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Author Topic: Vúshlitast: The Story So Far - An ongoing fortress mode let's play series  (Read 1140 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Some migrants have arrived!

Welcome to Vúshlitast, population: too bloody many.

Welcome weary traveler to Vúshlitast, a beautiful fort with a legendary dining hall, a metal industry fueled by magma and sturdy walls to keep you safe... oh that guy locked in his office? Oh, he's fine... just don't go to sleep in there...

Introducing my fairly long-running fortress mode video series Vúshlitast, where I try to make a swanky and illustrious fort fit for a king. We're just at the point where the Fun has started to arrive, with our first siege 25 episodes in. I have been doing my best not to invite too much death and mayhem upon the fort as I want this to be a long-lived establishment, but rest assured eventually I will be considering the ridiculous Fun and I'm more than open to suggestions about projects to liven up the place (although I'm not a fantastic engineer, I've managed to flood the place twice). I'm also happy to name dwarves after anyone who asks, I have plenty of the blighters (upwards of 200, tie a bloody knot in it would you) and it actually makes the place easier to organise. State your preferred occupation if you have one.

Vúshlitast is perched at the edge of an ocean, surrounded by luscious forest and is visited by beautiful wildlife such as swans, swans and swans. The immediate surroundings are exceptionally flat, and so the entrance to the fort is a hole in the ground glorious ramp into untold wonderment. The main fort is no more than 10 levels down, composed mainly of rhyolite and stuffed with masterwork furniture. The metalworking industry is in a separate, sealable shaft way down near a magma tube 70 odd levels below the surface, in case of... things. Only one cavern layer has been breached, and re-sealed, which unfortunately does not have any spores in it so no underground fauna yet.

The good news is, you don't have to jump in to the middle or trawl through previous episodes to find out what has happened so far if you don't want, as I have made a highlight reel of the first 25 episodes! So you can catch up on the important events so far in a matter of half an hour. Click the image to watch. New episodes are posted daily.

Episodes tidied away in a spoiler:

Playlist link (updated when I remember):
« Last Edit: January 28, 2014, 05:09:23 am by brokegamer »
I do let's plays on them there 'tubes.

Chances are if I'm making a post, I'm drunk.


  • Bay Watcher
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Oh right, the screenshots. Might as well reserve this post for screenshots of the fort and any named dorfs.

The beautiful coastline:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The outside area, including refuse and animal stockpiles, pastures and hives. The moat should hopefully drain one day... And yes I am building walls that higgledy piggledy.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The food production area, barracks and trade depot. I have three butchers shops because meat. Yes, the kitchen is covered in mud for the reason you might expect.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Soap production area & hospital, with cloth stockpiles. A hand-filled well in the hospital for lovely soapy baths and desperation drinks.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Crafting areas, complete with doors to lock mad bastards in (not been an issue so far). Ignore the dwarf collapsed after hauling a rock to the left.
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Legendary dining hall with hundreds of carvings of the founding of the fort despite generating 1050 years of history not that I'm bitter or anything. Also some bedrooms and food & drink stockpiles.
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Badly designed noble rooms that aren't "finished" but no one is complaining so whatever. Also a hastily built dormitory that the dorfs like more than the single rooms. Ignore the miasma, it's just a goat roast that someone didn't want to finish.
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I do let's plays on them there 'tubes.

Chances are if I'm making a post, I'm drunk.


  • Bay Watcher
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Zavvnao asked to be dorfed so I've named my legendary macedwarf militia commander:
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A happy family man with a mild case of cave adaptation, welcome to the fort Zavvnao  :) So far he only has one goblin kill but I'm sure he'll add to that tally in good time.
Fredda has joined the fort as my rather clumsy and lazy chief medical dwarf:
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My dwarfs are making good progress furnishing the royal suites, it may soon be time to invite the king to reside here. the furniture is brass, but we'll tell him it's gold and hope he doesn't know the difference. That coffin is electrum though, and the slabs built around it with soon be displaying the various useless crap artefacts our dwarfs have produced.
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Meanwhile down below, I'm still waiting for the miners to punch through to the other cavern layers, they're proving to be a little elusive. We need to invite some forgotten beasts for a party since it seems that megabeasts in the overworld have all died out.

« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 02:40:21 pm by brokegamer »
I do let's plays on them there 'tubes.

Chances are if I'm making a post, I'm drunk.


  • Bay Watcher
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thank you. so many things similar XD