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Author Topic: Insurgency IC-Thread  (Read 1470 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Insurgency IC-Thread
« on: September 14, 2014, 07:29:20 am »


((OOC: Note that manpower is derived by drafting from both genders equally, minus old(above 60) and young(below 20 for ease of maths sake) emergency draft is already all of those people counting so your entire economic base. If you want to draft from the Old and the Young ADDITIONALLY (aka wasting the country away completely) you have to make that order clear)).

Spoiler:  Map of Transvaal (click to show/hide)

Ah Transvaal. Ah bigger melting pot of ethnicities and cultures you will propably never meet again. And never one so violent. The Heart of the Country lies in the Northeast, where the rich diamond, gold, platinum and palladium deposits are. Apart from the Car Industry at Port Elizabeth there is really nothing else of note. the Azbath lands to the West are only remarkable for their unexploited Oil Fields, everything else on the West Coast is desert poor farmland and the occasional Tribal Village. The Mountains in the Southeast have shown to be suprisingly bare to Mineral Wealth so far and the Luthan Heartlands have shown suprisingly resilient to the Urban sprawl slowly growing due north from Port Elizabeth and East London, two twin metropoles which have grown together like homesick siamese twins. In the Northeast lies also the largest city of the Country: Johannesburg with its 7 Million inhabitants and its infamous District 9, a cordoned off military base. Rumours of Insect-like aliens have proven invulnerable to assurances from the government of the opposite.

Pretoria Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 2.000.000
Total Manpower: 60.000 (Emergency Draft: 600.000)
Total IC: 3
Spoiler:  Districts (click to show/hide)

Johannesburg Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 6.000.000
Total Manpower: 200.000 (Emergency Draft: 2.000.000)
Spoiler:  Districts (click to show/hide)

Transvaal Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 12.000.000
Total Manpower: 400.000 (Emergency Draft: 4.000.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Germiston Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 6.000.000
Total Manpower: 200.000 (Emergency Draft: 600.000)
Spoiler:  Districts (click to show/hide)

Boksburg Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 5.000.000
Total Manpower: 160.000 (Emergency Draft: 1.600.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Nordwest Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 15.000.000
Total Manpower: 500.000 (Emergency Draft: 5.000.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Driefountain Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 9.000.000
Total Manpower: 300.000 (Emergency Draft: 3.000.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Bloemfontain Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 5.000.000
Total Manpower: 160.000 (Emergency Draft: 1.600.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Kimberley Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 5.000.000
Total Manpower: 160.000 (Emergency Draft: 1.600.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Freistaat Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 5.000.000
Total Manpower: 200.000 (Emergency Draft: 2.000.000)

Durban Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 7.000.000
Total Manpower: 250.000 (Emergency Draft: 2.500.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Natal Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 7.000.000
Total Manpower: 250.000 (Emergency Draft: 2.500.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Luthan Province
85,5% Government Control
14,5% Luthani Control

Total Population: 12.000.000/10.000.000 Luthani
Total Manpower: 400.000 (Emergency Draft: 4.000.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

East London Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 4.000.000
Total Manpower: 150.000 (Emergency Draft: 1.500.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Port Elizabeth Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 6.000.000
Total Manpower: 200.000 (Emergency Draft: 2.000.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Paarl Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 3.000.000
Total Manpower: 60.000 (Emergency Draft: 600.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Cape Town Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 4.000.000
Total Manpower: 60.000 (Emergency Draft: 600.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Westkap Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 5.000.000
Total Manpower: 200.000 (Emergency Draft: 2.000.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

De Aar Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 7.000.000
Total Manpower: 250.000 (Emergency Draft: 2.500.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Azbath Province
83% Government Control, 17% AFF Control
Total Population: 12.000.000/10.000.000 Azbathi
Total Manpower: 400.000 (Emergency Draft: 4.000.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Azbath Oilfields Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 4.000.000
Total Manpower: 150.000 (Emergency Draft: 1.500.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Ozath Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 10.000.000
Total Manpower: 350.000 (Emergency Draft: 3.500.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Upington Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 3.000.000
Total Manpower: 100.000 (Emergency Draft: 1.000.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Utrecht Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 2.000.000
Total Manpower: 60.000 (Emergency Draft: 600.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Kgalagadi Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 7.000.000
Total Manpower: 250.000 (Emergency Draft: 2.500.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Nordkap Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 7.000.000
Total Manpower: 60.000 (Emergency Draft: 600.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Nordwestkap Province
100% Government Control
Total Population: 7.000.000
Total Manpower: 250.000 (Emergency Draft: 2.500.000)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: September 30, 2014, 02:24:42 pm by Ghazkull »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurgency IC-Thread
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2014, 07:29:41 am »

