Hello, I am seeking players for a science-fantasy (mixing standard fantasy with SF) game of GURPS.
I am seeking for two additional players.
We play on roll20, at currently Saturday 3pm.
Main sourcebooks are Basic (obviously), Spaceships, Ultra-Tech, Bio-Tech, Martial Arts (yes, at TL10) and Magic.
It is an exploration game set in an universe where... well, imagine a giant gruyère made of rock. That's the universe, and the stars are inside the holes of the gruyère. Holes are connected, or not.
You are normally part of the Alpha Military, a TL10 (non-superscience) federalist government reuniting two dozen million sentients, mostly humans.
PM me if interested, i will give you the roll20 link (where more info and rules can be gotten)
Players already playing:
-Naryar, GMPC: Navigator, also martial artist and capable with energy pistols. Cultured and generally honorable. Also some sort of fire genasi.
-Carnwenann: Pseudo-Russian biologist, but capable with a laser pistol. Also a wizard.
-Chosrau: Computer expert. Also an AI computer hiding in a mostly living body. Did I mention that free-willed AI's are killed or enslaved on sight in the Alpha society ?
Two other players are here but they have been absent quite a lot, hence why I am searching
Rules about play :
-We start at 150 points. You must take Duty (Alpha Military) at start so you actually start at 165 pts, and you have a free Rank of 2 (10 pts) in the military. You can trade your rank for extra points or get more rank at the cost of points.
-Races allowed: Human, most fantasy races and you can even create your own race (subject to GM and general player approval, of course)
-Magic exists, though is seen as a mysterious art by most of the population.
-Tech level: TL10, non-superscience.
-Game is mostly set as realistic, though occasionally there are some cinematic-like things.
-Game is set as serious. Though sometimes I just can't resist being silly.
-Magic, psionics, divine/elemental/infernal powers exist. There are no "supers" though and no silly physics like getting super powers with nuclear radiation. For magical radiation, however, all bets are off.
If you are new to GURPS, feel free to ask me for advice. It's a pretty complex system to learn, after all.