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Author Topic: Irdoren, the happiest starving beach in the world  (Read 1344 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Irdoren, the happiest starving beach in the world
« on: November 08, 2014, 04:25:35 pm »

Edit; Using a different host for Chapter 2 pictures, not sure if it makes a difference.

Quick intro; Thought I would share my latest Masterwork Mod fortress, with the purpose of both entertaining and educating.  My goal is to show some of the features like Guilds & new animals, plus explain the utilities like Quickfort & Workflow Manager.  If there anything in particular you want to see done or explained, just lemme know.  Or if you just want a simple dorfing, that's fine too :)  (*Author's commentary denoted like this*)

The year is 100

Since time immemorial, life has been a struggle here on The Domain of Prophecy.  As every Dwarf knows, Armok continually reshapes the world upon his Sky Anvil to suit his needs.  Clearly this time is a test of his chosen.  Yet the Dwarves of The Bone Swords have flourished, despite the hardships.  We have a strong ally in the Gnomish Empire.  They are kindof hippies, but at least they are industrialized, and we welcome any help in the fight against the myriad Evils.  High King Meph, in his infinite wisdom, has declared that though our civilization thrives, we lack one crucial item as a show of true wealth.  We need glass, and lots of it.

Thus it was that the valiant Dwarves of... umm. *pst*, what's the name of our group again?
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...Seriously?  Alright fine.  That we set out to construct a mighty sandcastle for the glory of The Bone Swords, providing the Dwarves with much needed windows & weapon traps.  This new Fortress has been dubbed
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...Sure, why not.

Anyways, here is a rough sketch that the prospectors made; nestled between The Desert of Pains, The Seas of Impaling, and... surely I'm misreading that last bit?
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Here is the ledger, outlining all of the equipment we are able to pack into a single wagon.  Considering the general sandy and evil nature of beaches, I expect our early farming to be entirely underground.  To that end, we have obtained a stash of the Dwarven essentials; Pig Tail seeds & Plump Helmet spawn.
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Additionaly, we have a small compliment of versatile animals to help us.  The bats are excellent vermin hunters, and the domesticated ones like we have are docile enough that their wings can be sheared, ultimately processing into leather scraps.  The Boulder Crabs will provide a steady source of meat and eggs(*Turns out they don't reproduce, but should.  Ah well, live and learn.  Edit: A hotfix was posted, but does not seem to affect existing Crabs.  Several other players have verified the fix however, so Boulder Crabs are once again a excellent source of meats & eggs.  And occasionally Flux Stone.*); plus their chitinous shell is tough as granite, making for good bone armaments.  The crabs can actually be decent in a fight, if allowed to mature.  There are tales of monster crabs reaching upwards of 1,500,000 cm3!  At the moment however, ours are barely fit for soup, and must be carefully nurtured.  (*Masterwork Mod includes a number of cool animals and equipment to embark with.  Ever tried an engineering fortress?  You embark with Fire Bombs, Gatling Guns, and no food.  Much !FUN! to be had.*)

We have arrived, and the situation doesn't really seem so bleak.
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There are legends you see, of Fortresses past, horror stories really.  Entire towers obliterated by sky pigs, even an outpost where the very land itself rose up against the Dwarves.  Such fairy tales have no place here though, we have work to do.  We decide to dig in at a small grotto located due North.
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Despite the relatively serene surroundings, we are all too aware of the evil which borders the outskirts of this world.  The wind picks up, and the air grows stale.  A storm is coming, but something is off.
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Ew.  Thankfully, the cursed rain seems confined to the frozen wastes South and West.  So busy are we with setting up camp, we don't even notice when our Oxen become agitated.
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Well at least they didn't make off with anything important like the tools or booze, and the Oxen managed to squish a few of the little buggers.

