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Author Topic: Ported my WIP mod to 40.19, now it crashes whenever I enter a keep/mead hall  (Read 2235 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Alright, so I've got this mod that I've been working on for a long time. Like, since 34.11. Now, I've been trying to keep it updated with each new patch and for the most part it seems to have been working pretty well. I rigorously test everything in arena mode to check for errors, and the error long is still currently blank. Which makes this all the more strange.

Now, admittedly, the last time I'd actually genned a world was in... 40.14? .15? Possibly .16? Either way, the point is that, admittedly, I haven't really World Gen/Adventure Mode tested it for the last few versions. And, admittedly, my porting it from 40.18 to 40.19 was maybe a bit rushed - I mostly just added geldable tags to the appropriate places (testicles of male humanoids (I gave humanoids anatomically correct bodies), lowerbody to all other male creatures) and called it a day, but still...

Anyway, this is getting a bit long-winded. Basically, the mod seems to work fine (in Adventure Mode at least - I haven't tested Fortress Mode, though I doubt that wouldn't just end in a crash). EXCEPT for when I either try to enter a keep/mead hall, or try to start as a locally important person who would start in a keep/mead hall. When doing either of those things, the game crashes.

For that matter, it almost seems like it's not really properly loading the land-holder positions, since it seems like, most of the time, when I select a locally-important person, it's either of the followers of some lesser non-landholding position (such as the deputy of a bailiff), or it just still says you'll be playing as a peasant, as it would if the civ had no suitable positions. Only sometimes do you get the option of starting in the retinue of a land-holding noble (such as the armsman of a duke/count/viscount/lord knight), and when you choose that option, the game crashes.

I don't think the raws for positions have changed radically since I last tested it in adventure mode (40.14/15/possibly 16), when everything worked perfectly fine. At least, if they had, the changelog/file changes doesn't mention anything. So, what on Earth could be causing this? I really don't want to have to scrap this mod, I've been working pretty hard on it for a while.


  • Bay Watcher
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It would help if you linked the raws, or at least described what your mod does and what it changes. You're not giving us much to go on.


  • Bay Watcher
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It would help if you linked the raws, or at least described what your mod does and what it changes. You're not giving us much to go on.

Ahh, right, sorry. Umm, well, it's a dark, gritty, detailed Medieval mod, roughly 11th Century in theme. It has a bunch of extra civs, mostly humans modeled after cultures in or around 11th Century Europe (like 7 specific types of humans, 8 if you include the Selesians (who I haven't given a civ yet)), some of whom either share civs or can be found in multiple civs. I did a lot of work on the positions (trying to emulate roughly 11th Century kingdoms and such). It has a lot of emphasis on adventure mode (for instance, there is a rudimentary prostitution system (that I'm kind of embarrassed by honestly), a rudimentary gambling system, you can smoke weed, and there's a bunch of other adventure mode survival/crafting reactions from various sources, and also culinary stuff that's shared with fortress mode).

Here's a link

One of my only guesses is possibly the prostitution system, since I did kind of a rush-job with that since it made me feel like a weird pervert (before you ask, I included it for the sake of Gritty Medieval Realism, as hilarious as that sounds), but A) the errorlog is completely empty so that's unlikely, and B) that wouldn't make any sense for the rushed prostitution system to mess with land-holding positions, especially considering basically all land-holding positions are forbidden to prostitutes. Also, I barely even touched the position stuff for dwarves yet it's the same for them (though, to be fair, I haven't touched the dwarves' entity raws since 40.14, when I gave all the civs stepladders).

Also, if it effects anything at all, right before I started testing the 40.19 version I added soundsense. However, I removed that from the upload because it made the file too large to upload.

EDIT: Sorry, had to briefly patch something.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2014, 01:41:07 am by Dunmeris »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Hehehe
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You have custom nobles designed for the civs, but still have the [SITE_VARIABLE_POSITIONS:ALL] token at the end of the entity file. I removed it and it worked fine.
Its a feature. Impregnating booze is a planned tech tree for dwarves and this is a sneak peek at it.
Unless you're past reproductive age. Then you're pretty much an extension of your kids' genitalia


  • Bay Watcher
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You have custom nobles designed for the civs, but still have the [SITE_VARIABLE_POSITIONS:ALL] token at the end of the entity file. I removed it and it worked fine.

Alright, I just tried that, and the Wodemen seem to work now (I should really change that name come to think of it), but the Rovalians still consistently crash the game. And the Alerians, Halrazians/Sahvanians, and Icemen still seem to not allow you to play as a locally important person.

