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Author Topic: A story of Fame, Greed, and Horror, A journey in Teh LOLmod World  (Read 1968 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • I think this is what they call a tantrum spiral...
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My name is Highmax... Before you say anything, yes I am a haxxor... But I'm not like your standard kill everything in sight and burn everything. No... I am a haxxor that seeks fame and fourtune. I am leaving my home village today to seek out an abandoned fourmite fortress called Necrothreat II. I am a master at dodging weapons and a good swordsman. My ability to make me become nearly invisible at will makes me a powerful and formidable foe. Stories will be told to fourmite children of how a single Haxxor broke into their beloved fortress and stole everything that wasn't nailed down. So what if it didn't last long? And so what if there is a powerful Threadromancer sealed in their basement? I'll gather my things and leave when I can... I'm tired of this peasanty life...

The Prequel:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Myth:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Legend(s):
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Side Notes:
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And now, the story of Highmax the Haxxor will be told:
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I think this is what they call a tantrum spiral...
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Re: A story of Fame, Greed, and Horror, A journey in Teh LOLmod World
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2013, 03:41:13 pm »

I took a minute to say my last goodbyes to everyone. I asked if there was anything I should watch out for, and one person kept talking and wouldn't shut up, so I asked all I could about the area; he seemed to know the area well enough. I also heard a bit about a communist group in a place called Primejade:

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Well, at least they sound friendly enough... And there were several mentions to Hells, but I kinda got bored afterwards. He didn't know the way to Necrothreat II however... So I just left him and gave my regards after and thanked him for his information. I started off towards the northwest, where I could find some clues to where it is. I do know its somewhere in the mountains... But where in the mountains, I do not know... I travelled several hours to come across several ravens, and they couldn't see me, which was good. I carefully tried to maneuver past them when I tripped on a stick and landed right in front of it. The thing cawed and then tried to attack me, only to meet my blade. That was when I realize I was discovered by the entire flock. Then I just ran, and when I was far enough, I vanished. I don't know how good their senses were, but I forced myself into the river to wash off my scent and the blood stains from the raven.

Minutes later, I came across several strange animals I am not familiar with, and the water became ice. Its fall, but its a little early I think for freezing temperatures... Disregarding this, I moved on a bit and saw these strange beings that walkedaround. I think they were called thrips men? I couldn't remember what the moron back home said, but they seemed to match the description. I carefully walked by to get a closer look, and then when one walked towards me, I paniced and I stabbed him. This showed to all of them where I was, and they attacked me. I don't know what happened, but I took a couple shots and I closed my eyes and covered myself with my bronze shield, and next thing I know, they were gone. I took a bruise to my right leg and my left foot, but nothing major. I was lucky. I then ran but found out my vanishing power wasn't working. I paniced, and I thought that the things could see me. I ran into a small outcrop of rocks away, layed on the ground and tried my power again and this time it worked. I got lucky this time, only I wont be so lucky next time...

I began to see the sun was setting, and I recall there was a cave or something that the talker said. I took my sword and went west. On my way there, I saw a horror that was beyond recognition: a giant grasshopper.

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I was horrified at first, but I realized at the sheer size of the thing, I could easily be well fed for the rest of my trip. I snuck in behind it and took my blade. He turned around as if he noticed me, but to my luck, he didn't. I took my blade and then slashed at his abdomen. The beast roared in pain and looked for his attacker. To my luck, he still didn't notice me. I kept slashing at his body but my blade wasn't going any deeper. He then began to become enraged and swing blindly everywhere, almost hitting me a few times. I began to hack off his legs and eventually the beast fell. I was about to cheer when the beast began to flail about again. I then stabbed both of the beasts eyes, blinding the monster, and eventually, it fell still. I took a second to regain my breath, only to realize the beast was still alive. I took my blade and began to stab at the beasts head. I stabbed and I stabbed, but the beast did not awake from his slumber. Eventually, to my luck, the beast bled to death, an when he let its last horrifying breath, I let out a bloodlust roar; I killed a powerful beast.

Night was falling when I finished butchering the beast, and when I was done, I had about a years supply of food on me, plenty of food for my plunder of Necrothreat. It was at this time when I grabbed the beasts heart and ate it. An old tale was when you ate the heart of a living being, you obtained their soul and their power. Regardless of this tale, it tasted pretty damn good for an insect. I also took the eyes as a kind of trophy for my kill. I proceeded to go into the setting sun where I was told this cave was.