The Miners decide that breaching the Aquifer here is simply too risky, what with the shifting sands, the entire hillside could collapse on us.  Also considering the torrent of blood rain just beyond the meadow, speed is of the utmost importance.  I recall the prospectors mentioning the Aquifer dropped off further South, near the border of The Desert of Pains.  Eventually we find a dry spot, and a proper mineshaft is dug down across several layers, until we are certain we have bypassed the soil.  This ultimately proves to be a sound idea; we discover the Aquifer extends across 3 full layers!
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There is going to be some inefficiency during the first few months, as we are essentially moving our operation over, down, and back again.  The good news however, is that bypassing the Aquifer allows us to breach it from the side, making controlled water flow for farming and wells significantly easier.  Our Dwarf power is limited, so the Miners are ordered to focus on hollowing out a farming cavern and a layer of bedrooms.  This should give us stone enough to begin setting up a basic infrastructure.  As you can see here, the Miners thought to bring a few blueprints with them.  What would have normally taken days to designate is ready for digging in less than a minute! (*Quickfort really is fantastic like that.  I can share my blueprints if anyone wants, it's simple as Ctrl-f to choose, Ctrl-d to dig*)
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With the creation of a central stone pile, several work orders are queued, and 2 coal veins are marked for excavation. (*Shown here is Workflow Manager and a DFHack command called 'Dig Vein', which does exactly what it sounds like.  You can see the orders automatically entered at the Furniture Workshop*)
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Fortress morale takes a plunge during the first months, mostly due to the disturbing frozen blood.  Even worse is that awful blue sky, but the remains of our gear must be brought safely inside.  Thankfully, the haulers have been diligent, despite the weather.  Just in time it seems, as the unholy rain has painted the landscape, and made the ocean waves... well, let's just say that fishing is forbidden until further notice.
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All points considered, not a bad start, but the year is yet young.  As the first dormitory is finished and our new accomodations hauled into place, the Fortress's first challenge presents itself... next time.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 01:53:17 pm by Immortal-D »


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Re: Irdoren, the happiest evil beach in the world
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2014, 09:58:35 am »

Do the pictures seem a bit blurry to anyone else?  I'm using a different host for this batch, just to test.

Looks like we might actually survive this fool's errand.  I get word that we have reached our quota of Stone Blocks, so the order is put on hold until we need more.(*Again, Work Flow for the win*)
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The Bats have excelled at keeping the pests under control, though thankfully they have not infiltrated the fort yet.  We may even... wait what's that?
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lol :(
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Vermin haven't really been a problem inside the fort thus far, so the Bats are confined until further notice.  They don't really enjoy this however, and continually hover around the front doors.  They are assigned to a pen for now.  The crabs meanwhile, seem content to hang out and do crab things.
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While all this draws my attention, I receive word from one of our hunters.  I dreaded this day, inevitable though it may be.
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Well at least there aren't too many of the useless booze-suckers, and 1 even claims to be a proficient metalsmith.  The fresh faces serve to inspire one of our crafters, who makes this fitting homage to Dwarven history.  I envy the lady who gets to show off this fine piece.
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With our stone crafting in good hands, orders are given to excavate a proper dining hall.  We'll also need room for the various kitchen workshops.  Looks like a hapless peasant tripped over a boulder while irrigating the farms, but thankfully it's just a scratch. (*Gotta love that Quick Fort.  Dining hall took all of a few seconds to designate, and placing the furniture is just as simple.*)
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Our Gem Crafters continue to improve, with the goal of having enough stuff to trade for much needed supplies before winter claims us.  To that end, the Bat Pen is moved into the Kitchen area, so they can be easily sheared for leather.
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Just when I think I'm getting a moment's respite, more news.  One of the peasants was stricken with visions of ages past, but we were unable to get her the needed supplies.  Tis a sad thing when a Dwarf goes mad from lack of metal bars :'(  The various Craft Dwarves are hastily assembled into a makeshift militia as she attempts to pummel a Jeweler.  The lead Miner ultimately ends her madness, bringing about 1/2 the Fortress' population from Happy to merely Content (watching a friend take a pick through the skull will have that effect).  As if that weren't enough, the latest update of our stocks confirms my fears; the farms simply aren't growing fast enough, and we are going to need a Well very soon.
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At least we'll get to sample some exotic cheese before we die of thirst.
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I am not normally prone to doubt, Dwarves are the hardiest creatures on the planet after all.  However, even I must admit the situation looks bleak, and I fear for the future of Irdoren.  As winter closes in upon us, the shadow of uncertainty looms large.  (*Included in the Masterwork options are a number of extra mods for content, balance, etc.  In this case, I am using 'Harder Farming', which makes underground crops require 4 seasons.  I don't know if Potash makes a difference here, but I'm going to use some and hope for the best.  Ultimately this means that both larger cave farms and above ground plots are required to sustain a Fortress of more than ~50.*  This type of !FUN! is far better suited to the veteran Overseer, which is decidedly not me.*)

Thus ends Chapter 2.  Are the pictures any better this time?  Too many intermissions or too few?  How the heck can you ferment fungus into cheese, yet be unable to brew it?  These are the questions.


