I'm a noob with about a dozen solo fortresses under my belt. I've lost fortresses to all kinds of things, like tantrum spirals, forgotten beasts, sieges, and accidents with magma.
I'm also a magma enthusiast. I've lost many dwarves trying to learn the art of volcano manipulation, before finally getting it. I use an elaborate system of drains and drawbridges to pop the column, and channel magma around safely.
I feel that all great moments should be shared. So for my latest adventure, I'll be writing an overseer's log. I'll be holding on to this fortress for at least 4-5 years to get it stable, then I might pass it on to other noobs if anyone wants to join me on this mad adventure.
Without further ado, I present: Summer Camp at Butterfly Resort!
This will be a masterwork mod fortress in Blessed Serra. (Good Biomes)
I'm using the Phoebus tileset for graphics.
The only notable setting in the mod is Harder Farming. Which is a two-edged boon/bane. On one hand, it makes all underground plants take a YEAR to grow. You need very large farms in high quantities to compensate. The upside to this is that it frees up much of the farm labour, they don't spend ALL their time planting things, so it's much easier for the planters to multi-task.
1. High-Protein diets - with plant crops taking forever to grow, we need to eat moar kittens (or elves)
2. Large casualty-tolerant standing army. - This might take some social engineering to isolate potential soldiers, and prevent them from forming strong relationships outside their own squad.
3. Defense Design. - I use a series of drawbridges to balance accessibility and defense-in-depth. The access shaft build is an easy and convenient way to start fortresses. But this should be locked down during invasions, and attackers channeled into trap-hallways, with ballista batteries and fail-safe magma flood systems.
4. The fail-safe magma flooding systems should be a last-resort, but is still a valid tactic if things get hot.
Invisible Hand and Patron of Dwarves.