You'd think a game with the most minimal graphics style wouldn't be all that fun of an FPS. However, add running like Sonic the Hedgehog, and freerunning like a ninja, and the ability to race online (or just bullshitting in a freestyle arena, or running through what equates to a bamboo forest in some levels), and clocking in at up to 300 kph (186.41 mph, for you non-metric folk, and it really does feel like you're moving that fast sometimes) and getting the jumping down (casual is actually fun with more gravity forgiveness if you just want to have fun and jump insane distances with no real goal in mind, others are more a test of skill), and you have an actually fun game. And that's just playing without powerups and doing time trials and such, I was just fooling around, especially after learning by combination of trial and error and a community guide giving a good few tips on speeding up, and a good hour spent in the Freestyle level.
Overall, kudos to AAAAaaaaAAA!!!, I got aiming my falls down again (at terminal velocities and beyond), and with combination of playing this, and having very fine aiming and reaction timing down again (especially for wall jumping too), I have regained some old platforming skills for 3d games. I think thanks to this, I might have broken off the rust on my FPS skills, and applied WD-40 on the platforming element. Now to get my reaction timing and arc-calculations down again so I am effective with a flak cannon and grenade launcher again.
...And yes, I did spend 1.25 hours straight there. It was pretty damn fun. I felt like a little kid in recess all over again. I pray for Oculus Rift to be supported for this game. It would be perfect.
Oh, I need to check it out, I've been under an impression that it's less free-runny. At a first glance I though it was a Mirrors Edge's Time Trial level, and I love both ME and its aesthetics.
The freerunning isn't as dynamic as Mirror's Edge, but you do still get the sensation/satisfaction of doing some rather insane jumps (and walljump combos), provided you timed and aimed correctly. Of course, being an Unreal Engine game, you have a surprising amount of control of where you land (you can walljump opposite sides of the same block, or run straight upward a column via walljumps only, by using all sides of it, or even just 2 sides, if you have the reflexes for it; 1 walljump on any other difficulty, plus less gravity forgiveness; casual allows double-jumping and plenty of gravity forgiveness, and where freestyle freerunning is concerned, makes for some outright fun). It's a majority reason as to how I can climb up so high so quickly, or if I have the momentum for it (and the map is designed for it), jumping across an entire level.
A good 5 minute session, and I can cover all 4 corners of Freestyle, with an additional minute or two (or another 5 overall), make that all 8 corners (top and bottom possible corners (best judgement), instead of just middle, or any old area).
I take it back. I got all 8 corners within 5 minutes (on casual), and finished by planting myself at the summit by minute 5. That was a fun challenge.
One thing I love about this game, right now, is that compared to the miserable weather outside, I'm loving the perpetual sunny day (and the enormous shadow castings from the environment adding to the scenery), contrast to the rain and all-day gloominess of the overcast outside. Basically, I'm ninja-strafing through scenery porn.
Naturally, most-all games are like that, but I think it's just the color offsets (greens, blues, and whites in that level in particular) just holds together so well (maybe the music also adds to it), it's like night and day of a difference. Plus, not having any real set goals, no targets to kill, no sports rules, no high scores, basically, there's nothing, and it's everything I wanted it to be. It's like taking a break from playing games, while playing a game, and making up your own games while at it. Like I said before, it's like going to recess in school. I missed that feeling. It just seems to loosen me up a whole lot, overall. If anything, this game is a hell of a stress reliever.