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Author Topic: Df 2014 Falling Skies Edition [Skill: Overseer] Very Rusty  (Read 1826 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Df 2014 Falling Skies Edition [Skill: Overseer] Very Rusty
« on: July 12, 2014, 02:22:41 am »

As many of us dive headlong into the adventure that is a new long awaited but hilariously bug ridden release I figure I should chronicle my trials for the benefit of those who are either waiting for more stability, or perhaps who just are too proficient or lucky to get any !fun! out of the release.
I should note that I have a bad history of not finishing or even starting community games, and also that I've barely played since soon after DF2012 made me ragequit over poor stockpiling issues.

As always I like to lightly modify my game to make things more playable or perhaps to overcome bugs. A minor issue is keybindings, I have changed fast move to Control+direction so that Shift+direction can be used for the secondary selector much more easily than the - + keys, the same shift+direction can also be used for resizing stockpiles etc. The whole [Why is everything running away all the time?] thing seems silly so I've gone ahead and added [No Fear] to every creature possessing a nervous system. And finally I always have trouble dealing with the buildup of corpse chunks in evil regions so I've changed reanimate to Monthly.
!Fun!? It is Inevitable
Stay tuned

Now starting with 40.03 using FTB (fear the badger) Which changes Discipline to prevent everything running away, also changes weapons to work better and various other changes

Edit: Added no fear to most large creatures and sentients: Any creature contained within the files:
next_underground,creature_ocean_new,savage_tropical,standard,subterranean, temperate_new,tropical_new,tundra_taiga_new.

Worldgen settings are default except for small world for better FPS.

Ruspmon the eternal planes has been created:
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Where should I start?
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 10:04:21 pm by MarcAFK »
They're nearly as bad as badgers. Build a couple of anti-buzzard SAM sites marksdwarf towers and your fortress will look like Baghdad in 2003 from all the aerial bolt spam. You waste a lot of ammo and everything is covered in unslightly exploded buzzard bits and broken bolts.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Df 2014 Falling Skies Edition [Skill: Overseer] Very Rusty
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2014, 11:11:03 pm »

Strike the Earth!

In the year of Armok 42 the settlement of Amostoslan was founded beside a mountain of the range of pleated splines. This cold rock is devoid of Trees but covered in thick scrub, thankfully a nearby brook Whiskereddrills winds through the tiaga at it's base, feeding the heavy growth of pine forests. The site was rich, miners quickly discovering metals deep within the earth and flux stone to feed the nascent steel industry. The new settlers uneasily eyed the badlands to the west, knowing that a settlement of hostile goblins had been known to live there since ancient times, but there was peace now, a hard won victory that had taken generations, and much blood. To the south lay the strong dwarven fortresses of Takhurdacost and Mensokan, Takhurdacost had been the site of some of the bloodiest battles of the wars, a freezing mountain devoid of any kind of life plant or animal and the tomb of many greenskins. Mensokan was the furthest south any civilisation had dared to go, vast stretches of glacier spread out as far as the eye could see, This land saw sunlight only for brief periods of the year and only during the rare sessation of eternal sleet and blizzard that covers that land can the terrain be seen, and safely navigated. Rumors abound of sinister lands to the south populated by fell beasts and unholy abominations,but only the foolhardy and insane would venture there to find out, besides such stories are obviously invented to illustrate the cold forged iron will of those who manage to survive in such a place. To the north lay all friendly lands and the dwarven mountainhomes, even the elves who lived past the mountains weren't seen with much suspicion ,war with them being a thing of the far distant past, storys told about a time a thousand years ago before even steel had been discovered. What the residents of Amostoslan thought about the lands to the east however was entirely positive albeit predictable. The mountain the settlement had been founded under the shadow of was vast, the past had taught all dwarves that wherever a mountain was, wealth was to be had. And wherever a vast mountain was, vast wealth was surely there. As time went on the settlement grew untill it finally achieved fortress status, great works of construction were funded by the wealth hewed from the ground, massive fortifications started to surround the city and a great citadel was planned to protect the wealth and the city's nobles, however Amostoslan was a fortress in name only, never having waged a war or been besieged by enemies the residents were comfortable and the militia under equipped, the walls impressive but for show only. Under the shadow of the mountain the city grew wealthy, and fat, and conceited.
Under the shadow of the mountain in the Autumn of 123 their reckoning came, out of the bowels of their precious mountain crawled the foul beast Tithleth Owlsank, a creature so hideous that nobody could fathom how such a thing could exist, none of the stories of fanciful creatures and sickening beasts even came close to describing this thing, if such a thing had been possible before now it was entirely forgotten in the history of the world. In the midautumn of 123, The Lance of Typhoons fought its desperate battle with the creature, and all was lost. Townwinds was destroyed.

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We aim to reclaim this lost land.
They're nearly as bad as badgers. Build a couple of anti-buzzard SAM sites marksdwarf towers and your fortress will look like Baghdad in 2003 from all the aerial bolt spam. You waste a lot of ammo and everything is covered in unslightly exploded buzzard bits and broken bolts.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Df 2014 Falling Skies Edition [Skill: Overseer] Very Rusty
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2014, 02:48:16 am »

You wouldn't perhaps be interested in trying out having a "mysterious (master of murderization) guest" retiring in your fortress at some point, would you?



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Df 2014 Falling Skies Edition [Skill: Overseer] Very Rusty
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2014, 03:22:13 am »

Using play now because CBA setting everything up individually.