Now, I guess I should revise what I originally said about the dwarves also not working. It seems the dwarves do work (strange, I could've sworn it crashed with dwarves, too), although on the other hand, when I tried playing as a dwarf, I didn't see a single position-holder (though that could very likely just be coincidence). I haven't been able to test the elves, as they seem to never be present in any world I gen. The hags, goblins, and Nimerians, who I admit I hadn't tested when I made this thread, seem to work fine.

It seems like most things work (though I'm surprised that removing variable positions was all it took to fix the Wodemen), but, for some damnable reason, 40.19 really doesn't seem to like the Rovalians.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2014, 07:26:38 am by Dunmeris »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Hehehe
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All the different humans work fine for me, I'm thinking you probably just didn't remove the [SITE_VARIABLE_POSITIONS:ALL] from their files as well, most of the humans have it. As for the elves, they are appearing, but you have all of the elven civs set to the same [ADVENTURE_TIER:] that needs to be different for every civ and actually seems to be causing problems for a lot of civs and I think the human ones worked because they also have [INDIV_CONTROLLABLE] which allows outsiders to be playable and I believe standard adventurers as well so it just works on it's own making the adventure tier pointless most of the time. As for the Icemen thing, the problem is that their squad leader isn't their law enforcer. The chieftain is the only noble with a squad which is how you get adventurers that are locally important, but the locally important only works if they're lead by a law enforcer. For a better explanation here's a vanilla example. For dwarves locally important puts you in the fortress guard which is a military squad led by the captian of the guard, the law enforcement in dwarven settlements.
Its a feature. Impregnating booze is a planned tech tree for dwarves and this is a sneak peek at it.
Unless you're past reproductive age. Then you're pretty much an extension of your kids' genitalia


  • Bay Watcher
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All the different humans work fine for me, I'm thinking you probably just didn't remove the [SITE_VARIABLE_POSITIONS:ALL] from their files as well, most of the humans have it. As for the elves, they are appearing, but you have all of the elven civs set to the same [ADVENTURE_TIER:] that needs to be different for every civ and actually seems to be causing problems for a lot of civs and I think the human ones worked because they also have [INDIV_CONTROLLABLE] which allows outsiders to be playable and I believe standard adventurers as well so it just works on it's own making the adventure tier pointless most of the time. As for the Icemen thing, the problem is that their squad leader isn't their law enforcer. The chieftain is the only noble with a squad which is how you get adventurers that are locally important, but the locally important only works if they're lead by a law enforcer. For a better explanation here's a vanilla example. For dwarves locally important puts you in the fortress guard which is a military squad led by the captian of the guard, the law enforcement in dwarven settlements.

I had removed all the variable positions though, I checked again right after I last posted. It seemed to have no effect. Same with adventure tiers (I had them like that because I was thinking, to group entities by race, like all humans being tier:1, all elves being tier:2, etc.. But re-organizing them like you said was still a better idea, just for the sake of having more coherent organization). Also, the [INDIV_CONTROLLABLE] just allows you to play as an outsider. I just gave that to entities that might come from far away and have no ties to the in-game region.

Anyway, I figured out the problem with certain positions not appearing (apparently my entity files still had a lot of duplicate entries that the errorlog just never picked up), but there's still a problem with crashing. After tinkering with things a bit more, and testing everything, it seems like the crashes are tied to keeps/mead halls. Even though I removed all the [BUILD_OUTDOOR_FORTIFICATIONS] duplicate entries that were in every entity file (I guess I'm just really careless, I managed to shock myself when I noticed that), certain specfic keeps/mead halls, regardless of which entity owns them, still seem to just crash the game if you go near them. I have no idea why, and can't even begin to guess.

Thank you though for responding. I really do appreciate it, and I hope I'm not coming off as rude or anything. I just... really wish I could figure out what it is about certain keeps/mead halls that makes the game crash. A problem with some stone or building material maybe? I re-checked the inorganic files and didn't notice any more duplicate entries. God, this is so confusing.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Hehehe
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I checked all the suggestions I made myself and they all worked fine. Elves became playable in worlds I made, mead halls didn't cause crashes, so aside from making sure that you did those right I don't know what the problem would be.
EDIT:Upon further investigation some mead halls are causing crashes again. My guess as to the cause is that we removed the [VARIABLE_POSITIONS:ALL], but didn't remove [VARIABLE_POSITIONS:RELIGION] and there are predefined religious leaders in the raws. I removed it and didn't get crashes, but crashes weren't consistent before so I'm not sure it worked.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2014, 04:43:46 am by vjmdhzgr »
Its a feature. Impregnating booze is a planned tech tree for dwarves and this is a sneak peek at it.
Unless you're past reproductive age. Then you're pretty much an extension of your kids' genitalia