Transvaal Government
Population Available: 184.000.000 (10 Million Azbathi, 10 Million Luthani) -17.400 - 120.000 -16.000 -52.000
Manpower Available: 6.150.000 (61.500.000 Emergency Draft - 5800 -120.000 -16.000) - 120.000 - 580 -16.000 -52.000
IC Available: 36

Treasury: 438.100$
Taxes: 894.000$
Military Upkeep: 548.900$
Available: 438.100$

Overall Military
1 Tariqs Personal Guard (20/20/10/30/Soft/Flying/5) - Elite Units Guarding the Generalissimo
-Palace, 10 Turns to create, Cost: 10.000 Manpower, 1 Specialized Equipment Upkeep: 10.000$ (Total: 10.000$) - Max: 10

5 Boer Commandos (15/15/10/30/Soft/Flying/1) - Special Forces which can be attached to Little Bird Helicopters for instant deployment anywhere
 -Palace, 5 Turns to create, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, 1 Special Forces Equipment Upkeep: 10.000$ (Total: 50.000$)

324 Transvaal Civil Protection Units (2/2/10/3/Soft/Soft/0) - Standard Police Force of Transvaal. Equivalent to Riot Police in other Countries.
 -Government District, instant, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, 1 Stack of Riot Gear and Light Firearms Upkeep: 100$ (Total: 32.400$)

0 Transvaal Mobile Civil Protection Units (3/3/15/3/Hard/soft/2)  - Used to disperse more tenacious protesters with water, plow and sarin gas
-Government District, instant, Cost: 1.000 Manpower , 1 Stack of Riot Gear and Light Firearms,1 light APCs with Crowd Control weaponry Upkeep: 150$

160 Rijkswacht Units (5/5/10/5/Soft/Soft/3) - Military Police of Transvaal. If the Civil Protection is in over their heads or if the Generalissimo wants to crack down hard these guys appear. and they are not nice...
 -Government District, instant, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, 1 Stack of Bulletproof Gear and Heavy Automatic Weapons Upkeep: 200$ (Total: 32.000$)

47 Motorized Rijskswacht Units (6/6/15/5/Hard/Hard/4) - Put the above dudes into an APC with armor-piercing Ammunition and you have these units which can take it up with the rather old Motorized Infantry of Transvaal
 -Government District, instant, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, 1 Stack of Bulletproof Gear and Heavy Automatic Weapons, 1 APCs with RMG Cal.50s Upkeep: 500$ (Total: 23.500$)

245(295) Transvaal Army Units (6/6/10/7/Soft/Soft/3) - The Backbone of the Transvaal Army has seen Budget Cuts recently, due to teh expansion of the Rijskwacht. Still they are among the most modern militaries in the world.
 -Military Base, 1 Turn, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, 1 Stack of Military Grade Weaponry and Gear, Upkeep: 300$ (Total: 88.500$)

50(100) Motorized Infantry Units (6/6/15/5/Hard/Hard/4) - Outfitted with rather old Bushmasters, the Motorized Infantry is a rather backwards Unit of the otherwise modern Transvaal Military.
 -Military Base, 1 Turn, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, 1 Stack of Military Grade Weaponry and Gear, 1 Bushmaster(APC) Upkeep: 500$ (Total: 50.000$)

80 Transvaal Anti-Tank Units (10/10/5/7/Soft/Hard/5) - Outfitted with the homegrown Denel FT-5s, Transvaals Panzerjaeger units can easily take down even Leopards and Abrams tanks.
-Military Base, 1 Turn, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, 1 Stack of Denel FT-5 Rocket Launchers, 1 Stack of Military Grade Weaponry and Gear, Upkeep: 600$ (Total: 48.000$)

