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Author Topic: Gulruris, the Greatest Thief  (Read 621 times)


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Gulruris, the Greatest Thief
« on: July 10, 2014, 08:32:42 am »

Gulruris, the Greatest Thief

Gulruris was a kobold who lived in the Gloom of Communions, a cave right next to the southern edge of the world. It was very cold, but the kobolds that lived there had adapted to the chill and had lived with it almost all their lives.

Gulruris was born into a large litter, where he never really stood out. But he had a dream: to make the greatest theft of all time. One day, he put on a backpack, picked up some chopped yak liver, and left home.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2014, 10:52:18 am by TheFlame52 »


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Re: Guluris, the Greatest Thief
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2014, 10:24:50 am »

Gulruris first headed northwest from the cave towards some human towns so he could steal some good gear. After traveling all day, he rested in the mountains and ate some liver. He had heard stories from some of the more experienced thieves about demons attacking them alone at night.

In the morning, he headed out and soon arrived at a hamlet. However, the hamlet did not have anything good to steal, so he continued north. He stopped quickly to melt some snow and eat some liver. He killed a raven with thrown rocks but it did not have enough meat to bother with. He continued traveling north until he found some more hamlets. They also did not have anything worth taking, but he tried to find an empty house to sleep in for the night. He ended up staying in front of a house because all the houses were full.

In the morning, he went to the mead hall of the town and looked inside. It was mostly abandoned, but it had a few fire imps inside. He looked through all the bags but none of them had any daggers at all. Then he went west to the next town and in the mead hall found a nice bronze dagger. He killed a stray cat with it so he could have some meat. Now he was ready for the real task at hand. He set off walking northeast.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2014, 10:52:03 am by TheFlame52 »


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Re: Gulruris, the Greatest Thief
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2014, 11:53:56 am »

After a while, Gulruris came to a stream. It was a stream like any other, except one difference: this one was made of water. Gulruris hated water. He had almost drowned many times in the caverns below the Gloom of Communions. After walking back and forth along the bank for a while, Gulruris saw two willows positioned next to each other on either side of the stream. He climbed up one tree, across the branches, and down the other. He used this method many more times to cross streams.

On his way, he stopped at another mead hall. There, he found a bronze dagger to match his other one and a waterskin. Now he could carry both food and water. He continued northeast and stopped at a tiny hamlet for the night. As he was walking the streets, he was suddenly surrounded by cackling! He sprinted for the nearest door and made it inside just in time. He barged through the door, pushing startled imps aside, with strange black and grey creatures right behind him. As the creatures came inside, the began to evaporate into smoke and attack the imps. They got a few blows each before they finished evaporating. Gulruris jumped out the other door before any of the imps could figure out what had just happened.

Gulruris slept on top of a house that night. In the morning, he continued traveling until nightfall. He spent the night at the very top of a pine tree. In the morning, he ate his last piece of cat meat and there was no town in sight from which he could steal. He stalked through the snow-covered forest, looking for a target. Finally, he saw one: a moose, grazing on snow-covered grass. He snuck up behind it and slashed both back legs. The moose made a sound of pain and fell unconscious. Gulruris slashed its throat and let it bleed to death. He butchered the beast and put all the meat in his pack. This one kill would feed him for days. That night he slept in the mountains.


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Re: Gulruris, the Greatest Thief
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2014, 01:56:04 pm »

In the morning, he set off north. After half a day of travel, Gulruris finally reached his target: the vault of Keepergorges. The walls of the vault were made of a stone he had never seen before, a black stone that seemed to suck in all light. Once arriving, he filled up his waterskin with melted snow and went inside. Inside the first room was a lever, which he pulled. After going through a few rooms, he found a staircase down. That led to a large, sloping, semicircular room. This room also had a lever. When Gulruris pulled the lever, the movement of some bars on the wall drew his eye. He went through where the bars had been, leading to more rooms and more downward staircases.

In one room, he saw a square of metal leaning up against one wall. The metal was like no other he had seen. It seemed to glow with a ruddy light, even in the darkness. He picked it up and noticed that it was very light for such a thick piece of metal. He then turned it around and saw there were straps on the back. It must be a shield, but a very strange one. He went through many rooms, pulling levers and opening doors. He found many more strange shields and he took them all.

Finally Gulruris came to a large, semicircular chamber. In the center was a pedestal with the most valuable object Gulruris could imagine: a massive platinum slab, engraved with some sort of writing. Gulruris stared at the amazing treasure.

Gulruris didn't know how long it took him to carry the massive slab up all the stairs, but by the time he reached the entrance, night had fallen. He slept in the entrance of the vault, using the slab as a bed. In the morning he began the long trek back towards his home.

The way back was relatively uneventful. The only thing of note was when Gulruris was attacked by a mixed gang of demons, goblins, and trolls where he gained the title Gugustnos, "Lulledgrottoes". Upon reaching home, Gulruris climbed to the top of the cave and put the slab there for all to see. He wasn't just Gulruris anymore - he was Gulruris, the Greatest Thief.