The sun was already gone and the moon in its place when I arrived at the cave. I didn't see anything living in it, but I found countless items inside of it. I think I just found my first plunder of treasure. I went deeper into the cave when I saw it; Ettin:

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I paniced a little to see the amount of corpses that lined the floor around him. I knew if I was going to stay the night here, I had to deal with the caves inhabitant. I wasn't going to sleep outside lest the boogeymen get me, so there was two choices:

Fight this beast and sleep in the cave;
or Sleep outside and hope the boogeymen don't get to me first.

I chose the former, and I began to ready myself, sword in hand, to fight this monster...
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I think this is what they call a tantrum spiral...
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Re: A story of Fame, Greed, and Horror, A journey in Teh LOLmod World
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2013, 03:41:46 pm »

...I grabbed my sword and I began to sneak in undetected. I kept swinging at him, but my aim wasn't true. He kept taking hits like they were nothing. Eventually, when I did hit him, he knew I was there, and let out a roar of bloodlust. I knew I just enraged him, and if I get spotted, I'm dead. I kept slashing and slashing and stabbing and stabbing, and as time grew on, I became more attuned with my blade. I grew stronger and stronger with every blow, and eventually, when I hit him, I kept hitting him. When he tried to flee, I stabbed and slashed at his legs so he couldn't walk. When he began to crawl, I broke his hands. This horror needed to die. I began stabbing at both of his heads, even taking the eyes out of one of them. Before he died, I went out of hiding and grabbed the head that could see by the flap of skin I tore open with my constant stabs. The monster roared in pain when I dug my fingers into his skin.

"I see youre still alive..." I told him

"You're... You're a coward..." the head I grabbed said.
"...And a thief..." The other head replied.

The blind head coughed up blood. I wasn't surprised since I stabbed out both of his lungs. It was only seconds before he died of blood loss. I smiled, I just rid the world of this monster that mustve killed many, only taking a few to feast on.

"And you're a monster. A blotch on the face of the earth. Killing people and hoarding all this stuff..." I told him.

Both heads laughed before the head I was grabbing coughed up blood.

"WE'RE a monster? You just hid in the shadows and attacked us... We never even seen you..." the left head said

The right head began to choke on the blood. I released my grip on the choking head and grabbed the blind head. I then smacked it with my sword. More blood shot out of his mouth but it wasn't making him choke.

"You don't get it do you... You either die like an animal or live long enough to see you're the monster..."

I took my sword and stabbed his throat. I went up to his mutilated ear and whispered:
"Know this before you die: My name is Highmax... And I'm the Haxxor that is going to pillage Necrothreat... And I'll be the stuff of legends, while your corpse rots in this cave."

After a couple seconds, both heads began to choke. I then raised my blade and delivered a quick stab to his heart. Then both heads fell silent. I then dropped to my knees in exhaustion. I was weary, and this cave smelled of blood and steel. I took a minute before I walked outside and stared out into the moon. It was right above me in the sky. Midnight I thought. I ate a bit of the grasshopper meat, which was a little bland for meat, but filling. I drank some of the water I had on me and returned into the cave. I don't know how safe it was but at this point it didn't matter. I went to the farthest part of the cave where I found Ettin and I saw some bedding. I also saw the entire room littered in coins. Tomorrow I will grab as much gold as I can carry, and continue my journey to Necrothreat. There was a fourmite hamlet near it I was told. My only fears were that I would be forced to go in and see that everyone was looking for me. I grabbed a cape I saw nearby and used it as a blanket and I slept on the cold floor of the cave.

That night, I dreamt of fighting Ettin again, except he saw me, and broke my kneecap. He was scared of me, and he ran outside. I chased after him and I eventually killed him, neither of us saying a word. And it was all with me being seen. I then entered the cave and slept and when I left it, my broken kneecap led to infection and I died not far from the cave's enterance...

