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Author Topic: Short piece I wrote  (Read 627 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Short piece I wrote
« on: May 26, 2014, 06:02:01 pm »

Short piece I wrote about the nature of DF's God and it's universe. Suggestions and criticisms are welcome

“Folk of Aendar, I urge to listen carefully as this may be my final speech.
As these old eyes grow ever weaker I find their visions growing all the more vivid and the grey mist of ignorance growing ever thinner.
I have travelled to more places than the greatest map can name, from the great caves of Jorun to the demon lands of Shang-Mór.
I have walked in cities built before Urum first struck the earth. I have spoken to beasts so ancient they remember the when centaurs still walked the plains
I have found more enemies than I could ever slay and more friends than I could ever love.
These eyes have seen dread, delight and everything in between, but alas never a pattern; never have two swords clashed in harmony and never has the road’s end been clear. Any creature so bold as to call itself a god has no more control than you or I.
This is no mere speculation, my friends. I have found evidence of your priest’s lies; at the edge of our civilization, beneath the fortress of Zangrum hide ruined strongholds long abandoned. Some predate the age of legend others predate the birth of the world.
Deep within these ruins are stones bearing names dated to ages unknown and unspoken of by any of your preists, Dwarven names; Urists and Kedars, Hurums and Malins, do you not see; this world is not what we have been led to believe. It is vaster, more ancient and more frightful than we taught!
I ask you, what gods could build such a world?
If the gods wish us joy then why give us pain?
And if they wish us pain than why give us joy?
Why do the gods with all their power choose a world of chaos over one of order?
Don’t you see? The gods did not create this world. The weaver of destiny is not a smiling god but a bloodthirsty demon! He is the endless churner of lands and seas! He is the supreme power turned mad by its own omnipotence!
He is Armok God of Blood!
Fear his name and tremble at his might!”

-Extract from the Journals of Gymin the Heretic