing you can do. Armok will see him to safety, if he is merciful. you must go to your room now!'' She would have none of it. Tholthig was reckless, and still a child. He didn't understand the true meaning of death. He would not listen to reason. He would only listen to her. She had to go. she freed herself from the baron's grip and ran outside. The gate was open. People were storming in, while goblins were climbing up the hills, shooting at whatever was closest. People were still calling her brother's name. ''Tholthig! Tholthig!'' she had to save him. She stepped outside the gate, calling for her young sibbling. ''Tholthig! where are you?''

She ran for some time, she couldn,t tell how long. she past the corpse of her uncle Zuglarkun, lying in the sand, an arrow sticking out of his eye. Still, she ran, and screamed her brother's name. An old man's voice responded, faint and scared. An elderly dwarf was standing on the floor, his tunic filled with red and gore. ''Run, little girl! There is nothing you can do for old Tholthig! Save yourself!''. It was the wrong Tholthig. they weren't calling for her brother, but for this old woodcutter caught outside by the sieging forces.

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Taupina looked back toward the gate. It was too late: the microcline bridge was already raising. There was no time to run back inside. And then she saw them. Her brother, atop the lonely cactus, staring at the battlefield. And Deus Asmoth The Lord of Cactusson stood behind the wall, amidst the confusion, ignored by all. He had been the one to pull the lever, sealing her fate. then she fell a piercing pain in her side, and suddenly her chest was red, and wet, and hot, and her vision blurred.

*   *   *
Spoiler: OOC note: (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 07:16:30 pm by Taupe »


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #196 on: February 17, 2015, 10:16:21 pm »

The Toothslayer

     Captain Rovod tried to gather the troops near the eastern gate. The situation north was hopeless, and already a lot of good dwarves had fallen. The goblins could climb the wall, and that would be their doom, but there was the chance that they'd storm the last gate instead. That was their only hope. Their foes would have to climb up the hill, walk around the wall, and turn the corner to enter Murderflood proper. by doing so, they would lose part of their ranged advantage. Most of the soldiers were panicked, or lost, or unprepaired. Not Cerol Toothslayer. Before anyone, she was standing on the bridge, ready to defend it with her life.

Her brother Zuglarkun had fallen in the northern skirmish, and two members of the squad were shot dead before they could regroup. One princess had gone missing, the other was recently found dead. TheFlame52 was headed for the forges, but there was no hope of getting anything in time. Nobody else would save this fort. The Tootslayer stood alone against the green tide.

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Gnott QT rushes inside the gates at the last moment. Behind him, only a farmer remains alive. the goblins are hot on their toes. The ex-mayor catches his breath, and reports what he has seen. It doesn't look good. 6 more deaths, that puts the death toll to about 15 so far.

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''You won't like it much beter inside, sir.
-What the hell is going on in here? Why isn't the army mobilizing to defend this outpost?
-It's a mess, QT. The princess is dead, The baron is being locked in his room. What's more, the King has come, with all his family. This is a disaster. Everything is in shambles. nobody is in charge anymore.''

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''Well, respond Gnott QT, I am now. Call me mayor, if you will, or better call me not and hold this gate while I fetch some more soldiers.

Cerol was from a wealthy and noble family, which affored her an early military education. While some of her relatives climbed into the higher spheres of power, she learned the ropes of dicipline, and duty. The royal family had been foolish enough to come here at the worst possible time, with buckets of oil on their shoulders to feed the fires, but it was her duty to defend them regardless. To fight, not to judge. And fight she would soon. The farmer rushes inside the fort, and the Toothslayer activates the lever at the last second, slamming one of the archer back into the sand with a loud ''twomp''. She gives the lever another shot. She's going outside. She jumps on the bridge as it lowers, pointing her spear at the oppoent, and slides down the microcline slope to meet her fate.

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The first goblin is too close to react. He tries to shoot the angry dwarf down, but she is sliding down the reclining bridge, making her a tough target. They meet face to face, and Cerol stabs her opponent's hand trough and through, rendering his bow useless. the goblin fights back for a time, but Cerol is fierce, if poorly armored. She leaps in the air, and lands her spear into her opponent's chest, running him deep. The goblin struggle for a moment, but Cerol pushes against the iron spear, lodging it deep into the goblin's body.