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Re: Irdoren, the happiest evil beach in the world
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2014, 12:06:34 pm »

Although the Fortress is dry, the Dwarves will need several months before they fully sober up, so all is not lost.  Our current wealth is meager- stone trinkets and common gems, but is climbing.  To that end, we're going to need some proper protection soon.
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While planning out the next phase of building, I notice something odd.
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Well that can't be good :o (*I believe this is part of the 'Secret !FUN!' options, but honestly have no clue what it means, nor how to deal with it.*)
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No time to worry about it now though.  Our first recruits have begun to show some talent, and we have our second, slightly more useful Artefact! (emphasis on slightly.)  Would that he had made a Throne or Table, but piecing together an entire Floodgate from gemstone is still pretty impressive.
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A few weeks pass, with morale being decently high, despite the lack of Booze.  As if rewarding us for our endurance, the yearly Caravan is spotted!  While they trudge through the bloody plains, I order a proper refuse dump dug out.
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Wait... we don't have Miasma here, because we don't have enough food or enemies to actually rot.
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A Succubus?!  There are no reports, which means it was likely killed by the Caravan guards, and one of our Hunters dragged it inside.  The horrid demons are not known for their subtlety though.  Where there's 1...
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Glad our militia got in some basic practice, it definitely paid off here.
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In the midst of battle, I realize that I have completely forgotten about the second farming cave, which I had begun to flood just prior to the Caravan's arrival.  The Hauler who comes to shut the floodgate decides that now is good a time as any to pass out from exhaustion and lack of booze.  He stumbles into the flooded cave for a quick nap ::)
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While the Broker negotiates for much-needed food and booze, the aforementioned Hauler (now more miserable than before, since he slept in the cold mud) makes me realize that we have a serious infestation problem.  Namely, our migrant population is increasing exponentially.  Not even year 3, and already more than sixty Dwarves call this place home.  A dedicated Stone Crafters Workshop is assembled to churn out beds.  We need basic sleeping accommodations faster than the Manager can complete Bedroom Set orders. (*Stone beds really are a life-saver here, especially since I'm not sure if the Fungiwood farm is actually producing logs.  I like to think that only the frame is made of stone, whereas the mattress is hastily assembled cloth and leather covering, stuffed with pebbles and sawdust.*)
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As new Bedrooms are dug out and fresh supplies brought to the Kitchens, the Dwarves of Irdoren breath a collective sigh of relief.  The influx of supplies won't last long, but it is enough to stave of sobriety and rationing for a few months.  We have tons of seeds now, it is just a matter of growing them fast enough.  Our ever-miniscule supply of logs is sent to the Woodburner for conversion to Potash.  Meanwhile, our best Hunters are organized into 2 additional squads, which helps us churn through the Bone piles in the form of Crossbows, Bolts, Chest Plates, and Leg Plates.  At this rate, our enemies may not even get a chance to test their mettle; we'll all be dead of hunger or insane from sobriety long before that :(  For now though, the Dwarves carry on...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Irdoren, the happiest evil beach in the world
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2014, 12:52:23 pm »

"The influx of supplies won't last long, but it is enough to stave off sobriety"



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Irdoren, the happiest starving beach in the world
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2014, 01:51:29 pm »

"The influx of supplies won't last long, but it is enough to stave off sobriety"

Yeah, I seriously underestimated the effects of the 'Harder Farming' option.  Coupled with the fact that Boulder Crab breeding was broken, I'm amazed the Fortress hasn't collapsed yet.  A hotfix was posted, but I don't think it affects existing Crabs, so I'm still boned on that front.  For those who do want this kind of !FUN!, I recommend a very food-heavy embark.  Pick one or two Dwarves to have Novice Farming skill, and load up on seeds.  Also might be worthwhile to embark with a Sawblade or cheap metal bar to make one.  This enables creation of the Sawmill, which turns Fungiwood and Spore Trees saplings into useable logs, which in turn can be burnt into Potash/fertilizer.