40(60) Transvaal Marines Units (10/10/10/7/Soft/Soft/3) - Hardbitten Sailors and Soldiers, Transvaalese Marines are an Elite Formation belonging to the Navy.
-Harbor, 2 Turns, Cost:1.000 Manpower, 1 Stack of Military Grade Weaponry and Gear, Upkeep: 400$ (Total: 24.000$)

50 Transvaal Sailor Units (3/3/10/9/Soft/Hard/3) - Defending their ships like Devils, one should not underestimate the Transvaalese Sailor.
- unique cannot be trained, may appear and help randomly Upkeep: 200$ (Total: 10.000$)

50 Transvaal Airborne Rangers Units (7/7/10/7/Soft/Hard/8) - Similiar to the Marines, specialized units belonging to the Airforce.
- Military Base, 3 Turns, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, 1 Stack of Military Grade Weaponry and Gear, Upkeep: 400$ (Total: 20.000$)

30 Stinger Units (4/4/10/7/Soft/Flying/2) - Anti-Air Units, not very useful in ground combat, but can still hold their own.
- Military Base, 1 Turn, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, 1 Stinger System, Upkeep: 400$ ( Total: 12.000$)

*15 Puma-IFV Units (7/7/23/6/Hard/Hard/4)  - Infantry Fighting Vehicle from Rheinmetall. Outiftted to take down Infantry and other Light Tanks.
- Military Base, 1 Turn, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, 5 Puma IFV, Upkeep: 500$ (7.500$)

*20 Badger-IFV Units (5/5/20/5/Hard/Hard/3) - Infantry Fighting Vehicle from a Finnish/Transvaalian Joint-Venture. Not as good as a Puma but cheaper.
- Military Base, 1 Turn, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, 5 Badger IFV, Upkeep: 500$ (10.000$)

*20 Olifant Mk-2 Units (8/8/28/8/Hard/Hard/6) - Transvaals Homebuilt Main Battle Tanks, not completely up to par with other Modern Tanks but still impressive...
- Military Base, 1 Turn, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, 5 Olifant Mk-2, Upkeep: 1.000$ (20.000$)

*10 Leopard-2 Units (10/10/30/10/Hard/Hard/6) - The Best of the Best. Well arguably. Some say the Abrams is better, but we all know that the Germans make the best tanks.
- Military Base, 1 Turn, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, 5 Leopard-2, Upkeep: 1.000$ (10.000$)

*10 Panzerhaubitze 2000 Units (10/3/15/1/Hard/Hard/8) - The same goes for German Self-Propelled Artillery. Can Fire from Two Provinces away.
- Military Base, 1 Turn, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, 5 PzH2000, Upkeep: 1.000$ (10.000$)

*10 MLRS Units (15/3/15/1/Hard/Hard/15) - Certainly more style than the Panzerhaubitze but cause insane amounts of Collateral Damage. Can Fire from one Province Away.
- Military Base, 1 Turn, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, 5 MRLS, Upkeep: 1.000$ (10.000$)

12 AH-6I "Little Bird" Helicopters (10/10/5/4/Flying/Hard/8) - Good Old Helicopter still widely in use due to its versatility. Transport Points: 0.5
- Military Base, 1 Turn, Cost: 5 AH-6I "Little Bird", Upkeep: 500$ (6.000$)

*5 Ah-64 Apache Attack Helicopter Wings(20/20/10/5/Flying/Hard/5) - Apache Attack Helicopter. COWER YOU FOOLS!
- Mlitary Base, 1 Turn, Cost: 5 Ah-64 Apache, Upkeep: 2.000$ (10.000$)

10 C-130 Hercules Transport Wings TP: 5 (0/0/20/15/Flying/None/0) - Huge Transport Planes for deployment of Troops. Can Drop Paratroopers anywhere on the map.
- Military Base, 1 Turn, Cost: 1 C-130 Hercules, Upkeep: 3.000$ (30.000$)