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She could end it now, but she keeps twisting instead, as the goblin retches and convulses. ''That's for my brother...''

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She leaves her foe to bleed out, or run out of air. Another goblin is already upon her, charging at the Toothslayer. A dwarf is not so easily tossed aside, however. Cerol takes the charge upfront, and pushes her opponent back. She tries to finish him off quickly, landing a few blows to the head. That won't do. The goblin is wearing an iron helmet. ''His body armor is only leather, tho'', she thinks as she runs her spear through her enemy's guts. Block, lunge, stab, twist. rinse, repeat. Spear combat isn't so hard if you can read your opponent, and go for his weak points. She must finish this one quickly, before his friend lands a good shot.

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The goblin fall on its knees. Cerol toothslayer wastes no time, and lands her spear inbetween the iron helm's cracks, filling it with the brain matter of the wearer. The third goblin is gaining some distance, but he won't go far. Cerol grabs a crossbow, and pin his leg. ''Not so fast...!!'', she announces as she toss the crossbow aside, walking toward the goblin. A single strike is all it would take, but instead she stabs, twist, and push. Then again.

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Captain Rovod is back with the recruits. they find the Tootlslayer, standing alone on a bloodsoaked bridge, amidst the corpses of her foes. ''What's the situation?'' she asks her captain. ''Gnott QT has taken command while the royal family sort their business. He's dispatched one of the McUrists to tend the wounded. He also said to give you this if i found you alive.'' Captain rovod toss the speardwarf a small metal icon, bearing the symbol of the decisive net engraved upon a small winged shield. ''Champion?'' asks Cerol. The recruits nod in approval. Yet there is no time to celebrate. ''There are still some goblins to the north. The vigils atop the lone cactus saw them retreating, but if we rush downhill and open the gate, we can catch up and slay a few.''

The north gate is lowered, and the militia wanders outside. It's not pretty. On the ground lie the still warm bodies of old Tholthig, as well as Princess Taupe's young sister. Too much royal blood has been spilled here. It was folly to come to this place, Rith.She could scorn her cousin all she wanted for showing up in this place, but the fact would remain unchanged. They were now stuck in this settlement until the end of the war against the Crimson Poison. She had saved the King and all of Murderflood today, but this was only the first skirmish. three goblins dead, fifteen dwarves gone. We can still kill a few, lessen their numbers.

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Cerol toothslayer rushes downhill, where she spots a goblin trying to run away. Captain Rovod fires a few shots, allowing her to close in for the kill. The recruits follow closely behind, but they are still wet behind the ears. it's obvious that none of them would ever run ahead of her. And this was only a lone, retreating goblin. They'll need more than a little training.

''Do you think they'll come back, milady? asks a foolish miliiadwarf.
-The real question is, will we be ready...''

They walk back to the outpost in silence. The littered corpses of their friends lie in the desert. none of them were ever prepared to face so many deaths when they were drafted for training. there is nothing to say, really. they all know now that, unless they improve, the next goblin siege will be the last. Once they announce that the last goblin has been driven away, the bridges are lowered once more, and civilians rush outside to gather the bodies. Gnott QT turns to Ghills, a sad look on his face. ''We'll need some coffins. A lot more.''

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #197 on: February 18, 2015, 04:04:29 am »

Well, of course I didn't kill my wife. That wasn't on the cards until she became queen. I can live with being Peter, though.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #198 on: February 18, 2015, 05:24:19 am »

Truly an epic next fight for the mighty Toothslayer.


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #199 on: February 19, 2015, 04:37:21 pm »

The royal smith

     The magma forges were pulsing with action. Of the many pillars blocking access to the hot liquid below, 5 had been opened so far. There was much to be done, and TheFlame52 had requested some apprentices from the baron, who had been eager to provide her with a few helping hands. The bookeeper GRRM was among them, as the royal smith had been put in charge of managing the army's inventory.

