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Author Topic: CCS Ideas  (Read 2456 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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CCS Ideas
« on: July 01, 2014, 06:56:01 am »

A lot of things in the modern world today going on like the current SJW craze, really made me think about the extreme left wing as it stands today, and really makes for a better more current option of introducing the CCS. This is a mod I would love to work on, to finally make it a thing, and something I'd like to play around with myself. I'm starting with ideas for the law stances. This is taken from one of the source files as a reference list, but edited to fit CCS needs. The idea is the opposite of the LCS in a way. You want to dehumanize the liberals they're the fucking monsters now, make them look fucking insane, just like the C+ laws as they stand in LCS. You want the C/C+ laws to more tame in comparison and far more appealing, by using carefully selected words, or buzzwords in certain spots to give that warped perspective from the other extreme side. I feel a lot of these hit the nail on the head as it stands now, but some of them are still kind of iffy. Not everything is necessarily accurate, which I'd possibly be open to corrections, some things are meant to be twisted out of their political branches on purpose though.

C+: "Women live a calm, and easy life of homemaking."
C: "Women are expected to uphold traditionalist values."
M: "Women are nominally equal under law."
L: "Men and the patriarchy are frowned upon by society."
L+: "Fluid gender identities run rampant, and men are considered subhuman scum."

C+: "Dangerous ethnic groups are banned for the ultimate safety of our homeland."
C: "Racial profiling helps keep America safe from external threats."
M: "Racial inequality is currently a personal social injustice to individuals."
L: "Persons of color are more highly regarded in society."
L+: "White persons are considered destructive and face harsh regulations and treatment."

C+: "Drug offenders are removed from this world to keep society clean."
C: "The war on drugs is alive and well."
M: "Recreational drugs are prohibited unless medically prescribed."
L: "Marijuana is regulated and taxed, reefer madness is being documented in studies."
L+: "All drugs have been legalized and the crazies run the streets."

C+: "Immigration is illegal, and heavily fortified borders ensures job security for Americans."
C: "The military has been deployed to the borders to help curb the oversaturated job market."
M: "The job market is heavily saturated due to immigration laws being shoddy."
L: "A foreign national quota is maintained to keep diversity up."
L+: "Terrorist cells spread like wildfire as immigration is completely unregulated"

C+: "Heretical religions are banned, and heathen followers get the mental help they need."
C: "Proper religion is instilled into the nation's youth to produce fine members of society."
M: "Religion of all kinds are accepted and freely worshipped."
L: "Heretical religions such as satanism are growing in popularity."
L+: "Atheism is mandatory by law, Secret Demonic cults are widespread and demons run rampant."

C+: "Presidents serve life terms to smooth out the political process."
C: "Preisdential terms stand for eight years now, term limits do not exist."
M: "Political campaigns are a race of finances."
L: "There are no restrictions on who can run for president."
L+: "Candidacy is determined by total community service contributions."

C+: "Service guarantees citizenship, NATO is abolished as America defends all allies."
C: "America maintains a massive, well funded, highly trained military."
M: "The military is funded decently, but is still lacking."
L: "Military strength is dwindling, NATO holds a presence in America."
L+: "The military is abolished, full confidence is put into UN Peacekeeping."

C+: "Military and intelligence interrogators extract information at all costs."
C: "General populace safety is generally regarded over individual liberty when it comes to torture."
M: "Torture allegations still occasionally crop up."
L: "American lives are at risk due to all of the red tape covering interrogations."
L+: "Law enforcement questioning is illegal, evidence or confessions are no longer required for convictions."

C+: "Prisoners receive the bare minimum necessities and work in hard labor to pay their debts."
C: "Prisoners are worked and receive no extra services."
M: "Prisoners receive basic rights and services."
L: "Prisoners are reeducated towards liberal standards against their will."
L+: "Prisoners are savagely brainwashed and then released."

case LAW_TAX:
C+: "Taxes cease to exist to stop giving free monetary handouts."
C: "A flat tax is in effect."
M: "Taxes are moderate, and the code has loop-holes."
L: "Taxes are very high and steeply graded."
L+: "All wealth is equally distributed, everyone lives a simple and poor life."

C+: "Abortion is a felony equal to murder."
C: "Abortion is prohibited except in extreme circumstances."
M: "Abortion is limited to early pregnancy."
L: "Abortion is legal."
L+: "Abortion is mandatory if the population control quota is off."

