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Author Topic: Wereinfection. Help please!  (Read 1146 times)

Wereinfection. Help please!
« on: December 20, 2014, 06:17:26 pm »

 Greetings fellow overlords. A weregilamonster has wounded a few dwarves and killed one. Is the corpse safe to touch? how can i isolate the infected? (other than blocking all doors). Note that i dont have access to lava.
Or you could just let the children roam free and natural selection will take care of them.
I'm now picturing an elf wrestler trying to suplex my battlements.


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Re: Wereinfection. Help please!
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2014, 08:56:13 pm »

The corpse is safe to touch, if totally dead.

To isolate infected: Wall off the hospital. If possible, put them all in separate beds in separate walled off rooms in the hospital. I tend to put them behind a locked door, then wall off the door, but you can use any method to wall them in. You might have "Walking wounded", dorfs who got bit, but didn't go to hospital. Wall them into their respective bedrooms. A door isn't enough.

In a month, some will turn, and some will not. The ones who didn't turn aren't infected. You don't need to do anything more to the infected than that, just leave them walled in. They are incurable.
Mules gotta spleen. Dwarfs gotta eat.
Thisfox likes aquifers, olivine, Forgotten Beasts for their imagination, & dorfs for their stupidity. She prefers to consume gin & tonic. She absolutely detests Facebook.
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Oh god... Plump Helmet Man Mimes!


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Re: Wereinfection. Help please!
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2014, 11:15:23 pm »

Once they turn into a werebeast and then turn back, you'll be safe until the next moon. If you're of a mind to keep an eye on the clock, you can have them do productive work during that time (and then seal them back in a few days before turning).

Otherwise, just keep them sealed in forever, or try to kill them off during safe periods. If you have any deathtraps you'd otherwise use to off bothersome nobles, they'll usually work just as well on the infected. Due to their regenerative properties, lack of need to eat or drink, and their combat skills while turned, they also make excellent cavern explorers.


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Re: Wereinfection. Help please!
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2014, 01:43:24 am »

Bah, the only answer here is to convert your military into a 100% werebeast military through selective exposure (sticking 1 of them and a single dwarf on a bridge over a room filled with traps works IIRC, just trigger the bridge shortly after the fight starts but before the dwarf dies). The fact that they regenerate every full moon from anything short of a fatal injury means that they can go out and slaughter goblins, come crawling back on a single unwounded finger, and then be back up at 100% after the next full moon. Just make sure to either lockdown the civilians or the were-military every full moon (I generally just confine military to the "outer" fortress level and civilians to the "inner" one except for during events like trading caravans anyways) to prevent "accidents".
Quote from: PTTG
It would be brutally difficult and probably won't work. In other words, it's absolutely dwarven!
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead - A fun zombie survival rougelike that I'm dev-ing for.


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Re: Wereinfection. Help please!
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2014, 03:33:57 am »

If you're going to keep the infected, I'd invest in draw bridges to lock them in, rather than putting up a wall and tearing it down every month. Also, if I understand it correctly, werebeasts do not attack their own were "species", so once you have identified the infected, they can all be locked in together.


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Re: Wereinfection. Help please!
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2014, 06:08:25 am »

As others said, the dead do not return due to were-infection; only the living will, and then only on certain days.
the 'were' has to break the skin to infect as far as I can tell (exchange of fluid/blood?).
If you can thoroughly comb the combat log/injury lists you may be able to predict who will turn and who is less likely.
For example, bruising does not usually spread the infection I believe.

I too had my own fun times with the local were-community while playing my current 40.19 fort :)
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Creative seeking other creative TTRPGers to join, or join me, for  immersive, fun, creative, team-crafted stories. Setting flexible; mostly sci-fi &/or fantasy (I know SW, MiddleEarth, DnD, & ST best, but Ulisses Spiele & Cypher System high on list too. There are a few other niche sys. like DCC, a homebrew 3.5 or Pathfndr I/II; But at this point I'd even DM or play a well-run 5e game. Let the ideas flow, and never forget the 4 pillars of an RPG!
Re: Wereinfection. Help please!
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2014, 08:13:52 am »

What does it mean if a dwarf healed completely?
Or you could just let the children roam free and natural selection will take care of them.
I'm now picturing an elf wrestler trying to suplex my battlements.


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Re: Wereinfection. Help please!
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2014, 10:48:30 am »

Also, when looking at the combat logs, I believe you should look for biting that pierces the skin, as I think the were infection is carried by saliva (in theory, blood-blood might do it, but I doubt that's modelled), so a claw would ought to be safe from an infection point of view, but I'd still isolate anyone whose skin was pierced, just to be safe.
Infection is supposed not to be 100%, but is said to be high (80%?).
Healing of the injury is probably not any indication of whether the victim is infected or not. While in dwarven form, weres act as dwarves when it comes to healing (although I don't know if they still eat, drink or sleep even when they will survive without), they heal all injury upon transformation only.
Re: Wereinfection. Help please!
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2014, 04:40:40 pm »

What if a soldier bites the werecreature?
Or you could just let the children roam free and natural selection will take care of them.
I'm now picturing an elf wrestler trying to suplex my battlements.


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Re: Wereinfection. Help please!
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2014, 05:11:17 pm »

I can't swear on it, but I assume it only infects on were bites to victim blood. Victim biting were ought to be safe (unless the victim is bleeding in the mouth, but again, I don't think it modelled to that detail, and it might even be that the affliction is only carried from were saliva to victim blood.
When in doubt, quarantine the suspected victim.


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Re: Wereinfection. Help please!
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2014, 07:27:28 pm »

You can use the search on the werebeast's combat report to find all the dwarves that were bitten, and then seal them away for a month to see if they turn. If they go through the next full moon without turning, they are probably safe (but unless you are a big fan of werebeast !!Fun!! you may want to leave them in there for at least two months or until you are certain, you can drop food through a hatch if you are really dedicated to keeping them alive).

I don't think anything but a bite from werebeast to non-werebeast transmits werebeast-ism, since it's a curse and not a disease... But again, better safe than sorry...