''That's 4 iron spears, a copper battle axe, and a wooden spear. We are stahed in terms of crossbow, however, read the bookkeeper.
-With 8 soldiers, and possibly more to be drafted soon, we'll be short on melee weapons, The Flame commented. I'll be sure to make some iron swords once those plates are done''

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Within a few weaks, the 10 iron breastplates had been finished, more than enough to outfit their current militia. The baron had insisted that they make some more iron mail shirts, for a crossbowdwarf squad. 3 helmets were scavenged from the goblins, but they had been wielding bows, not axes. The helmets were patched easily enough by the royal smithess, but there was a great need for more swords and axes. That meant more ore. furnace operators had been instructed to melt some tetrahedrite, which would provide them with copper at least, as well as silver. Iron was best kept for important pieces, or for making steel, so it would be a good idea to craft boots and gauntlets out of copper, at least for now.

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On her daily trips to the forges, The Flame could see the engravers hard at work, smoothing the catacomb. The overseer princess had been inadvertantly buried with the commoners, but her younger sister now rested in her own tomb. It pained the smith to know that a member of the royal family rested in such a way. No doubt, it was a way for the commoners to spite the royals: few of them were happy to see the pretty rooms they so dutifully built under the roasting sun be handed away to the newcomers. Her cousins had been eager to grab the choiciest bedrooms, leaving most of the fort sleeping in a windowless common room on the third floor.

And cousins, she had many. Thanks to a strange wedding between her mother and father, TheFlame, fifty second royal blacksmith, was the cousin of every single member of the royal family, on both side. the king were her cousin. the king's daughters and sons were her cousins. It was hard to keep track. It did, however, come with some perks, as nobody dared refuse when she requested the title she now holds. She had been doubtful when the king requested that they all visit Murderflood, but her presence here in these time of need was now a blessing. The forges were crude in terms of fashion, but definitely large and able to host the greatest of metal industry of the kingdom, in time. She was told the designer had fallen victim to his own creation, giving his life to gift them the hot blood of Armok. She was glad to know that he had been memorialized in the middle of the dinning hall.

Speaking of which, the dinning hall! It was a spacious area, for sure, but non-engraved, and full of mismatched chairs and tables. Copper and iron were best kept for outfitting the army, but silver was meant to enlighten the halls of a fortress. She saw that they could spare a few bars, and thus created 4 silver statues. Two for the baron's office, and two for the dinning hall. There would be more, in time. For now, she should probably focus on the swords.

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The statues laid there in the forge, with nobody to move them. She was told that most of the outpost was busy carrying logs back to the courtyard, for an attempt at soap production, and mass-production of bins and barrels, had left them lacking of wood. She worked so hard on those statues! did nobody care to haul them to the surface? I bet they are afraid of the beasts. Recently a third creature had claimed the caverns as its domain. This one she had not seen, but she could hear. It was close, very close, lurking right underneath the forges themselves. TheFlame was quite used to the monster noises. when she got really focused, she often found herself banging the smith's hammer to the rhytm of the clashing bangs coming from the depths. Beasts were as lava to her: a terrifying and deadly thing, yet soothing and harmless when caution was taken.

GRRM was done with the inventory, and he had moved upstairs to pillage and sort through the looted clothes, and reassigning the deads' belongings. Words was that the barracks were to be set on the second floor of the warehouse, where the armors and weapons were kept. Nobody had created a wood or rock weapon rack as of yet, tho. Wood was still hauled back inside, and people were too lazy to carry the boulders upstairs at the time. Meat was running low, and so was fish, so they had butchered a few boars, in preparation for the ceremony...

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Their Champion, Cerol Toothslayer, was to be officially proclaimed as such on the last day of the year. She had received her badge, but a real celebration was in order, her yoral cousin Rith had decided. ''Some feast will be welcome, after such tragic moments'', he had added. TheFlame had hoped that her silver statues would be unveiled on this occasion, but they still sat unhauled in a corner. A shame. Booze and roasted boar were served, and dwarves lowborn and royal danced and cheered in the lone cactus for their champion. At the peek of the event, the Toothslayer was handed the artefact Mat Luk, a beautiful skirt decorated with opals.