C+: "Animals are experimented upon for the greater good of humanity."
C: "Animal testing must be classified by purpose and suffering caused."
M: "Animal research is regulated with a system of licenses and certificates."
L: "Animal research is strictly regulated by purpose and suffering caused."
L+: "Animals hold similar rights as people, veganism is mandatory by law."

C+: "Law enforcement keeps up with military protocol to ensure maximum security for citizens."
C: "A blind eye is turned to police cruelty as long as people feel safe."
M: "Law enforcement is regulated to prevent misconduct, and promote fairness."
L: "Law Enforcement tends to follow rule of witch hunt."
L+: "The streets are policed by block officers who execute those deemed unworthy by the block."

C+: "A public database of everyone containing all information is maintained to help prevent future crimes."
C: "The government can obtain any information for good reason, easily."
M: "Basic safeguards for medical and financial privacy are in place."
L: "All areas of privacy are protected with strong safeguards."
L+: "Invasion of personal privacy is a felony crime."

C+: "Ruthless criminals can be put to death for minor offenses to ease the burden of society."
C: "The death penalty is active in many states for serious offenses."
M: "The death penalty is in effect but under scrutiny."
L: "A death penalty is up to the jury on a case by case basis for undesirables."
L+: "Undesirables are used as animal feed."

C+: "Clean nuclear energy powers everything, even cars."
C: "Nuclear power is a preferred energy source."
M: "Nuclear power is often an energy source."
L: "Nuclear power is intensely regulated and seldom used."
L+: "Nuclear power is illegal, current plants are left to rot, leaving unforseen consequences."

C+: "Resources are the ultimate objective in industry."
C: "Industry voluntarily regulates pollution."
M: "Industry is subject to moderate pollution regulations."
L: "Industry is subject to strict pollution regulations."
L+: "Industry and homes are subject to no-tolerance inspections."

C+: "Sunday is the only day allowed off work and children are free to work if they please."
C: "An honest pay for a day's honest work."
M: "Workers still require some benefits by law."
L: "Unqualified people hold jobs and are fairly compensated and have benefits."
L+: "Jobs are assigned at birth, and stand for life, regaurdless of merit."

case LAW_GAY:
C+: "Deviation from heterosexuality is considered a crime against god and is punishable by law."
C: "LGBT is heavily frowned upon by society."
M: "LGBT are grudgingly tolerated but have few equal rights."
L: "LGBT have many rights shared by heterosexuals."
L+: "Sexuality is excessively dynamic and fluid, Heteosexuality is outlawed."

C+: "The nation's territory is divided up by corporation instead of state leading to a streamlined market of goods."
C: "Corporations are large and contribute large amounts of support for the country."
M: "Corporations are moderately regulated, although wages are still unfair in places."
L: "Corporations are subject to harsh regulation, executives are often at the will of their employees."
L+: "Corporations are abolished, instead everything is run by the government."

C+: "Speech is heavily monitored, but not regulated, for threats to national security."
C: "Some individuals are monitored for the things they say."
M: "Free speech is encouraged."
L: "Hateful speech is banned."
L+: "Anything considered offensive is a felony. Trigger warnings are mandatory."

C+: "Burning the flag is a crime on par with murder."
C: "Burning the flag is a felony."
M: "Flag-burning is a misdemeanor."
L: "Flag-burning is legal but stigmatized."
L+: "Flag-burning is legal."

C+: "Citizens' choice in self defense is unregulated."
C: "Military grade weapons are heavily regulated, but possible to obtain."
M: "A comprehensive ban on military-style weapons is in effect."
L: "Guns cannot be sold to anyone outside of law enforcement."
L+: "Any weapon owned, sold, or carried by a citizen is a felony."
« Last Edit: July 01, 2014, 07:02:46 am by Vherid »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CCS Ideas
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2014, 08:41:43 pm »

Playing as the CCS has been brought up here before, although in this case a lot of the laws would have to be realigned to make the CCS the good guys and the LCS the bad guys.

One of the pitfalls you're looking at here is that the world in LCS is geared toward a ultra-paranoid real-world agenda: the government and corporations are in league, the view espoused by conservatives about freedom is a facade to keep the government and corporations in power, etc. Real conservatives (often, not always) dislike large government and, ironically enough, large corporations, and paranoid conservatives often view liberal government as huge, impersonal, and tyrannical.