0 Tornado Fighter Jet (30/0/10/5/Flying/Flying/20) - German Fighter Jet. attack air targets does not cause collateral damage.
- Military Base, 1 Turn Cost: 2 Tornado Fighter Jets, Upkeep: 3.000$

0 Eurofighter Typhoon Jet (40/0/10/5/Flying/Flying/30) - European Fighter Jet.
- Military Base, 1 Turn Cost: 2 Eurofighter Typhoons, Upkeep: 3.000$

5 AC-130 Gunships Type - "Spooky II" (40/5/10/5/Flying/Flying/10) - Heavily armed Gunship. Outfitted with a Gatling, a Bofors Cannon and a m102 Howitzer this thing makes for ideal ground support.
- Military Base, 1 Turn Cost: 1 Ac-130 Gunship, Upkeep: 5.000$ (25.000$)

0 B-52 "Stratofortress" Strategic Bomber (50/0/20/10/Flying/Hard/50) - If you absolutely positively have to level the entire province...
- Military Base, 1 Turn Cost: 1 B-52, Upkeep: 7.000$

1 B-2 "Spirit" Stealth Bomber (50/0/10/10/Flying/Hard/40) - If you absolutely positively have to level the entire province with nobody finding out where the hell that thing just came from and where it went. (only jets can attack this monstrosity)
- Military Base, 1 Turn Cost: 1 B-2, Upkeep: 20.000$ (20.000$)

MANTIS Anti-Air System (0/20/10/10/Hard/Anti-Air/0) -  To take down that pesky bombers. (only works against Air Units)
- Military Base 1 Turn Cost: 1 Mantis, Upkeep: 500$

The Golden Path
Population Available: 1.840.000 -52.000
Manpower Available: 61.500 (615.000 Emergency Draft) -52.000
IC Available: 0

Popular Support: 1%

Contributions: 615$
Military Upkeep: 520$
Available: 615$

Overall Military

52 Protesters (1/2/10/3/Soft/Soft/0) - A Horde of Angry Citizens, mostly peaceful however
 -Anywhere on the map, instant, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, Upkeep: 10$ (Total: 520$)

Azbathian Freedom Front
Population Available: 9.980.000 Azbathi
Manpower Available: 330.000 (3.480.000 Emergency Draft)
IC Available: 0

Azbathian Peoples Support: 100%

Azbath Province:
10 Stacks of Old Assault Rifles
0 Pick-Up Trucks


Treasury: 5.010$
Taxes: 5.000$
Contributions: 10$

Military Upkeep: 2.500$
Available: 5.010$

Overall Military

10 Armed Insurgents (4/4/10/5/soft/soft/2) - Basically terribly Trained Armed Personnel
 -instant, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, Stack of Old Assault Rifles Upkeep: 100$ (Total: 1.000$)

10 Mobile Armed Insurgents (4/4/10/5/Hard/soft/2) - Insurgents with Cars
 -instant, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, Stack of Old Assault Rifles, Any Vehicle Upkeep: 150$ (Total: 1.500$)

Luthan Independence Front
Population Available: 10.000.000 Luthani -16.000
Manpower Available: 350.000 (3.500.000 Emergency Draft -16.000) -16.000
IC Available: 0

Luthani Peoples Support: 100%

Luthan Province:
14 Stacks of Old Assault Rifles
10 Pick-Up Trucks

Taxes: 5.000$
Contributions: 10$

Military Upkeep: 1.600$
Available: 5010$

Overall Military

16 Armed Insurgents (4/4/10/5/soft/soft/2) - Basically terribly Trained Armed Personnel
 -instant, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, Stack of Old Assault Rifles Upkeep: 100$ (Total: 1.600$)

0 Mobile Armed Insurgents (4/4/10/5/Hard/soft/2) - Insurgents with Cars
 -instant, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, Stack of Old Assault Rifles, Any Vehicle Upkeep: 150$ (Total: 0$)

