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Author Topic: Giving Dennis Blue Balls - a Custom Robo Arena let's play  (Read 7745 times)


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Re: Giving Dennis Blue Balls - a Custom Robo Arena let's play
« Reply #15 on: January 20, 2016, 07:06:01 am »

Knowing if this was real life... all the robos would be the same one with slight alterations :P

This is why sometimes fiction is better then real life.

A Thing

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Randall's inevitable slaying
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2016, 04:00:45 pm »

Naw, she'll only try and murder us for our

I think it is more likely that she will murder us for both.
Wasteland 1 & 2
"Power Couple: Markus Athing & Cyborg 45"

Makes me curious, can cyborgs have future babies too?
On the offchance they can, I know who I want my daddy to be
(finished)Age of Decadence


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Re: Giving Dennis Blue Balls - a Custom Robo Arena let's play
« Reply #17 on: April 23, 2016, 12:11:12 pm »

Holy fuckamoly, I didn't even do a second page of updates before forgetting about this.  Damn I work fast.  Well, I got nothing better to do since the 3rd quarter ended, so I might as well do something I enjoy instead of learning the social and ethical responsibilities of programming, or what metaphor Tennessee Williams had shoved up his ass.

After awakening from our laziness-induced coma, apparently Dio's been fucking around since nobody seems to have moved an inch.
Liv: "Supposedly."
Dennis: "Really?!  Oh, I get it, the Robo Cup is coming up soon.  He's gotta defend his champion title, right?  Yay!  There're so many things I want Eddy to teach me!"
Dickie: "I wouldn't mind battling with Eddy again, either."  I mean considering how I(apparently) kicked your ass, it'd just seem like an encore.
Dennis: "I wonder if Eddy has gone pro... I would think a Robo Cup champ would be in high demand.  You heard anything, Liv?"
Liv: "How the heck should I know?!  As soon as he won, he went overseas and left me behind!"  What a dick.  Well, now I have a legitimate reason to turn his robo into scrap.
Dennis: "Yikes!  S-sorry, Liv.  Sorry to touch on a sore spot."
Liv: "Listen, would you just forget about Eddy already?!  You're making such a big deal out of it, it's getting boring.  Come on, let's go home now."  Forget about the champ?!  That's like telling me to forget about Mango, or... uhh... Mango.

And I guess Liv's the boss, since everyone else decides we're leaving too.
Dickie: "Come back soon, Randall.  I hope we get to battle again!"
Tanya: "Be careful on your way home.  I heard there's been an increase in renegade commanders lately."  As cool as that SOUNDS, it probably isn't.
Liv: "No worries.  After all, I've got Dennis and Randall with me, don't I?"  Whatever you say...

Not a second passes after we leave the tsentr before we have to stop.

Liv: "Oh, wait, I forgot!  Randall doesn't know where the parts shop is."
Dennis: "Oh, you're right!  Now that he's a commander, Randall will want to stop by there."
Liv: "Yup.  Dennis and I will show you how to get there."

We head across the street, to a store with PARTS written in front.
Liv: "This is a parts shop.  As you can see, you can buy all sorts of parts here!"  Then we're let loose in the parts shop, to buy pretty dresses for our robo or something.

Nothing really stood out, so I didn't buy anything.  Although, considering the power behind these little dudes parts are REALLY cheap.  Ranging from the lofty heights of $5 to an incredible $6.

We all agree to head home for the day, and by home, I mean MY home.
Liv: "I've got an idea, Randall.  Why don't we go hang out at your house?  It'll be fun."  I don't want to go to jail.
Dennis: "That's a good idea.  But I don't want to impose on you, Randall.  Do you feel like hanging out at your place?"  Surprisingly, we get a yes/no box for this.  What is this, Persona: Knock-off Gundams edition?  I hit no, after accidentally save-stating instead of loading.  After forgetting which house is mine, I end up in Liv's "house".

I don't think a combination bedroom and study counts as a house.

We find our house and head in to see our parents and sister hanging out.

Mom:"Welcome home, Randall.  Oh, I see you brought some friends."
Tamara: "Well, don't just stand there!  Come on, introduce us already!"
Liv: "Hi.  I'm Liv.  Pleased to meet you!"
Dennis: "Hi, I'm Dennis."
Tamara: "I'm Tamara, but lots of people call me Tama.  I'm Randall's big sister.  Nice to meet you."
Mom:"Hello there."
Dad: "Pleased to meet you two.  Here, why don't you have a seat."
Liv: "Oh, right, thanks.  Heh heh."
Dennis: "Th-thank you..."
We all sit at the table, since apparently this is an official business meeting.