The problem that I see here is that a lot of the laws you've got here paint liberals this way if L+, but they don't look too good for the conservatives when C+ either. For example, your version of LAW_RELIGION is pretty intolerant if either non-moderate side gets the upper hand...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CCS Ideas
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2014, 09:14:41 pm »

Playing as the CCS has been brought up here before, although in this case a lot of the laws would have to be realigned to make the CCS the good guys and the LCS the bad guys.

One of the pitfalls you're looking at here is that the world in LCS is geared toward a ultra-paranoid real-world agenda: the government and corporations are in league, the view espoused by conservatives about freedom is a facade to keep the government and corporations in power, etc. Real conservatives (often, not always) dislike large government and, ironically enough, large corporations, and paranoid conservatives often view liberal government as huge, impersonal, and tyrannical.

The problem that I see here is that a lot of the laws you've got here paint liberals this way if L+, but they don't look too good for the conservatives when C+ either. For example, your version of LAW_RELIGION is pretty intolerant if either non-moderate side gets the upper hand...

Yes I saw that thread, and it was a hot silly mess of idiocy and seriousness.

I wrote most of these up when I was tired, it definitely needs tweaks, and I agree, I find I can paint a dark ultra paranoid silly liberal world a lot better than I can paint a nice hardcore conservative world for some of these.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: CCS Ideas
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2014, 10:32:35 pm »

All right; let me try:  :)

C+: "Women have the same opportunities as men and make of them what they will."

C+: "The law is blind to race. To protect is to discriminate."

C+: "Drugs laws are stringently enforced and the largely public is safe from their dangers."

case LAW_IMMIGRATION: (note this is yours; you did this one well IMO)
C+: "Immigration is illegal, and heavily fortified borders ensures job security for Americans."

case LAW_RELIGION: (note this law does not exist in vanilla Liberal Crime Squad, although it does exist in the Terra Vitae mod…)
C+: "Traditional religious beliefs are encouraged, and established religions are tax-exempt."

case LAW_ELECTIONS: (for this one, the conservatives use free elections and the liberals force them. The sides are reversed)

C+: "United States military superiority ensures peace around the world."

C+: "Insurgents and spies are not protected by the Geneva conventions."

C+: "Prisoners receive enough necessities to work to pay their debts."

case LAW_TAX:
C+: "Taxes are flat on citizens, but are lax on corporations to encourage growth."

C+: "Killing a child is murder, whether or not the child has been born yet."

case LAW_ANIMALRESEARCH: (I can't argue with this one you did either)
C+: "Animals are experimented upon for the greater good of humanity."

case LAW_POLICEBEHAVIOR: (or this one)
C+: "Law enforcement keeps up with military protocol to ensure maximum security for citizens."

case LAW_PRIVACY: This one is problematic, because there isn't a consistent conservative viewpoint - or, for that matter, a liberal viewpoint. Because Liberal Crime Squad is about fighting back against a tyrannical establishment, however, and because your Conservative Crime Squad game would be about the same, I would swap the sides again: conservatives value privacy, liberals oppose it in order to catch crimes before they happen (just with the government doing this, without involvement from corporations).

C+: "Violent criminals are executed to protect law-abiding citizens."

case LAW_NUCLEARPOWER: (you have this one, too)
C+: "Clean nuclear energy powers everything, even cars."

C+: "Pollution laws are relaxed in order to reward industry."

C+: "Good ideas and hard work are to be rewarded with prestige and higher pay."

case LAW_GAY:
C+: "Deviation from heterosexuality is subject to a 'don't ask, don't tell' policy."

C+: "Private enterprise is protected by law and is the country's source of wealth."

case LAW_FREESPEECH: (I'd switch the liberal and conservative views on this one as well)

case LAW_FLAGBURNING: (And this one)

case LAW_GUNCONTROL: (this one of yours is good)
C+: "Citizens' choice in self defense is unregulated."

Liberal Elitist

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Re: CCS Ideas
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2014, 01:08:20 am »

Eh, a lot of the Arch-Conservative positions still sound kinda bad and aren't worded to sound good, you really need better NewSpeak. I've put plenty of NewSpeak into the game from a Liberal perspective, of course, to make Liberalism look good and Conservatism look bad, within the crazy little game-world.