Shining Way
Manpower Available: 10.000
IC Available: 0

Criminal Underground: 50%
Terrorist Networks: 30%

5 Stacks of Old Rocket Launchers
10 Stacks of C-4
40 Stacks of Ancient Assault Rifles

Criminal Underground: 10.000$

Military Upkeep: 0$
Available: 10.000$

Overall Military

0 Ex-Convicts (3/1/10/6/Soft/Soft/3) - Why in the name of the gods would you free such people?
 -instant, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, Upkeep: 50$ (Total: 0$)

0 Armed Ex-Convicts (5/2/10/6/Soft/soft/5) - Yup something is wrong with you...
 -instant, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, Stack of Old Assault Rifles, Upkeep: 100$ (Total: 0$)

0 Psychopaths (8/8/10/10/Soft/Hard/8) - Rocket launcher and C-4 Armed Madmen to disable tanks...well if it works...
- instant, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, 1 Stack of Old Rocket Launchers and 1 Stack fo C-4, Upkeep: 300$

0 Shining Way BMT-IFV Units  (6/6/20/5/Hard/Hard/7) - a BMT Infantry Fighting Vehicle, Crewed by Convicts...i think you can piece together how that works out.
- instant, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, 5 BMT IFV, Upkeep: 500$

Uahndah Aefalaud
Manpower Available: 10.000
IC Available: 0

Illegal Weapons Trade: 40%
Criminal Underground: 20%

10 Stacks of Flamethrowers
50 Stacks of Machetes and Stimulants
20 Stacks of Old Assault Rifles
20 Old Mortars
5.000 Horses

Illegal Weapons Trade: 10.000$

Military Upkeep: 0$
Available: 10.000$

Overall Military

0 Tribesmen (3/2/5/5/Soft/Soft/3) - Armed with Machetes and Drugged to the brim those guys are basically insane idiots chargin with Machetes at the enemy
 -instant, Cost: 1.000 Manpower,1 Stack of Machetes and Stimulants Upkeep: 10$ (Total: 0$)

0 Armed Tribesmen (4/4/10/6/Soft/soft/4) - Fanatic Tribesmen, what motiviates the to follow a Warlord is beyond anyone.
 -instant, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, Stack of Old Assault Rifles, Upkeep: 50$ (Total: 0$)

0 Flame Thrower Group (10/10/5/5/Soft/Soft/8) - A Unit of Soldiers with Flamethrowers
- instant, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, 1 Stack of Flamethrowers, Upkeep: 200$

0 Mortar Units (5/2/10/2/Soft/Hard/8) - Young Adolescents armed with Mortars. Can fire from one province away.
- instant, Cost: 1.000 Manpower, 5 Mortars Upkeep: 500$ (Total: 0$)

-Mounted Upgrade: Cost: 1.000 Horses, +50$ upkeep. Raises HP by 5 and allows units to move two tiles.

Crimson gewere maatskappy

Contract: 0$

Military Upkeep: 8.900$
Available: 0$

Overall Military

10 CGM-Recruits (5/5/15/5/Soft/Soft/7) - Mercenary Recruits, stationed in a Humvee. (2 Tile Movement)
 -Upkeep: 400$ (Total: 4000$)

5 CGM-Veterans (10/10/15/7/Soft/Soft/8) - Old Veterans, some of them in the CGM since its founding, stationed in a Humvee. (2 Tiles)
 -Upkeep: 700$ (Total: 3.500$)

2 CGM BMT-IFV Units  (6/6/20/5/Hard/Hard/7) - a BMT Infantry Fighting Vehicle, Crewed by CGM Mercs.
- Upkeep: 700$ (Total: 1.400$)

« Last Edit: September 30, 2014, 02:24:44 pm by Ghazkull »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurgency IC-Thread
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2014, 08:54:03 am »

A handful of men and a woman, all wearing blue stripes on their uniform to differentiate them from common soldiers, sit around a table, all looking at a small binder full of information. One by one, they put the binders down and turn towards the man at the front, the only one in the room not wearing a uniform. He starts to speak, pointing out things of note on the board as he goes.

First, he points to a picture of him, in uniform.