I awoke from this horror and saw the eight hours I was intending to sleep had gone by. I got up and searched the cave. I grabbed some mittens, some pants and some rope. I don't know if it will help, but its always nice to have. I also kept the cape, itll keep my warm again when I rest for the night. I grabbed all the coins, and then exited the cave, only to see dawn had just broke. The second day of my long journey had begun...
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I think this is what they call a tantrum spiral...
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Re: A story of Fame, Greed, and Horror, A journey in Teh LOLmod World
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2013, 03:42:42 pm »

...I walked for several hours when I realized I had no more water to drink, and since I cleaned off myself of the blood on my clothes, I had nothing to drink. I ate another piece of grasshopper meat and that's when I realized; this stuff makes you REALLY thirsty. It was so dry and naturally salty, it pretty much sucked the water out of me. This was bad, I was getting thirsty from this, and I had no water left. It's only been a day and I got problems with water. Excellent... I walked on for another couple hours when I saw this MASSIVE falcon. It was another monster, and if it bleeds, I can kill it. And I'm pretty thirsty. As I approach it, I see a small pool of water. I go towards it to drink when I realize the water is stagnant. I immediatle get my face away from that and cough a bit from the smell. I didn't alert the falcon, so that was good. I then approached it and began to hack at its wings. It had no idea what was going on and paniced a bit, but eventually, I took a shot to it's skull and it stopped squirming. I then proceeded to drink its blood and I was finally no longer thirsty.

I walked north for what seemed like days, but was really an hour or so. The space of open field with no trees or landmarks made me wonder if I was going the right way. Eventually I saw a small hill. I thought that if I could get up on that, I could see how much farther to the next cave the talker told me about. I walked closer when I heard a famlilliar chattering. I looked towards the hill and saw another giant grasshopper. I paniced again, but I killed one before, so it should be easier now. I grabbed my sword and charged after it. It didn't see me and I was glad. I took several blows to it and stabbed it over and over again until it spotted me. I paniced and used my power. The grasshopper mustve been scared too, for it began to flee, but when it thought it lost me, I stabbed it in the skull, and the beast passed out and then died. I killed another monstrosity in this world, and soon, I will make it to Necrothreat II and become the greatest Haxxor the world has ever seen!

I walked several miles north until the sun was starting to set In the east. The cave was still a ways away if my bearings were right, but I was getting thirsty, and I had to cross a stagnant pool of water to get here. I wanted to vomit from how gross it was, but at least I wasn't drinking it. I went on north, closer and closer to the cave, and then I heard it. The sound of rushing water crashing against rocks. I ran foreward and saw a river. I was finally glad to see it, and I drank a couple gulps down to satiate my thirst. I then filled my waterskin as much as I could, and then went on my way. Now there would be no stopping until I reached the cave...
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I think this is what they call a tantrum spiral...
    • View Profile
Re: A story of Fame, Greed, and Horror, A journey in Teh LOLmod World
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2013, 03:44:29 pm »

...Night fell when I came to where the cave was located. I went on top of the mountain where it was and I looked around, hoping I didn't see anything inside. I entered, and I became weary, hungry and thirsty. I stopped for a minute and that's when I heard the strange chattering. I glanced around the corner and saw a troglodyte. I hid nearby it, and I quickly cut both of his hands off. He spotted me, but I kept attacking before he could land a single blow, and when he attacked, he just missed. When he finally stopped moving, I heard more deeper into the caves... I went deeper and deeper into the caves, and I saw more. I slaughtered them all quickly and before they could even touch me. Eventually, as I killed more, and more, I saw kobalds working with them as well. I killed anything that moved inside. I realized that this cave wasn't just a cave, it was a freaking base. Slaughtering these monsters here would mean good for all us Haxxors, and since there will be less kobalds, more for my people to steal. I eventually came to a spot where I didn't see anymore enemies, and found I going deeper and deeper into the earth, and I then saw it: a deep cave expanse underground. I went down and I realized I shouldn't be here. I was tired and I wasn't prepared for the forgotten horrors that awaited me there. I went back up and about two cave ramps up when I dropped from exhaustion. I was tired, and if the horrors got to me, I wouldn't hae the energy to fight and I'd die anyway. I just fell asleep on the cold floor.

I awoke, alive, and that was good. I proceeded to get out of the caves from the way I entered but something was amiss, the corpses of the kobalds and troglodytes weren't where I remembered they dropped. I ended up finding the corpses in random and odd spots where they shouldn't have been, and one whos head was severed had their head placed several floors above his corpse. I was terrified, but I stood firm. Something had visited in my sleep. I ended up getting out safely, but to my horror, I saw the outside littered with corpses I had recently salin the night before. The sun was high in the east, which meant I'm a bit behind. I don't want to be here anymore, and hopefully I can make it to a town or another cave before I make it to Necrothrreat.