Anyway I disagree about reversing the positions on Flag Burning. Conservatives tend to be much more nationalistic/patriotic than liberals, who take more of a view of trying to care about people in other countries and not care as much about which nation someone is from, at least that's a good stereotype we could use even if it's not entirely accurate.

So the C+ text for Flag Burning would be:
"The sacred symbol of our Republic is protected from desecration by traitors."

As for stuff like Privacy and Free Speech, a lot of Conservatives have a Libertarian streak so in a Conservative game where Conservatives are good and Liberals are evil, obviously Conservatives would be in favor of Privacy from Big Brother snooping on you and in favor of Free Speech that doesn't have any Misguided Liberal laws banning so-called "hate speech". I mean you can look at the NSA under Obama spying on all of us and how people like Rand Paul are against it or look at people like Rush Limbaugh as champions of free speech who the Misguided Liberals are always trying to censor when he says things that are politically incorrect so-called "hate speech", because obviously to Misguided Liberals, the Conservative Truth hurts so their only option is to silence it.

Using Arch-Conservative and Elite Liberal to refer to the 2 extremes, those can both still be kept if you have a pro-Conservative game... Elite Liberal sounds bad after all, and Arch-Conservative just means you deeply believe in the great Conservative principles our Founding Fathers founded this nation on in 1776 when they wore those tri-corner hats on top of their powdered wigs.

I mean, I've rewritten code for changes in laws to make them sound better, in the recent revisions of the game on SourceForge. This especially included making Conservative changes to laws sound better... any bill or proposition ought to sound like a good thing... the descriptions of bills and propositions are always written by the people in favor of them who want them to get passed, so generally it should be expected to have highly biased language that makes it sound like passing the bill or proposition is a good thing. I especially thought I came up with a clever NewSpeak way of referring to increasing nuclear power plants: "Supporting alternative energy sources", the kind of thing that sounds good to a Liberal, even though it's actually referring to the Conservative idea of building massive numbers of nuclear power plants with hardly any safety regulations.

Anyway most of those are fairly good but they could be better... I really dislike the sound of "rewarding industry", when trying to talk positively about pollution... it sounds much better to say that you are "protecting American manufacturing jobs". If you phrase it like that, even many Liberals would be like, hey, I want to protect American manufacturing jobs too!

So really I'd recommend increasing the level of NewSpeak and bias to make Conservative stuff sound good and Liberal stuff sound bad. Note that in real life I'm a liberal but that doesn't mean I can't play a Conservative in a video game. And of course the game itself is ridiculously biased to make Liberals sound good and Conservatives sound bad... although there are examples of Liberals sounding bad, like if you have low Persuasion skill, low Intelligence, and low Charisma, and go out to try and talk to people about the issues, you say really stupid things that make Liberalism look idiotic. Similarly if you had a Conservative game where Conservatism was meant to look good, someone with low skills who went to try and talk about the issues would likewise say stupid things that make Conservatism look bad. After all, Liberalism and Conservatism are basically mirror images of each other that oppose each other on everything, at least in the United States, due to political partisanship. In other nations, it doesn't work that way at all, and liberals and conservatives actually have quite a bit of beliefs in common and often form coalition governments together against people they disagree with, such as actual genuine socialists. In the United Kingdom for instance, the Liberal Democrats (who meet the British definition of what it is to be Liberal) are allied in a coalition with the Conservative Party, with the Labour Party (a bunch of socialists) in opposition. Of course in reality the Labour Party isn't really socialist anymore, as Tony Blair was a Third Way politician just like Bill Clinton, a neoliberal, who aimed to make his party more "moderate" and friendly to business interests. And the Conservative Party of Britain isn't remotely as conservative as the U.S. Republicans, so actually the parties in Britain aren't that far apart. The 3 major political parties in Britain are actually all pretty much the same to be honest.

