Having more than 1 seed stockpile is what's causing your seed issues. The seeds in the dining room can't be used, they only create haul jobs to a stockpile. If you don't have enough haulers, it will take a while.
For your mason, build a bed, a chair/table, a one square booze stockpile and a 1 square food stockpile. Set the stockpiles to take from a bigger stockpile (but don't change the bigger stockpile orders!). When the stockpiles have food/booze on them, assign the bed and the table to the mason, assign the workshop to the mason.
Press W for warrens. Define the warren to include the workshop, the bed, the table, and the food/booze. Assign the mason to that warren. Now he won't leave. Make sure there is a stockpile big enough to accept at least half the number of cabinets you intend to build. (ie if you are building 25 cabinets, use a stockpile thats at least 12 squares). Otherwise your workshop will become cluttered, and your mason won't want to work there.
In fact, now that I type this...try making a 12 square cabinet only stockpile near the mason shop. If there is a sudden onslaught to haul furniture, you have a cluttered workshop. I think you can see the cluttered status in the T(view building) but not the Q, but I might be wrong.
For your butcher, I think you have the same problem as your seeds and booze, your stockpiles are fubar. Is the refuse pile outside, and have you set standing oders (the w key).
When I start a new fort, the first thing I do is set up farms. I make a 3x3 stockpile for each type of underground plant seed, set barrels to zero. This keeps the bags out of the barrels and helps keep the cancellation spam down. I make the farm plots each 3x3, alternating seasons. So for plump helmets, make two 3x3 stockpiles. Plot 1, Season A plant plumps, Season C plant plumps. Plot 2 Season B plant plumps Season D plant plumps. You can skip this entirely and rely on 2 3x3 plots with year round planting.
Make a stockpile for each grown plant type! One 5x5 for plumps, one for tails, one for pods, one for wheat, one for nuts.
Make a seperate stockpile for prepared fish and meat.
Make a seperate stockpile for booze only.
Make a seperate stockpile for prepared meals.
Keep them seperate! Keep them safe! And DONT wear the RING!