With my last help thread clear from the first page, I feel comfortable making another.
Once again I pick the worst possible location to build a fort. Elbow room is a luxury we can't afford since the available mountain space is almost small enough to fit on one screen, and on top of that, I seemed to have let the dog population get a little out of hand. (by the way, if you could tell me how to cage up and move my pets, I'd appreciated it)
So here's my problem, I had just finished furnishing my cramped living quarters and was in the process of digging out an area for workshops when I caught a glimpse of something queer, "29 Idlers? Ha! No fucking way..." Fuck way, my friend. I check my 10x8 dining hall, which is zoned as a meeting place, and it's filled to the brim with strange lay-abouts eating and drinking our food! Goat corpses are strewn about the place and miasma is bellowing out of the kitchen! Where as before we ate comfortably relying on what ever the hunter managed to capture, we are now in a position where we simply cannot butcher puppies fast enough.
Of course..In my quest to find a solution to my problem, I run into another:
Just your typical reservoir, nothing too exciting, the room next to it with the lever actually has two of them in there, but one is blinking and the other isn't attached to anything, so I guess that hardly matters.
The dwarf there is just lying around doing nothing and no one else seems to be picking up the slack, I figured it must be because the floodgate is locking him in, and everyone else out, so I link the lever to the gate and have it pulled,(I honestly cannot tell when the floodgates are actually open), nothing! I'm at a loss...
Anyway, much obliged to anyone who can over any help or advice. I'd simply like to just finish my drowning chamber as soon as possible and get rid of all these damn foreigners and dogs running amok.