But in the United States for some reason we have ridiculous levels of partisan polarization, Democrats and Republicans hating each other, Liberals and Conservatives being arch-enemies, you can easily see this on many Internet message boards like the comments sections on news articles online where the 2 sides are constantly at war in the comments. Then again, 90% of those people posting ridiculous stuff on news sites are trolling and don't actually believe the nonsense they are posting, they just do it foar teh LULZ. Half the time when I post stuff on those sites I don't really believe it 100%, and am maybe kinda trolling just a little bit, posting slightly more extreme stuff than what I actually believe just to get a reaction. But, I will say this, that I believe what I say when I am saying it... then after I post something I look at what I posted and think, wow, that's awesome, that's REALLY going to get a lot of people worked up when they read it, and people will favorite the comment and friend me or flag the comment and block me depending on their views, and they'll all reply either agreeing or disagreeing... Sometimes after I post a comment to some site like Huffington Post I post another one like 15 minutes later after reading more comments and I'm actually an open-minded person and sometimes change my mind on things, so sometimes 15 minutes later I post a comment on the same article espousing the exact opposite point of view on an issue from the one I held 15 minutes earlier... and I believe what I am posting at the time I am espousing it, both times... that is the peril of being open-minded... if your head's that wide open your brain is bound to fall out. I guess that's what I like about this game... since I'm perfectly capable of looking at things from the Liberal or the Conservative point of view... although I think maybe my Conservative point of view is warped which is why it seems wrong and the Liberal one seems right on pretty much everything... in other words when I try and think like a Conservative it ends up being like a straw man argument. Or maybe I am giving Conservatives too much credit whenever I entertain the notion that their philosophy is equally valid to Liberalism, I don't know. I guess the failing of both Liberalism and Conservatism in America today is neither of them is a coherent ideology, they are just both defined in opposition to each other, so each of them knows what it is against, but not what it is for. I have that problem too, I know what I am against, but not what I am for. There are a lot of bad ideas politically that I KNOW are wrong, but there are very few good ideas that I have any kind of certainty that they are right. I suppose the only solution to this problem is to use science... do controlled experiments with reproducible results that compare one policy choice to another. As an example I don't think capitalism is a good system but I don't think communism is any good either, I am opposed to both of them, and trying to look for an alternative system that is actually good, but I haven't found any yet. So for now I think the best system is the mixed economy, a mix of capitalism and socialism... which is what most nations, in practice have... but most nations don't have quite the right mix... I think we can find a better mix... Sweden has a good mix of capitalism and socialism, they do a mixed economy well, but I'm unsure whether it's possible for other nations to duplicate this success if those nations aren't similar enough to Sweden. For instance if you tried to put in place a Swedish economic system in Afghanistan, that would never work, since those 2 countries have nothing in common. It would probably work pretty well in the United States, though. Maybe.
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Re: CCS Ideas
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2014, 01:30:49 am »


Yes exactly, it's all about that newspeak. That's what I needed to iron out a bit more, and you definitely bring up a lot of interesting viewpoints I didn't even know.


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Re: CCS Ideas
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2014, 12:57:57 am »

Yes, I agree with Liberal Elitist.

To be honest, there are some issues that make good issues for Liberal Crime Squad as a game and would not for Conservative Crime Squad as a game. Flag burning may be one of these (and gay rights may be another), since it's hard to take an extreme patriotic (conservative) view on flag burning without it effectively sounding fascist.

This is why I'd suggest adjusting the scale in some cases - for example in LCS, the L+ for free speech is unfettered free speech. From a political standpoint in real American politics, this is the moderate viewpoint, with both extreme liberals and extreme conservatives wanting to censor free speech, albeit in different ways and for different reasons.

An example of a conservative issue would be education. There is a move afoot in the United States to water down education to make it accessible to everybody, which has the side effect of causing the education that people who could and did benefit from it to deteriorate. I can see a heroic CCS trying to prevent the collapse of American education in the face of the New New Math and the like failing to teach any useful or relevant skills.

Servant Corps

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Re: CCS Ideas
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2014, 02:41:39 pm »

To be honest, there are some issues that make good issues for Liberal Crime Squad as a game and would not for Conservative Crime Squad as a game. Flag burning may be one of these (and gay rights may be another), since it's hard to take an extreme patriotic (conservative) view on flag burning without it effectively sounding fascist.
That's correct. When I tried making Conservative Crime Squad, the issue list for the CCS was much different from LCS, though I still kept flag burning and the "gay rights" issue (renamed to "Marriage" and focused entirely on the issue of gay marriage, instead of dealing with gays outside of marriage). If you would want to make a CCS game, I think you should take a look at that thread for some ideas on how a CCS game would work out.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2014, 02:44:18 pm by Servant Corps »
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Re: CCS Ideas
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2014, 03:58:45 pm »


…Although I'm not sure I agree on the Death Penalty one (I think a lot of very conservative Libertarians would feel that the jury, not the law, should be the ones responsible for assigning or not assigning capital punishment). ;)