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Author Topic: Jester "Righteousworship" the Imprisoned EXTINCT :(  (Read 675 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Jester "Righteousworship" the Imprisoned EXTINCT :(
« on: March 10, 2014, 12:26:01 pm »

Sorry guys, I had to wipe my PC (again) for some graphics card error I've been getting ever since I wiped my PC for the first time. Sadly, I could not save the game; however, on the upside, I still have the modified raws (about one hour or two of work), and installed about 100MB of updates on my PC, which possibly means problem solved as no more Intel Graphics Driver Crashes have appeared. I could write a second post detailing what went through, if anyone is interested, while I was playing, though no images are to prove what happened or any legends story/screenshot.


This will be the story of two characters in a small (33x33), minimally modded game. I already created the first character, after he dies or preferably, reaches Legendary in Swordsmanship. I will make and abandon 12 fortresses in a row after either "Victory" conditions are met, in order to simulate an offspring. This offspring will then adventure, looking to make a name for his/her self after living twelve years under the shadow of his/her famous parent. Depending on whenever the parent is still alive or has died, he/she will challenge parent to a duel or seek revenge against those that have killed parent.

INTRO to Smata Xestu
I messed with the raws of vanilla game to include a winged, water-breathing creature called a Foxman which is simply a rip-off human of humans with the two exceptions above, have their maxage doubled, and their stats are at max. I then made them able to spawn on any land biome as well as build their civs on land, all other races (Dwarfs, Elves, Goblins, & Kobolds) can also build outdoor walls, tunnels, bridges, and roads. To make adventuring easier, I made elves the same size as humans. Moreover, kobolds can speak & have musicality, their local bandit tag was also removed so they are no longer hostile to everyone. Vampires are not sterile, can become were-wolfs, and necromancers as well, this will be the goal of both characters. Foxmen like to fight.

A PEASANT IS BORN- Fact or Fiction?

My parents were adventurers, my grandparents were adventurers, and my great-grand parents were also adventurers Alas, all of them were killed before I was born. If you feel confused, let me explain; goblins live on the northern extreme of our world and they have been raiding our settlements for 350 years, since the start of time. They are creatures mainly of myth nowadays, you might see one or two but they have for the most part died off, nobody knows why. However, one thing is clear, their legacy lives on. They took elves, humans, dwarves, and us foxmen; nothing could stop them, and slowly but surely, their whole population was weaker than the beings they took as slaves, when they robed mothers of their babies. My birth coincided with such a raid, and before I knew it (for I was not even born at the time), they killed my mother, who I am told died in a heroic stand against the beasts. They say she was wealthy, but the goblins took everything I had. Had the village weapon-smith not found me, I would have probably died inside of my mother's womb. And here I stand, today with my six year old child; wonders this live can be.

As a lad, I was the town helper, someone needed something done, and I did it. The weapon-smith took good care for me, for all my relatives were killed in the struggle, all adventurers I dare to add; and my mother, as I am told, was a snob, so he did not have to take care of me at all. I helped him and he helped me, poor chap never married, but I am of his son and blood as much as my family have been adventurers. He died of old age, which is why I came to adventure in the first place, I was his son, but not his apprentice; needless to say, the new weapon-smith had little appreciation of me, he tried to make us like each other, but his apprentice is of low-social standing and still envies me as much as I loved his master.

first image <--- Image here
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So there I started, on the road to the capital from one of it's farthest cities. A know-nothing with only five servings of meat, a rope fibre costume with a leather cap, and a water-skin. The only thing of value I had was a bronze sword and copper shield, a gift from the weapon-smith a year prior. I knew I was destined to great things. I sneaked through the road to the capital, in case a wild animal should see me and at the best opportunity, I went into the wilderness. Not four hours have passed since I began my adventure that I had to cross a river and I was about to leave when I heard I shriek. Long in the distance, to the left of the river I saw nothing but a great cicada! I had nothing on the beast, but I knew it was my destiny to slay it!

third image <------ Image here

So I got a handful of pebbles, right on the spot and start throwing them at the beast, some twenty tiles away! Clearly, most of them do not hit the beast, only three of them did and they were right after another. These three pebbles bring the mighty titan down on it's side, it has not moved so I sneak closer and hide behind a boulder. I gather more rocks, but alas, none of them hit the unmoving insect. I decide that it is time for desperate measures.

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sixth image <--- Image here

I move next to the beast and SLASH!

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I've been spotted! I keep stabbing, slashing, and striking the beast until I have the titanous cicada beaten to a bloody pulp. A couple of minutes before I killed the beast, I look at it's current state.

eight image <--- Image here

At long last, I slay the beast through stabbing it's brain.

ninth image <--- Image here

I butcher the bug, grab all of it's meat, it's chitin, and four pieces of hearts.

tenth image <--- Image here

Unscratched, by the time I finish my first kill, I am still of lower skill than your typical hero.

eleventh image <--- Image here

I walk to the farthest town I can before night falls, they let me sleep inside, but somehow miss the fact that I was carrying enough meat to feed the whole village for a month!

twelth image <--- Image here

At daylight, I inquire about the capital to the citizens of the town, helpful they are, for they tell me it's a day's walk to the capital! On the road, I decide to take the easy way and just walk over there without paying too much attention to my surroundings. I had to stop twice to eat, which means that I had already exhausted my supply when I arrived at the capital, already being dusk. I sleep in a near-by house inside the merchant district.

The next morning I tell a merchant of my success, albeit, after a long struggle with the meat and chitin as the damn things slow me down to almost twenty times my speed! After being honoured and titled by the citizens of the capital, I sell the whole meat-pile to the merchant, then I look at her neighbor, and sell the chitin to him. Curiously, they were the only two foxmen in that quarter of the merchant district, selling the same thing, and side-by-side, but both have no family, I suspect something is amiss....

Regardless, I ask and hear how the denizens of the capital have been hounded and scarred by various monsters around and about, but they tell me to go back to one of the extreme northern outposts and speak to some bird brain who has need of them. Unheeding their advice, I listen to the high-sky which tells me to kill an ettin family. I accept his quest and prepare to go on my adventure when disaster strikes!

I have heard of outlaws but never paid any attention to them, so when I go down into their underground place in the city, I encounter metal armour, I was unsure of where I was, but skeletons and metal makes the whole population of the capital look like wimps, not one warrior had metal on them, they all wore either leather or rope fibre cothing, unfit for a man of my position "Righteousworship". I keep sneaking and descending until I encounter an axe(wo)man. She seemed friendly at first, she even told me she was not from the capital, but I found something odd. So I revealed myself and oh was it a mistake! She pushed me next to the wall and started striking me with all her force, I was disoriented during this part of the battle and saw that she, and only she, out of all the warriors in the city wore metal armour. This was one of those legendary bad days, I did not even know if I was going to live, surely this woman would have killed the titan with just one hit for I was beaten badly.

However, I managed to escape and retire, but not fast enough to avoid permanent damage in my toes, have an artery and motor damage on my left foot TWO TIMES, a damaged sensory nerve ending on my right foot, and a damaged motor nerve in my left hand. I lost my copper shield and half of the coins I was carrying.

After this incident I came out of retirement twice. The first time I decided to go down again, but my consciousness held me, this also happened the second time, and now I am resolved to get bitten by those monsters whose body is corrupted, I hear tales about how those people can regenerate whole limbs during each transformation, and will re-achieve the pinnacle of perfection before I dare to adventure again. Stay tuned for part two.

Note for some reason, images won't show up embedded, so here are the links in the order which they were meant to appear:

« Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 11:09:52 am by Rencini »