*   *   *

The bookkeeper

George was sitting at his desk, overseing a fine roasted boar chop, leftover from yesterday's feast. He was almost done putting all the files and numbers from the last year in order. There was a lot, but GRRM was sort of used to sitting alone in a room and writting down stuff. Language was his passion. Words were his friends. The tragedies and deaths of the fort meant little to him, until he was able to romanize them and put them in words. Gnott QT would be here any minute now. The bookeeper shared his office with 2 others, but they were seldom there. the milicia commander had little use for his desk, and the broker spent most of his time in the warehouse sorting which goods he'd sell next season. Maybe I'll suggest moving his office there as well, so I get this place for myself...

Gnott QT entered his office at once, obviously in a rush. Dutifully, the bookkeeper handed over the piles of files he had prepared. there was a lot. Enough to compare with a manuscript, some would say.

''No, no, no. George, we talked about this. i just want the numbers, and like, a list of how much food we have left. I don't need a fucking novel about what you think everyone is going through in this fort.
-That's... I figured you'd love to read it?
-I'm busy, George. I need to be able to sort through information quickly. this... Are you seriously including a narration of TheFlame52's thoughts on the forgotten beasts with your military supply report? That's... not very useful, George...''

The mayor was definitely annoyed, and now the bookeeper was too. He had worked hard to make these, pooring his heart and soul into his narrative reports. How could Gnott QT discard his work so easily? His gaze wandered and came back to the roasted chop. I bet it's getting cold now. Yet another disapointment to add to this day's story...

''...And stop that. With the weird look. I know you're mentally narrating all this in your head, as we speak. Don't. Just give me the save, George. I need it to do my work.
-Fine, there it is.
-Ok, what's the version?
-It says so on the page!
-No, you just wrote ''The princess is dead, and so is the princess. GRRM hands over the final paperworks to the mayor Gnott QT, who is to act as overseer for the following year...'' That's what I'm talking about George. I don't care about this. I just need the file version.
-Oh... hum... 40.24
-Now was it that hard?''
« Last Edit: February 19, 2015, 05:03:11 pm by Taupe »


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #200 on: February 19, 2015, 10:16:52 pm »

1) can I run a year here?
2) can I be dwarfed as a "minion"
You can't make an omelette without melting a few dwarves...
The purple overseer hat weights heavily on one's head. Some would argue that the leadership of Doomforest is uneasy to bear for too long. Others would simply suggest that we don't craft the next overseer hat out of rutile.


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #201 on: February 22, 2015, 12:11:17 pm »

(Will commence my turn very soon.)


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #202 on: March 10, 2015, 08:43:11 pm »

This thread is cursed.


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #203 on: March 11, 2015, 06:56:00 pm »

By 'very soon', I obviously meant 'after I get bogged down with a million other things'. Can we skip my turn? I'm currently running two forum games and I've got a lot of work I have to do as well. Sorry!


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #204 on: March 11, 2015, 06:57:44 pm »

I'll poke Urist McKiwi. Hopefully someone in this thread is still alive.

PS: The OP seems dead as all balls right now. Should I just start a new thread, so we have some semblance of management over this thing?
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 07:02:41 pm by Taupe »

Urist McKiwi

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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #205 on: March 11, 2015, 10:09:18 pm »

Never fear! I am here!

.....didn't expect to get PM'd about this, honestly....I'd thought this fort dead long ago. Or that I'd just been skipped. No matter!

I'll see about getting the save on the weekend and maybe giving it a shot. If the frame-rate isn't too awful and I can fit it in around General Postgrad Stuff, I might be able to get something going.

...Once I remember how to play this thing. It's been a while. I'll need to update my game version.

Replacing the thread may be necessary if we can't get the OP updated. It gets clunky trying to manage stuff further down the thread.


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #206 on: March 11, 2015, 10:29:17 pm »

We are going to move over to this new thread, because being able to update the main page with new quotes, turn updates, and dwarfing requests is actually pretty fun. I highly suggest that everyone move over there this instant. (or, as befits Murderflood, within the next two months possibly)


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Re: Murderflood: OPERATION PIMPSTACK (Ardentdikes III)
« Reply #207 on: September 22, 2015, 11:45:55 pm »

Hey, looking to be dorfed as Blitz Gamer, Traveller, weapon smith. pls n ty
edit: oops
Microline for everyone!
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