I went to the west and I knew that I would be soon in the mountains where necrothreat lie. There was a supposed Labyrinth on the way there, and I'm pretty sure I cant stay there. But my other option was the village nearby the mountains. I don't know if they were fourmites, but I didn't want to take any chances. I'm going to check the town and if they aren't friendly, I'm going to find another place. If that fails me, then there are no stoped between me and necrothreat. I went a ways past the mountain and I saw snow. As I presse on, the blood that stained my clothes littered the snow with my trail. Then in a blink of an eye, the snow vanished. For what reason, I'll never know. A little while past and I ended up drinking the last of my water again. I'll try and avoid eating as much as I can help it.

The terrain showed less and less trees as I pressed on, and the land began to sink more. At its bottom, I found another river to my luck. This may be the last source before I hit Necrothreat. I pray that I may taste the waters of where the fortress lies, filled with the taint of fourmite blood spilled over its abandonment. When the land began to show more trees, I saw an entire pack of coyotes, except they were massive, and from what I saw, they were hungry. I knew better and left them be.  As I made my way on, I saw more and more monsters of gigantic sizes, and realized if I get spotted, I might as well be dead...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I think this is what they call a tantrum spiral...
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Re: A story of Fame, Greed, and Horror, A journey in Teh LOLmod World
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2013, 03:45:59 pm »

...I went farther and farther into the west and I stumbled upon the dreaded labrynth. Night was still a ways off, so I entered, thinking I could find treasures of much wealth inside. I went down, and then I heard something bone chilling. The only word I heard was " ill...". As I pressed on, it got louder and louder, and then I could make out every word after a bit:


I paniced at this and had my sword ready. Then to my panic, I heard the beast declare who he was: Apuk Katengnaquuv Osman a'gen. I turned around and found myself face to face with a minotaur. My problem wasn't the fact that he knew I was in there and he wanted my bones. The worst part was the fact that he could SEE me. He bared down against me, and punched at me. I dodged quickly and tried to vanish. I walked about two steps before he saw me again. He roared out and shouted:


I started to run, but his speed was too quick for me. I was eventually cornered and I swung my sword, hoping that if I die today, it would be a swift death. I closed my eyes and let out a scream. I heard a thud and when I opened my eyes, I could not believe what happened:

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I was lucky today, and I wouldn't be so lucky afterwards. I trudged onwards, and that is when I found it, the labrynth treasure room. I began to quickly pillage what I could, remembering I cant carry so much because of my food stores. I found some food also and I took a bite and that's when I saw it, a recently destroyed corpse stripped of all flesh that resembled a familiar figure. I imediatley vomited it back up and ate the grasshopper meat instead. I sat down and I realized that I had just eaten the flesh of my own kind... Does that make me a cannibal now? A monster amongst my people? Was the Ettin right, that I would live long enough to see I'd become a monster? I began to puke once again from the sheer horror of it all. I surveyed the room more, and I saw some iron chain leggings I could wear. I also found a strsange item called a sigtext. I took it and began to make my way back out of the labrynth, only to find out it was nightfall. I progressed back into the treasure room, and made a bedding of the string and other pieces of small leather equipment I couldn't wear and decided to rest my head for the night. Tomorrow, I pass through the now confirmed fourmite hamlet and hope that with me being a haxxor, I do not find the people hostile, which is most unlikely.

I awoke after a good nights sleep hungry and thirsty. I ended up drinking the last of my water again, and I ended up not eating enough before I fill up, so I was full and hungry at the same time. I began to make way towards the fourmite hamlet, hoping I could find an abandoned house to stayfor the night and pick up on some information on necrothreat. If I was lucky and they were friendly, I could try and tell them of my feats and maybe find some people to help me on my quest. yes, I want to become the stuff of nightmares to them, but what good is the stuff of nightmares if I can't kill my followers when the task is complete? They will serve until they are useless, and then I will kill them and leave one alive, mangled and bleeding, so all may know to fear us when we come. If i'm discovered, I might be forced to fight the entire hamlet, and that doesn't help me in the slightest...

