I wanted to be sure I had all of my marble tucked away into its own stockpile, but with all the dolomite lying around, it was hard to be sure.
"I know," I thought, "I'll mod marble to be its own funky color, like bright green, and that will make it easy to spot."
So I went into the RAWs, opened up inorganic_stone_layer, found marble, and changed [DISPLAY_COLOR:7:7:1] to [DISPLAY_COLOR:2:3:4], just to see what that would change. (I know, it would only have altered the appearance of unmined marble, but I was experimenting.) Saved it, started up DF again.
Whoa. Even the opening menu screen went nuts, with nearly all the text having a purple, blue, or red background. I loaded my save, and basically it looked like Armok had vomited all over my map. Everything was the wrong color--picture playing Dwarf Fortress, only with really hideous graphics.
"Gah!" I said. "I'm not playing it like this! And I still can't tell the marble from the dolomite!"
So I quit DF, went back into inorganic_stone_layer, changed marble back to 7:7:1, saved the file again.
Loaded up DF again. Still hideous.
Rebooted my whole computer. DF took an unusually long time to load. But it's still hideous.
What the hell? Altering one layer stone makes permanent changes to the whole goddamn game? I didn't change anything else in the files, I'd have had no reason to. Does anyone have an idea of what's going on here? Thanks very much.