"Hello, I'm Thomas Barkley, former Marine Lieutenant and current leader of the AFF. Call me Tom. I'll be running this whole thing, and if you do your job right, we won't have any problems."

Tom then points to a supply report he received earlier this morning.

"This is what we are working with right now. You, *points at one of the men* your file said you were good at this sort of thing. You're in charge of recruiting now. He *points at the man next to the first one* is responsible for military operations in this region. He'll tell you what he needs and you get it to him, copy?"

Tom then taps on a large, pinned map of the region.

"Primary objective for this stage: The capture of Azbath city and the destruction of government units in the region. Secondary objective is capturing the small villages scattered across the region."

Finally, Tom taps on some photos in the corner.

"Recon indicates that the only enemy units in the region are a few squads of Azbath City Civil Protection. Riot cops. Should be an easy first battle, if there even is a battle."

"Finally, you *points at the woman* are in charge of public relations. I'm giving you a thousand dollars and some computers with internet, you need to make people across the world want to support us."

"Everything clear?"

Everyone in the room nods, and Tom dismisses them with a gesture. He then sits down on the table, and solemnly reads the part of his dossier he kept out of the others. The part about the size and strength of the entire Transvaal army. He sighs, and puts away the documents.

Mobilize 10 Mobile Armed Insurgents and 10 Armed Insurgents. If I can choose where they are, place them as close to Azbath City as possible, with one Armed Insurgent by every village in the region. Attack the city with the 10 Mobile and 6 Armed force and capture the villages with one insurgent in each. Find suppliers for rifles, vehicles, and anti-tank/anti-air equipment.

Start a propaganda campaign, focused on the US and Europe, including sending letters to the news and governments and such. Give one man in every unit some sort of camera, and have them record any damage done by Tariq's forces. If he's bringing in helicopters against this small force of insurgents, the west should know.

((Unless propaganda isn't a thing, in which case, oh well.

EDIT: Tariq using helis against me counts as excessive force, right? would 5 wings of apaches attacking insurgents in a population center be enough for the west to react?))
« Last Edit: September 19, 2014, 11:57:21 pm by Playergamer »
A troll, most likely...But I hate not feeding the animals. Let the games begin.
Ya fuckin' wanker.   

My sigtext


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurgency IC-Thread
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2014, 09:54:42 am »

Send 2 units of armed convicts to Ozath alongside PMC allies. 2 Armed convict to Nordwest and 2 convict to Nordcap.

((Hope it's a successful turn))
« Last Edit: September 19, 2014, 11:31:35 am by 3man75 »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Communist Gnome
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Re: Insurgency IC-Thread
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2014, 11:26:33 am »

Though the war of independence had formally ended in Luthi more than two decades ago, the desire for freedom and self-government still burned in the hearts of Luthans across the country. Transvaal had known peace in these last years because not even the entire Luthan nation rising up had stood a chance against the might of the Transvaal military; but now rumors of dissent were being whispered, out of the earshot of Transvaal loyalists and officials, not only in Luthi, but in her sister-nation of Azbath and, crucially, in the cities of Transvaal proper, itself. The winds of change were gathering. The LIF's leaders-in-exile returned, one by one, and messengers were sent. The time had come.

Arm an Insurgent unit in or near each of North Town, Juhan Village, Luthi Village, and Velas Village. Liberate these settlements and fly the flag of the LIF from their town halls.
Arm 6 Insurgent units in or near Luthan City Centre. Arm another 6 Insurgent units in or near the Harbor District.
Attack the Transvaal units in the City Centre and Harbor District at -2 Attack (aka no collateral damage).

After the fighting occurs, send anonymous messages to Western mass media outlets. Give them evidence of Generalissimo Tariq's oppression, totalitarianism and continuation of Apartheid, as well as video footage of the fighting in Luthan City and the flags being raised over the smaller towns. Include a written or filmed statement, declaring the LIF's goals of a free, democratic, and independent Luthi. Also send them evidence of the massive overkill he's employing.

Also send a representative to the UN, for appearance's sake. Request non-member observer state status and plead for aid. You never know, it might work!
Also present the evidence gathered earlier to the UN, especially the massive overkill.

