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Author Topic: The Ice-Chamber of Hammerers vs. The Ignoble Blizzard! (Dorf's Welcome!)  (Read 874 times)


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The Legendary World

Fortress Name

"Ushilmafol unil"
The Ice-Chamber of Hammerers


The Ignoble Blizzards on the Southern Pole continent,
a Terrifying, Freezing Glacier with no trees or vegetation.
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Available Resources

Ice, Deep Metals, Flux Stone

Misc. Info

-Only Dwarves & Goblins on the continent
-Originating Civ, The Lance of Clarifying, is located on the continent to the northeast
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-Fortress continent is called 'The Hot Land', and civ originating continent is called 'The Land of Braiding'.

Group Name

The Buff Onslaught (hehehe)

Founding Members
iton Sigunsakzul: Farmer/Brewer/Thresher
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Kumil Eralulab: Uruth_Kranon Blacksmith
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ezum Ableldumat: Leader/Broker/Manager
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Urvad Ducimlocun: Miner/Hammerdwarf
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onul Zokundegel: Stone Crafter/Animal Trainer/Bone Carver
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Nil Zuntirnicat: Maestro_ Chief Medical Officer/Bookkeeper
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Kumil Athelimketh: Miner/Hammerdwarf
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Embark Inventory
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Embark Animals
-1 male & 1 female dogs (to be trained as war dogs & set to guard entrance asap)
-female kitten (to protect food stocks from vermin)
-1 male & 2 female Guinefoul (for egg production)
-1 male & 2 female pigs (for milk/cheese production)
-1 Yak Bull (to be butchered asap)
-1 Water Buffalo Bull (to be butchered asap)

This is a two-player Overseer game, Uruth_Kranon and Maestro_ are taking turns year-to-year running the fortress The Ice-Chamber of Hammerers as it attempts to survive in The Ignoble Blizzards, a Terrifying, Freezing Glacier with no trees or vegetation.

Dorfing is welcome! I LOVE some good RP, it adds to the Lore of the story, so if you want to Dorf a member of
the Group, go ahead and post a request!

Enjoy! =D
« Last Edit: November 21, 2013, 06:59:15 pm by Maestro_ »
"That which you do for yourself dies with you, that which you do for others is immortal and lasts forever"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Musica est Vita!
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Excerpt from Nil's Journal: First Entry

1st of Granite, the year 129
   We have arrived, snow....white everywhere; looking one direction is the same as any other. We know our location only by counting the days traveled from the northern coast...fourteen now...we should be in the heart of the unceasing has been snowing and blustering without end for the past three days. Ezum shouted for us to halt at high-noon and said we arrived at our looks like white in all directions to me. I'm too frozen to disagree. Here in the frigid wasteland known as 'The Ignoble Blizzard' we end our two-month journey and commence with our task; strike the earth!

Nil Zuntirnicat;
Chief Medical Officer and Bookkeeper for The Buff Onslaught

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« Last Edit: November 21, 2013, 06:55:44 pm by Maestro_ »
"That which you do for yourself dies with you, that which you do for others is immortal and lasts forever"


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Excerpt from Nil's Journal: Second Entry

2nd of Granite, the year 129
    The blizzard continues, its haunting chill never leaving our bones. Base camp is established....if you can call it a base, being atop the earth in an unceasing snow-storm is no home to a dwarf! Ezum has ordered the miners to begin digging a shaft large enough for a caravan to enter....I wish she'd have them dig something smaller and faster, but she sharply responded: "We do it full-sized now so we don't have ta' go back an' finish later!" when I brought that up.... I hope they hollow out a cavern soon, oh for the safety of a cave.

Nil Zuntirnicat;
Chief Medical Officer and Bookkeeper for The Buff Onslaught

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« Last Edit: November 22, 2013, 09:07:44 am by Maestro_ »
"That which you do for yourself dies with you, that which you do for others is immortal and lasts forever"


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  • Musica est Vita!
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Excerpt from Nil's Journal: Third Entry

11th of Granite, the year 129
    Three days of strife! Where will it end?! Our miners dug down through the ice and have shouted they discovered good stone beneath, but have been trapped for days, unable to scramble up the sheer icy paths they dug though. Thank Aron that Ezum kept her head about her, she's grabbed the last pick we have and is digging a tunnel down to them, she and they will build some stone stairs leading back up through the thick icy ground.