As I got closer to the hamlet,the land became more lush and green. I hoped for another river, one hopefully still flowing. Not long after, my wish was granted, and I came across a river, and I filled my waterskin as normal. I thought for a minute and said to myself "What if this is the river that feeds Necrothreat?"" I decided it wasn't for it was a simple brook, and probably didn't go very far. Past the brook, the vegetation and trees became scarce, and I was in open field again. Eventually, I went north a ways and ended up going for a few hours without seeing anything at all, no tree, no hills, no animals, nothing. The lands grew barren, and I could feel the cold coming. This is what survival is, braving against the earth and its elements. I trudged on for a ways, getting more and more drowsy as time progressed. I need a really good nights sleep, and the sun being so low in the west made me realize that I may not reach the hamlet before nightfall. I took another bite of grasshopper meat and began to run. Night began to fall when I came close to the hamlet's border. I knew I could very well be in enemy territory, so I stayed hidden. I hit the place where the talker said the hamlet would be, but I saw nothing but darkness beginning to loom near me. I was worried the boogeymen would attack, so I kept myself ready to fight at any moment.

I wandered in the darkness blindly for what seemed hours when I tripped and landed on something hard. I hurt my foot a bit, but I realized I just smacked my face on a road! This was perfect, I began to head back south where I could hope to see houses. But to my dismay, the road ended ubruptly in the middle of nowhere. I realized they must not have finished the road. I pressed onwards the other direction of the road and continued into the darkness that seemed to follow me everywhere.

I followed the road blindly and I ran and I ran, right into the darkness. I was waiting until daybreak, and then I would be safe more or less. I could hear unknown creatures moving in the dark, seeing the odd figure in the light of the moon. These formless beings horrified me. Were these boogeymen? I ran faster and faster until I was in te face of one of these dark figures. It took a swing at me and it resembled a giant insect. It then flew away paniced, but it didn't laugh. I realized it wasn't a boogeyman and I ran faster on the road. I kept running and running until I saw the inches of sun just before daybreak.

I kept following the path and I was still tired from the night before. I feared if I slept near the road, a patrol would spot me and kill me. I kept on going until I could find a shelter to stay for the night. There were days I wish I had some sort of tool to help myself and today, a tent and a place to hide were amongst them.

[spoiler]I REALLY need to find a way to sleep at night without boogeymen attacks without getting killed in my sleep. I'm gonna call it a night, but if any of you know how to sleep without dying, feel free to answer!spoiler]
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I think this is what they call a tantrum spiral...
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Re: A story of Fame, Greed, and Horror, A journey in Teh LOLmod World
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2013, 08:58:56 pm »

...I went down the road for about an hour when I collapsed from exhaustion. I dreamt though, of NEcrothreat and what riches I would find there. Was it vast piles of gold? Was it great weapons and armor? Or was it powerful and magical artifacts? Or was it an untold and great power, just waiting for someone to harness it? Just before I could delve deeper into my dream, I heard howls surround me. I awoke to find wolves coming around me. I grabbed my sword and I stabbed the first that came to me. The second I cut its legs off before stabbing its head, killing it faster then it could land a hit. The third was lucky and bit my leg and held on. I paniced and turned invisible. I didn't want to die out here, not when I could smell the very air of Necrothreat in the air. I went up to the third wolf and slapped it with the flat of my blade and I smacked all the teeth out of its skull. The entire place I stood was covered in blood, and more wolves showed up. I readied my blade and tackled one wolf, ripping its leg off with my teeth. Still holding the leg, I stabbed his chest, killing him quickly. I dropped the leg and stabbed the next in the head, splitting its skull apart. The last few came at one shot, and I had to step back to avoid being overrun. I killed the nearest to me with ease, the next came at me and I slashed at him, cutting his stomach and severely wounding it. The last wolf came and I killed it after hacking its leg and then its head off. The wolf I wounded was trying to escape, and I chased it down. When I caught up, I ended its pain swiftly.

I returned to the road afterwards, and I followed the path; there wouldn't be any more sleeping when I need the precious daylight. I followed the road until the sun grew dark in the west, and even though it was only few hours from when I fought the wolves, I was still weary. I made a bonfire around me in hopes of scaring away any wolves or animals as I slept. I know this wouldn't stop the adventurer or the boogeymen, but I had to rest, Necrothreat was close, but I needed my energy to search. I was lucky and I managed to rest the whole night until dawn arrived.