Dad: "I'm glad that you've made friends already.  After all, it's only been two days, Randall."
Liv: "Randall actually just joined our custom robo team, the Numero Unos."  God, is it really still called that?  I thought we renamed it to the "Randall Kicks Ass" team.
Dad: "So you're custom robo kids too."
Liv: "Yeah, and our team is so tiny, we almost had to disband.  Luckily for us, Randall joined just in time."
Dennis: "Yep, Randall is talented, all right."  You know it.
Dad: "Oh, reeeaally!"
Liv: "Yeah!  He's gonna represent our team in the school tournament tomorrow."  Yea-wait what?  Oh yeah, the tournament.  On the third day of school.  Huh.
Tamara: "Wow, that's great, Randall.  You're really getting on track to fulfilling your goals."
Dennis: "What goals are those?"  Y'know, I feel like we could have faded to black a while ago and implied that conversation happened without missing anything.  But I guess the game doesn't agree.
Mom:"Randall's goal is to win the Robo Cup tournament and join the International Police Corps."
Liv: "It is?!  I can't believe it!  That's exactly the same as mine!!  I mean, the part about joining the International Police Crops"
Dad: "Well, I wish both of you luck in making your dreams come true."
Tamara: "Wait...  You said your name is Liv?  You seem very familiar to me...  Oh, I remember now!  You were support for last year's Robo Cup champion, right?!"
Liv: "Uh, yeah..."
Tamara: "Wow!  This is so cool!  I watched last year's tournament from start to finish!"
Dad: "Wow, Randall!  You've really got yourself one heck of a team!"
Dennis: "Um... it's not really much of a team right now..."  What are you talking about?  We've got me... uhh... yeah I see what you're saying now.
Mom:"A champion, huh!  Wow!  And cute to boot!"
Liv: "Well... I wouldn't go THAT far.  I was only support after all.  Heh heh heh."
Dennis: "Notice how she cleverly dodged the 'cute' issue?  Heh heh heh!"
Liv: "DENNIS!"
Tamara: "What's your champion brother been up to, anyway?  Do you think he'd give me his autograph?"
Liv: "He's currently overseas.  Some sort of special training."
Tamara: "Bummer.  Oh well."
Dad: "It's nice to see young people who are so interested in custom robo.  You see, Tamara and I are both custom robo developers."  How convenient, our dad and sister work for Custom Robo Inc.
Liv: "Really?!  You are?"
Tamara: "We both work at NeoBrain."
Dad: "We moved to the development department at the home office.  That's how we ended up here."
Dennis: "No way!  I am so jealous of you, Randall!  A father and sister BOTH in development?!  With a family like that, it's like you'd have to TRY to fail at custom robo!"  Woahwoahwoah, calm down buddy.
Liv: "Um... I hope I'm not asking too much here, but...  I've always wanted to visit NeoBrain.  Would you mind if we stopped by for a visit?"
Dad: "Sure, that's no problem at all.  How about tomorrow?"
Dennis: "But... if we lose the tournament, I think I'm gonna be way too depressed to have a good time."
Liv: "Dennis, why do you have to be so negative all the time?!  You saw Randall dive today!  He'll win for sure!"
Dennis: "I hope so..."
Dad: "Well, whatever happens, you should still come on by."
Liv: "OK!  Thank you so much!  But Randall won't lose.  Next time you see us, we'll have good news for you!"
Dennis: "Hmm...  If Randall really does win...  Then... Then I can be your sidekick!  It'll be just like a comic book, except even cooler!"  Ocelot please get out of my custom robo game.
Liv: "We'll stop by after school tomorrow with Randall!"
Dennis: "NeoBrain's that really fancy building in the Harbor district, right?  I can't wait!"
Dad: "I'll tell the front desk to call me when you give them my name."  Which we don't actually know.
Liv: "All right, Randall.  See you at school tomorrow."
Dennis: "See you, Randall.  Remember, tomorrow's tournament is in Bull's team room."

With that, Liv and Dennis leave us to have dinner with our family.

Dad: "Liv and Dennis seem interesting."
Mom:"Liv's such a little go-getter!  You're lucky to have friends who are so passionate, Randall."
Tamara: "I just can't believe it, Randall.  Friends with THE Liv Trainer!  Now that's exciting!"  I guess that's her last name.
Mom:"Looks like you're going to have some fun, Randall."
Tamara: "Good luck."

And, after dinner everyone says their lines and we finally get to move around some.  Heading outside, apparently there's a curfew in place since there's nobody around and we can't head up to the area with the parts shop and stuff since there's a police officer in the way.
There's still a dangerous criminal in the Harbor district, which is disturbing since we're going there tomorrow.  Having nothing to do, we head to bed.

In retrospect, I probably should've gotten more screenshots.

A Thing

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Giving Dennis Blue Balls - a Custom Robo Arena let's play
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2016, 10:13:26 pm »

I dunno if criminals are all that scary considering that apparently the IPC (what a generic name by the way) uses the custom robits for fighting uhh, I dunno how about: rogue dictators, key sacrifice desiring presidential candidates, most glorious leaders, and tax evaders.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2016, 10:15:01 pm by A Thing »
Wasteland 1 & 2
"Power Couple: Markus Athing & Cyborg 45"

Makes me curious, can cyborgs have future babies too?
On the offchance they can, I know who I want my daddy to be
(finished)Age of Decadence
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