there are a lot of good youtube lets play movies for the current DF. Even the tutorial on the wiki isn't far outdated. The most notable things changed from those tutorials are (I think) the hauling which interferes a bit with farming - getting creative with seed stockpiles, and minecarts/wheelbarrows, which you can work without. Evil regions are now really evil, with weather that can kill anything caught outside or turn them into brainless killer husks. Were-beasts visit the fort and may infect dwarfs and vampires will hide in the general populace. Taming caught wild animals has been implemented. Adult wild animals will never be domesticated but can be kept at a decent level after some practise, but never try to tame invader mounts. If you embark near a place listed in your neighbour list as 'town' or 'tower', it's controlled by a necromancer and expect fun. Metal stuff finally actually costs multiple bars to create. Dwarfs wear clothing again! No more fortress death from FB extract spatters and bare feet, but they get very unhappy if they have to go around naked.
Most of this is ofc. in the changelog. I don't think there are other big changes that may make the game unplayable if you already know DF31.25, making booze and such hasn't changed. Considering that, I'd consider paying for any guide a waste, though some people seem to like it. Most of the info you need on the new features is on the wiki, I think.