Seek out potential suppliers of weaponry, both legal and illegal. Try to keep the potentially illegal activities secret, if possible.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2014, 11:20:57 am by swordsmith04 »

Patrick Hunt

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurgency IC-Thread
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2014, 07:18:24 pm »

3 veteran and 4 rookie infantry to Ozath, 1 veteran 3 rookie and 1 IFV to each Nordwest and Nordkap.

Demand the e fenders surrender if they do strip them of all kit if not kill them. Take all money from the towns.

Kill anybody who gets in the way.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2014, 04:03:05 pm by Patrick Hunt »
Caine's law.
And so, here at the end of days, you are as you’ve always been. Willing to die. Not willing to quit.

Vengeance is mine saith the Lord but this morning. He's going to fucking well have to share.

Is she worth it, would you burn the city to save her? For her, I'd burn the world.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurgency IC-Thread
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2014, 09:16:01 pm »

Spawn 3 flamethrower groups with mounted upgrades, 2 mortar groups with mounted upgrades, and 5 armed tribesmen.

Send my flamethrower guys to torch Kolchosis in Nordkap, and send tribesmen to mess with the Nordkap villages. Station Mortars at Nordkap, and take potshots at Westkap town.

Yep, the sig is here
Whoops. Well, shit. Typical salsacookies.
I don't need my cavities checked. I just went to the dentist! Ba-dum-tiss.
I am a Christian


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurgency IC-Thread
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2014, 02:28:46 pm »

Send the second Motorised Infantry Division south into the Freistaat province from Boksburg, with orders to patrol the immediate area (Including the cities), and respond to any hostile activity in those areas. All units are to hold back so as to minimise civilian casualties. Mobilise a further 50 Motorised infantry units and 50 army units in Boksburg. The second tank division is to also commence patrols within their geographic region, as well as aiding the 2nd Mot infantry should they require it.

The marines in Durban are to head south to reinforce the civil protection units there. Again, they are to watch their fire carefully to ensure civilians aren't caught in the crossfire.

The marine units in Cape town are to move to Azbath city, under orders to check their fire if any enemy units approach their AO.

The marines in Port elizabeth are under orders to patrol the port elizabeth/east london area, checking their fire if any aggressive actors move into the area

Commando units "Redver's Buller", "Silverstreak" and the Rhodesian commandos along with their helicopter transports are to put into standby mode, responding to any calls of assistance from any neighboring provinces

The 1st Transvaal Staatsartillerie is to move to the Utrecht coalfield

Mobilise the AC-130s and the B-2 in Pretoria, 20 Motorised Rijkswacht in Bloemfontain and 20 Marine units in Cape Town for futher orders
« Last Edit: September 19, 2014, 07:04:03 am by Taricus »
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurgency IC-Thread
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2014, 09:22:57 am »

Spoiler: Action: General Strike (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Action Plan : Revolt (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurgency IC-Thread
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2014, 03:15:00 pm »

First Month of the Transvaal Civil War

Turn post is not ready yet please refrain from posting. Similiarly, updates in the first and second post are not finished yet.


...newest reports from the Region show that the Azbathian Freedom Front has finally made its move and in unison with several other Rebel Groups has started its war against the Junta of Generalissimo Tariq.

According to reports the Azbathi Freedom Front has occupied large parts of Azbath: The Towns of Jazith, Akben and Holek have been occupied by Azbathi forces.
Reports also indicate that the main force of the AFF has engaged the local Civil Protection Units in the Azbath City Centre.
As of this hour we have no close reports as to which side is winning...

Occupied Towns of Jazith, Akben, Holek and the OUtskirts of Azbath City
Lost the Battle inside Azbath City Centre


Meanwhile the Luthani have also revolted in the east of Transvaal. The once disparate clans and tribes have united and, mirroring the AFFs efforts, have occupied most of their home province.
North town, Velas, Luthi and Juhan Village have been occupied and after quick but bloody battles the LIF has taken the City Centre and the Harbor District from Transvaal Government troops

« Last Edit: September 30, 2014, 02:24:45 pm by Ghazkull »