Ohh? oh you know if they clash with dwarves much? They start in mountains but can spread anywhere and have no special affinity to mountains aside form their start.
they also dont spread as fast as other's according to the weight of 1 (being slower than 2 or 3)?
also, they dont support evil biomes?
I have merlocks who already occupy this general niche (mountains competitors), I wonder how they would clash for the spots? Do you gen a decent number of playable civs? Ive noticed they don't have a fortress tier (666
I would add them for a kick, but Im worried about their impact on my 'balanced' civilized ecosytem. How would they fare as a subterranean civ?
Their ethics over neutrals leads them to pacifisml; (only_if_sanctioned) means 'never by the ai', and with a god of war or victory do they fight enough to be considered 'antagonists' as a worldgen civ or a fort-mod civ?
Forgive me, but what are their dispositions and habits as dictated by you? What about physiology and culture?
Would you consider a playthrough to show them off?