I awoke and took a bite of grasshopper meat and a drink of my water, only to realize I'm almost out. I pressed onwards and was lucky to find a river. I filled my waterskin and noticed the road continued on after this stretch of river, so I followed the river onto the road. The road ended not very far after I reached it, but I continued to follow the setting sun. Not long after the path ended, I found myself in a desert of black sand. The land was desolate, and devoid of any life save myself. Although this wasn't like the deserts in your stories, this was a frozen desert. it was freezing cold and the winds picked up here, chilling you to the bone. When I made it across the desert in a few hours, I found the land a little more green, and then to my horror as I climbed the mountains, snow and high winds blew, and the lands were once again, devoid of life. No trees, no animals, no plants, nothing.

I began to descend the mountains after a bit and I found I was just entering a valley, meaning I had to climb back up at the other side. Every step I took was adding to the cold, and my very breath seemed to freeze when I breathed in. It felt like the ice was building up in my lungs, cutting them like they were knives through paper. I saw the sun setting, and that wasn't good. The sun would stop warming me as much as it was. I went on regardless, and when I could see the edge of the snow fields, I rejoiced, but I was so cold I couldn't even move. My skin was turning pale from the winds, and the snow began to burn me. Regardless of how far the grass was, I had to camp here, I had to make a fire with what energy I had and rest here before I froze to death. The sun was just setting when I set up another bonfire around me, and I was warm. My skin regained its color and I could move again. But I was exhausted regardless, so I slept on the dry ground that had no snow for the fires had melted it. tonight, I slept on dry ground in the wild, and I was warm. I smiled as I slept under the starry sky. The moon showed signs of a snowstorm coming, but I didn't care right now, I was warm, and I was safe... Or I thought I was. And I was right, for I slept until dawn without any worries that night.
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I think this is what they call a tantrum spiral...
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Re: A story of Fame, Greed, and Horror, A journey in Teh LOLmod World
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2013, 09:48:04 pm »

...I awoke the next morning thirsty and hungry. I ate more grasshopper meat, but when I went t drink from my waterskin, I realized I had drank it all. And the last river I passed by was in the valley, and it was frozen over. I realize I still had some blood splattered on my clothes from the wolf attack, and I drank it. I was so thirsty, that I almost drank ALL of the blood on my clothes. I had to stop myself... What was happening to me? I'm beginning to like the taste of blood, and even though I hated it, I now love it... Whats wrong with me? I shrugged these thoughts off after I felt the first breeze set in, and I decided to move, I needed shelter for the next day. I could also feel that Necrothreat was very near, and if I was lucky, I could find it today or tomorrow. And that meant sleeping on a bed. My entire life, sleeping on floors with bedrolls, and more recently, just a cape, made my rest usually uncomfortable, but soon, I will be sleeping on beds made by master carpenters. I looked to the north and saw more mountains. To the south west I saw a dark spiral reaching towards the sky. I deciced I will check out this monument, and hopefully find shelter for the night.

I got closer and closer to the strange spire, and as I got closer, I felt a dark and evil aura surrounding it. Something told me I shouldn't be here, but something also told me that something to aid me will be inside. It was a dark and terrible power, but a power I must wield if I am to enter and pillage Necrothreat's secret treasures. As I got closer, I smelled something burning, and as I got closer, I saw fires near the enterance. I paniced a bit, but it was small flames. But that wasn't what terrified me the most, it was the amount of corpses surrounded the enterance that scared me. It showed signs of battle, filled with laptops, spam, and other assortments of goods. Whatever happened here, wasn't good. I took a couple steps forward and then some of the bodies began to move. I paniced a bit but I stayed hidden. The bodies, as destroyed and mutilated as they were, were walking and moving. I was terrified at this, and that's when I realized it: THIS is the lair of the Necrothreader. Was it the one that made Necrothreat fall? I wasn't sure, but I pressed on anyway. I saw more and more corpses walking inside the tower, and I was lucky no one saw me. As I took more and more steps into the tower, I could actually HEAR the power calling out to me. There was a power here for me to take, but would I USE that power? I wouldn't know.

