Hi all,
(I hope this is the correct place to post this.)
I just want to share this worldgen preset I made back in v34.11 (and have since updated it to v40.13) that gives a rather large (129x129) and beginner-friendly world: 91% forest, 98% without aquifer, 100% warm, and volcanoes, rivers and minerals everywhere. I've also attempted to preserve the original variety found in the "normal" world types, to a certain extent of success. I have descriptively named this preset the Volcanic Megaforest, sine it's quite reminiscent of the Triassic era.
Worldgen data (copy-paste into data/init/world_gen.txt):
Screenshot of an example world:
- World is largely covered by one large forest biome, with some mountains and practically no oceans (only some barely noticeable pools of water on the edges).
- Due to the domination of one large biome, there isn't space to generate Good or Evil biomes so they're absent. Unless you want the 91% forest to become 91% wormy tendrils.
- Volcanoes spawn everywhere for free magma for forges/smelters. A fair number spawn near rivers too.
- Aquifers will hardly be a nuisance.
- All four civilisations should still be present, and the underground stuff like the cavern layers and the magma sea are unchanged as well.
- Extremely fast worldgen (about a minute or less), very few rejections.
- Due to the large number of wide rivers, it's quite adventurer-unfriendly.
I've set the mineral scarcity to fairly low (i.e. lots of minerals), a rather short world history, no poles to maintain a warm temperature throughout (means no glaciers), and embark points to over 9000 because I can. Feel free to tweak these settings to suit your desires.
I hope this worldgen preset will be useful to new players, or just those who're looking for
an easy a slightly less difficult time (i.e. being a sissy like me
). Or if you have any tips on improving this preset, I welcome feedback too.