As we enter Felsite of the third year, morale is cautiously optimistic.  The Dwarves subsist on meager rations, but it is enough... for now.  The main industry floors are being reorganized to separate Flux & Ore from common stone and their respective Workshops.  The militia picks up each piece of equipment as soon as the last bit is hammered into place.
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Seems like every time we reach a point where we dare to be optimistic, tragedy strikes.  In this case, the evil powers which surround this beach have claimed their first victim.
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By proxy, they quickly claim several more.
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This poor Dwarf must have done something to piss off the Gods.  His youngest child is overcome by demonic possession.  The hell-spawn proceeds to rip apart his sibling and inflict a fatal wound on his mother, one of the militia recruits.
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(*This may be related to the 'Secret !FUN!' option, but I'm just speculating.  Until I can build Wards and establish a proper containment center to monitor their effect, any future 'child battling draws blood pentagram' will be confined to his room for the duration.*)

Never a good sign when preemptively ordering coffins becomes a routine :-\  Life goes on however, and is if to reward us (or possibly extend our suffering), the Miners uncover something curious.
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An Archeology Study is established in the future metal industry floor, and our dabbling geologists get to work figuring out what the heck this thing is. (*You want to mine out Chests & Fossils soon as possible because the 'unlocking' process can take some time.  Once mined, the relic will be taken to your Study and automatically queued.  Also be aware that most of the advanced Workshops require a number of items.  In this case, Archeology needs Blocks, Bags, Journal, Hourglass, Abacus, and a few other things I don't remember.  If you have been producing Crafts for a couple of months, odds are you'll have everything.  Otherwise they are easy enough to create with a Manager order.*)

Even Dwarves, hardy as they may be, have a breaking point.  Tempers flare as confusion and anger set in.  We have barely started our third year, and already have over 80 beards to feed.  Unless a Dwarf is physically wounded, they will continue to perform their duties until they simply drop dead on the spot.  Such is the case here, as famine and sobriety hit Irdoren with all the force of a steel hammer.
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Winter is coming, it's only a matter of weeks now until... wait, do you hear that?  It's the sound of blood spattering on canvas, and Dwarves cursing everything that breathes.  Truly this is the sound of angels, for it means the Caravan has arrived!! :D  The Dwarves of Irdoren have learned that relief in some form always comes at the last possible second, but is at least regular in that regard.  As the wagons round the top of the grotto, the geologists announce they have safely unlocked the mysterious old chest.  It contains a wealth of gemstone crafts! (*Dunno if the Archeology skill has any bearing on the quality/quantity of unlocked Treasures.  Either way, the spirit of Armok truly blessed me here, as without this hoard, I would not have been able to afford even a fraction of the supplies I need.*)
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To round out our good fortune, one of the Dwarves continues to show our Fortress's appreciation for useless artefacts and major historical events, in that order.
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As we settle into Winter and the start of our fourth year, I cannot help but wonder how often and for how long we will be able to dance around the face of death, clawing from the brink at the last possible moment.

Rather a short update here, as most of this year consisted of me micro-managing the Workshop restructuring, laying out new Bedrooms, and sending the Militia on hunting trips.  This coming year will require a serious strip-mining effort, for Bone Armor and Tigereye Shortswords may thwart the occasional thief, but won't stand against a full siege.  I think I will also have to plan for the defense of above-ground farms in addition to greatly expanding the subterranean ones.  After 3 full years of watching the food/booze records shift around, I have a good feel for growth and consumption rates.  I expect that sooner than later, all 3 levels of Aquifer will be surrounded on all sides by farm plots.  If I ever find any of the supposed Shallow Metal, I can start showing off the Dwarves' advanced ore refinement and some unique crafts.  Till next time :)
« Last Edit: December 07, 2014, 04:05:28 pm by Immortal-D »