   A monstrous creature has been lurking about to the east for a number of days now, thankfully not approaching the wagon as the only ones of us with martial training are those trapped beneath; Ezum said it was called a 'Blizzard Man' and to stay far from it. We've corralled all the animals around the wagon to keep them from wandering out to be killed by the beast. Only to add to our stress, a cloud of ash has appeared to the south-east, it looks nefarious and seems only to be getting closer. Who knows what could befall if it is blown amongst us....oh to be safely beneath the ground!

Nil Zuntirnicat;
Chief Medical Officer and Bookkeeper for The Buff Onslaught

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"That which you do for yourself dies with you, that which you do for others is immortal and lasts forever"


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Excerpt from Nil's Journal: Fourth Entry

15th of Granite, the year 129
    Another cloud! Sweeping toward us on the wind, we're abandoning the wagon and escaping underground. The miners are still unsuccessful in their attempts to build a rout back up....better starving below than dying above....

Nil Zuntirnicat;
Chief Medical Officer and Bookkeeper for The Buff Onslaught

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"That which you do for yourself dies with you, that which you do for others is immortal and lasts forever"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Musica est Vita!
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Excerpt from Nil's Journal: Fifth Entry

18th of Granite, the year 129
    Three days below without food or water, the cloud barely missed us I'm told...Ezum has ordered the masons to finish building the ramps to the surface...I'm remaining below...

Nil Zuntirnicat;
Chief Medical Officer and Bookkeeper for The Buff Onslaught

« Last Edit: November 22, 2013, 09:19:42 am by Maestro_ »
"That which you do for yourself dies with you, that which you do for others is immortal and lasts forever"


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Excerpt from Nil's Journal: Sixth Entry

3rd of Slate, the year 129
    Our first casualty....Iton's mangled and rotten body is above, we hope she shall soon drag herself below, it's too dangerous to go and gather her....Clouds of ash continue to plague the land above... or so I'm told; I have not returned to the surface. Iton got caught in a cloud and her flesh rotted off her bones!! We hear her moans, she is clearly blind in in horrible pain...We've been ordered to remain below....below, one small cavern, bursting with our animals and supplies is home enough for me. At least compared to the deadly wasteland above...the ramps to above are finished, and will soon be sealed off...Ezum has ordered the next stage of digging to begin. Today, we start below...

Nil Zuntirnicat;
Chief Medical Officer and Bookkeeper for The Buff Onslaught

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« Last Edit: November 22, 2013, 09:36:44 am by Maestro_ »
"That which you do for yourself dies with you, that which you do for others is immortal and lasts forever"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Musica est Vita!
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Excerpt from Nil's Journal: Seventh Entry

12th of Slate, the year 129
      Galina! Pinfire Opals! Gold! This is what comes to those that transverse the lands others are unwilling to travel. Great riches and glory!! Our miners report large quantities of each in a cavern deep below. Once Kumil begins to craft with all that gold we'll all be rich...this is why I came... Iton finally dragged her broken form below... I have her resting in a bed and have diagnosed Advanced Rot all over her body... the smell is overwhelming... I need to remove the dead parts while saving as much as I can... surgery is not my greatest skill, but I'm here to meet all needs. Off to it...

Nil Zuntirnicat;
Chief Medical Officer and Bookkeeper for The Buff Onslaught

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"That which you do for yourself dies with you, that which you do for others is immortal and lasts forever"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Musica est Vita!
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Excerpt from Nil's Journal: Eighth Entry

2nd of Fasite, the year 129
      She is alive...blind now....and her body is a mass of scars, but I was able to save her, thank Aron. We're moving deeper now, the miners have dug out a more permanent home in a pocket of marble...still no water discovered though...that could become a problem soon...

Nil Zuntirnicat;
Chief Medical Officer and Bookkeeper for The Buff Onslaught

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« Last Edit: November 22, 2013, 10:57:46 am by Maestro_ »
"That which you do for yourself dies with you, that which you do for others is immortal and lasts forever"