The game is horribly dumbed down compared to the other games.
>Columbia isn't even half the environment of Rapture
The levels are much smaller
>Linear hallway shooter
The levels are essentially corridors, and no longer large DOOM like arenas with secret areas
>2 weapons
You can only carry 2 weapons with at all times
>No special ammos
Every weapon has 1 ammo type
>Weapons don't change appearance when they are upgraded
They still look boring and unispired
>Vigors are unexplained and only 1-3 are actually useful (Jockey, Devil, Bronco)
Though the visual effects on your arms are really cool
>Little enemy variety
Compared to the many types of splicers, this is worrying
>Feel like you're grinding through the same waves of the same enemy types for the duration of the game
Gets quite monotonous, as peekaboo shooting is much less worrying and boring
>Only a few Handymen appearances and they are piss poor successors to the Big Daddies
They can be destroyed quite easily by RPG or vigor spam
>Enemy and Elizabeth AI is retarded
Elizabeth is invulnerable, and sometimes despineses ammo/health/mana but this could've been remided if the game let you carry health packs/syringes like the previous Bioshock game
>2deep4u ending pulled out of Elizabeth's ass in the last ten minutes
It's stupid
>Choices do not matter
They really don't
>Founders and Vox might as well be non-existent for all the interaction you have with them
None of them felt very sympathetic or interesting
>Doesn't capitalize enough on the father/daughter angle (BioShock 2 did it better and Delta doesn't even speak a fucking word)
>Booker's VA is subpar and he's too much of a dick
Save your money and do not listen to the paid reviewers, it is a mediocre 6/10 game.