The 7 brave or perhaps foolish travellers finally arrived at the larch covered plateau in front of the impressive mountain, the wagon was stopped at a smooth gneiss wall after traversing the small hill to the west of the entrance. Obok Adillor the expedition leader took a look around. " The trade depot used to be behind that wall, they used to keep the surface clean of trees for the wagons but we'll be glad of the wood by winter" Vabok the woodcutter chimes in " That's a gneiss wall, it really is" The others give an exasperated sigh, his sense of humor leaving somewhat frayed nerves after the arduous journey.

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We have Gneiss, Andecite, Dacite, Red sand,  and some other stuff, no flux or magmasafe stones yet, but we have a good quantity of wood available. Unfortunately food must be farmed underground, hunted or traded as this is a mountain, also we're not sure if the trees will regrow yet. Our river is frozen so water must be accessed through more ingenious means, or the caverns.

First thing is to remove all useless labours on our 2 Fishery workers (seriously why would you migrate to a frozen mountain for fish?). And removal of wood cutting on the 2 more valuable dwarves who had that skill. The unskilled Fishery worker was then tasked as our single wood cutter. Work now shall begin on moving our stuff inside and setting up.
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A temporary everything stockpile is created within the walls, a carpenters workshop is built and our first tree is cut without incident, meanwhile our Yaks are pastured onto the snow covered grass outside, how long they can last out there is anyone's guess, but it's likely we should put them into the relative safety of the cavern.

Having a little trouble setting up farms, my access point seems broken. It's not a problem I recall ever having before... Sorted that put easy enough, I had an upwards ramp right above a downwards ramp as if it was a stairway, obviously the ramps need to be next to each other......

Mid  Spring:
As work is begun on our first underground areas a cavern is discovered.
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As our first crops are finally being planted a meeting is held to discuss the future of the fortress.

Obok Adillor- Expedition leader: "I called everybody here today so that we could discuss the state of the expedition, we're a small group and we've gotten somewhat familiar with each other during the journey here, I hope that you all know me now as well as I believe I know you.
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And I know that you'll all understand that what I'm about to say is for our best interests.
 Many of you had your own ideas about what we would find here, some expected great wealth lying untouched ready to just be picked up" He shifts a glance at Onget.
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Others came with the expectation of a fight with whatever unnamed force wiped out the former residents".
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" And all of us came here expecting to start a new life. But the fact is that this is a cold inhospitable rock far from the mountainhomes and it may be some time before we get settled in. Untill then some of us will need to take up jobs we have haver done before, even jobs we are unsuited for but which must be done for us to have any chance here. I myself haven't used a pick since my days in daycare as a young lad, but knowing that there was much digging to be done I was the first volunteer to pick up the spare pick. Today we must decide together which jobs are of immediate urgency, and who is available to fulfill the role. I have drawn up a list of urgent priorities and whom I believe to be the best candidate for the job, debate will follow after I read my list, have we any objections?"
Rimtar as always was the first to object to anything Obek said.
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"I have an objection, I was promised we would access the cavern where I could supply the fort with fish, however you told me it was too dangerous and gave me an axe, how long do you expect me to dick around on the surface like an elf?"
"aah well, you see we haven't any militia yet and whatever killed this fort could still be around down there, even if it's not we need someone trained enough to take down the cave spiders we have discovered, are you volunteering for the job?" Rimtar throws her hands into the air in exasperation. "I'm sure I would be the only one here with the balls for it!" She settles back down to her seat on the larch logs beside the trade depot.
"Well now that that's settled with, and thank you for volunteering to join the Militia dear Rimtar, we may continue. In order of importance, we need a full time farmer, a brewer, cook, carpenter, a miner or 2, a mason, wood burner, furnace operator, smith, craftsdwarves for trade ,a Doctor , a mechanic, and a militia. Now for the list of suitable candidates..." "Hold on a second ...." Vabok interrupts
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"I'm not going to argue that getting food isn't out top priority, but do you think that perhaps we should put a little more importance into our medical and security needs?" "There is a limit to how far we can stretch our labours Vabok, I'm sure you would understand that even you can't handle all of our food production needs singlehandedly, and getting ourselves set up and secure before winter sets in has got to be our goal. Even making crafts is important as we need something to trade when a caravan shows up, many of you are skilled artisans with unique crafts, and will be expected to pull your weight in other ways" Kib joins into the discussion
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"As a skilled artisan with unique crafts and no access to raw materials, I'm going to ask what you mean by 'pull your weight in other ways'' "well we will always need stuff hauled for instance " A collective groan is given, Rimtar gestures wildly with her axe. "well you could always volunteer for the militia, it seems you all believe we are in some kind of danger here that far outstrips the certainty of dieing from exposure if we aren't set up" Dumat finally speaks up
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"Nobody's saying that Obok, but it is something we should consider, I know we'll get skilled migrants in the future, but we should still prepare for worst anyway" Obok takes charge of the discussion again. "I never said we wouldn't prepare for the worst, can I read my list now?" "Vabok is our most skilled farmer, and it would be insane to allow anyone else to touch our limited store of seeds, he has a lot of work cut out for him and despite being our best Cook and Brewer too we'll unfortunately need someone else to take over those duties while he's busy, any objections?"
.... to be continued

« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 02:20:07 am by MarcAFK »
They're nearly as bad as badgers. Build a couple of anti-buzzard SAM sites marksdwarf towers and your fortress will look like Baghdad in 2003 from all the aerial bolt spam. You waste a lot of ammo and everything is covered in unslightly exploded buzzard bits and broken bolts.