I made my way up the tower, when I could hear the dark power calling, almost SCREAMING for me to take it. After what seemed like a good five minutes of screaming, it stopped. I looked around and saw more corpses and books. Something in me told me to take the books, so  I did. I don't know what was so special about these books, but I stole them anyway. I then began to read them. I was lucky to be born into a household of HAxxors that could read, and I learned from them. I found from the books of the Tower I stood in, and I read of the Thread Necromancer that supposudley had lived here. Then, I came across one book, it was titled "The Toll after the End". I read it, and I felt the dark aura coming out of the pages. My mind went dark for a moment, and amongst the dead, I stood there. I read on and the aura began to claim my entire being. I felt a pain deep inside me like something was getting torn out of me. I couldn't help but scream. I knew I might die from this, but none of that matters when you're slowly going insane. Eventually the pain in my chest grew too great and when I thought it couldn't get any worse, the pain raised to so much, I wished I could die. The snow blew in the mountains, and lightning struck the air and then... I blacked out.
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I think this is what they call a tantrum spiral...
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Re: A story of Fame, Greed, and Horror, A journey in Teh LOLmod World
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2013, 10:31:05 pm »

...I awoke in darkness. I looked around and saw nothing but black. I thought I was dead. But I knew I wasn't, my foot was still bruised and hurt a little when I tried to get back up. I looked around again and then heard a voice call to me:

"So... Another pitiful insect wishes to don power greater then he could ever imagine... Fool... If you had realized the power you had just stumbled upon, you would've been much more grateful at what you have done. Instead, you wallow in the darkness... Blind as a bat..."

The voice was more of a growl if anything, even more like a snarl.

"So... What is your hearts desire? Is it...  Immortality? Is it... Power? Is it... Fame?"

He paused after the last question and laughed.

"I'm close, aren't I? You desire some form of all of them... You want to be remembered as a creature to be feared... You want the strength and power to not only take the riches of the abandoned fortress in the north... You want to become its new master... And you desire also to be known amongst all that lived, as a being that everyone will fear..."

The voice laughed again.

"I will grant you this power... But you realize that deals with demons always come with a price..."

I gulped at this.

"W-W-What do you want in return?"

The voice laughed. I turned around and two massive burning red eyes were face to face with me. I nearly jumped out of my skin when that happened.

"In necrothreat, there is... A scepter... Made out of an ash tree.. I want this scepter... I'm sure you recall its name, for it was sought amongst your kin... It is Homageservers, the Painful Cell... It is an artifact made from the misery of fourmites living in necrothreat... It is... A treat for me sort of... Take this scepter and bring it to the lower bowels of the fortress where a prison is placed... There is a man with a familiar power inside... Use the scepter on the magical barrier sealing him inside, and you will free him... Then you must slay him, and bury the scepter into the circle in the center..."

Then a hand of blazing inferno reached out.

"Do we have a deal... Mortal?"

I hesitated. I wanted power beyond recognition, but at the price of actually making it there and doing this task?

"What if I am to fall on the way there? Or before the task is finished?"

The demon laughed. His eyes blinked and went closer to me.

"Then mortal... I take your soul... And you will suffer endless torment..."

I paused. I didn't want to live in eternal hell for the rest of my days. But with this power he offered me, I didn't have to worry about it anymore. I could break into necrothreat, steal the scepter and do what he pleased with it. And besides, killing a human trapped in their basement? Easy. I took the demons hand, but it did not burn.

"I accept... Give me your power and I will fulfill my end of the bargin"

The demon laughed and then his eyes and hand disappeared, but the flames remained. They surrounded me, and then the tearing pain came back, stronger then ever. I let out a scream of pain and triumph. In this tearing, I felt something new take form, like a new spark, a new soul... A new power... The flames then circled around my upper body and I began roar in triumph as the flames entered my body. The power was within me now, and now I had the means to take Necrothreat and its treasures. I then began to regain consciousness. And that was when  I had forgotten about the walking corpses

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Adept Dwarf
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Re: A story of Fame, Greed, and Horror, A journey in Teh LOLmod World
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2013, 01:37:39 pm »

What is with these dark secrets and flames?  Sounds overpowered.  I think we need to trade that sword for a nerf one so nobody else gets hurt.  Looks like the campfire haxx has been working too.

My explanation for no forumite hamlet: they learned to hack and made the whole town invisible.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I think this is what they call a tantrum spiral...
    • View Profile
Re: A story of Fame, Greed, and Horror, A journey in Teh LOLmod World
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2013, 03:37:40 pm »

It was really stupid cause I went through like 4 fourmite living spaces on my way to the tower that I'm still at right now.

It kinda reminds me of this though, when you look at all they crap they go through at Necrothreat ALONE:

What I really found hilarious was when I got into the tower, half of it was ON FIRE. I kid you not, I found half of the things there burning, I was lucky to actually make it out of there. I actually had to save scum several times because Highmax spontaneously combusted at several parts and before he could get out he melted before he got to the ground floor
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.