I might be able to scrape some spare cash together to donate, I just hope you don't get distracted from the ideas you may of previously had to implement these requested features. I'd much prefer if people would just donate, with not promised features attached, but it's still great people are finally able to contribute to the game.
I mention this in the OP, but it bears repeating that I can't and won't promise to implement any requested features. That would be selling services rather than accepting donations, and while there's nothing wrong with that in principle, it's simply not practical or responsible here. There are a couple of reasons for that.
The biggest issue is that, as in your concern, it would really harm the quality control on the game. If I promised to implement any feature a contributor requests, I would lose all quality control over the game. I definitely know that if I let the game go sideways with weird features that I don't think are going to make the game better, that would entirely defeat the purpose of supporting me.
Less significantly for you, but still pretty important to me, $10 wouldn't even pay for half an hour of my time in an actual work for hire situation. A request made by a donor may make me more likely to do something, but that bias has to come from gratitude rather than obligation; it simply doesn't follow that I
will implement a requested feature. You aren't buying a feature, you're donating, and letting me know what you'd like to see in the future.
At the end of the day, the requested features are just a privileged set of requests to be held up as "these are things that people who have monetarily supported me have asked for." The way I see it, if you're going to send me money to help me work on the game, it's the least I can do to give a bit of extra consideration to the things you want to see.