290 BCRome is currently flourishing. Despite the raiding by the Celtic barbarians, now a century ago, we are rebuilding ourselves, our armies, our city. However, in fear of another invasion from the north we have decided to create outposts all along the north border of Italia.
Outpost creation: r6The outpost has the design of a small fort, with each having its own barracks. Food comes from the nearby farms, which have been ordered to supply these outposts with food, and they are paid in compensation. Besides the barracks, there are training areas and a tower.These outposts each contain a small number of messengers, and the military force being in the legion stationed in each one. There are five outposts along the border altogether. Besides the legions, they also contain trebuchets and ballistas, and lastly a flare which can be lit, up on top of the tower. This will alert the nearest outpost, which in turn lights its fire. Over the course of a week, all outposts, in theory, would be prepared. A single outpost could not, however, hold back an entire invasion force, but it could delay it, and also bring word to Rome with the messengers, warning them. Overall, these outposts seem to show massive promise in the event we should be invaded again.
Build navy: r5I also bring word to you of our burgeoning navy. Relations with Cartago have steadily declined, though war is not imminent. However, what better way to be safe? If they cannot land upon our shores, then what good is their army? We have begun constructing a fleet of ships, though it will be at least a decade before construction is completed, should all go well. This navy, when done, should number well over a hundred ships, close to one hundred twenty five.
Coastline defences: r6Two of our members of the Senate have proposed another idea, that we fortify our coasts. We know not the year nor the day that we would be attacked, so it was been voted that we build fortifications along our coast. Each one is within viewing range of the other, and is merely a stone tower along the coast, and no wall between them. However, on top of the tower each possesses a number of trebuchets, and each is stockpiled with boulders ahead of time. Slaves carry the boulders to the roof, and they will be launched at invading ships. Let Cartago come, they will break upon our coasts like waves on the shore!
Technology investigation: r1Another member of the Senate would propose that we buy items off the trade route coming from Asia, referred to by the traders as the Silk Road, and investigate their workings. Despite a disagreement between that Senator and another, the idea went through, only to find that it met no success. Their creations are far from ours and in no way related, at least that we have found. No success so far, but the investigation will continue, for a time.
Send diplomats to Carthage: r5The Senate has also decided to send ambassadors to Carthage in an attempt to stem the decaying relations between us, and hopefully open our borders to each other. A cultural exchange could have benefits, despite some obvious problems. And we have sent some more trustworthy ambassadors this time, who hopefully would not take up arms against the Carthaginians, like our previous diplomats did to the Gauls.
Aquaduct improvement: r3Lastly, a Senator by the name of Flavius Umbargis has proposed that we upgrade our aquaduct system, so as to improve farms, as well as add land to the farms. I'm sure you remember Flavius, he was the one that you were intoxicated with that one night, after the Senatorial meeting... I'm sure you remember... Alas, I jest and I digress. The peasants grow hungry, and lest we desire revolts, we should appease them. We have voted upon it and decided it is a good idea. The improvements have met with a decent amount of success. The peasants grow less restless with each passing day, as food supplies increase. Unfortunately, the improvements were not as efficient as they could be, and when Roma one day grows from Italia alone, we will need to upgrade them again.
Vivat Romanum!
Economical: Great
Martial: Good
Relations(-200 to +200):
Gaul: -50, +15 increase per decade
Carthage: 40, stable
Greek people(general): 50, _20 per decade
In dock at Rome, 10 warships available. No admiral.
Leaders (Admirals/Generals):
Undergoing projects:
Construction of 125 warships (8% complete)
Technological investigation (0% complete)
A number of things have been added to the key. Also, I don't believe southern Italy was under control of the Macedonians, but I have a limited amount of space in my key, and its a hardly significant fact, and it was a Greek region at the time. The map has been massively updated though so check it out.