There are two things you need to work with: an ENTITY (the civilization) and a CREATURE (your kea-men)
Getting started with a new civ is easy.
(1) Copy an existing ENTITY, that is, the grouping of code that begins with [ENTITY:XXXX]
(kobolds is probably good one to copy)
(2) Paste the whole ENTITY either in an existing or new file with [OBJECT:ENTITY] at the top; be sure to replace XXXX with a unique name.
(3) Edit the tag [CREATURE:YYYY] where YYYY is the label for the creature you want to use.
That's all it takes to get the entity to appear in the world and be populated! Now, there's just the business of modifying all the rest of the ENTITY tags so they behave less like kobolds, and more like whatever you want them to
>> and have them fly and ambush more often, by any chance?
They'll fly if the creatures fly.
There's not a lot of fine control over Ambushing. There is a token that controls "elf-like" ambush behavior on and off. You can find a reference on magmawiki by searching "entity tokens", will tell you all the things you can or cannot put in entity file.
>> **BONUS HELP: Have Giant Keas ambush with them...**
there's not a lot of fine control over pets either. You can only make it so they live in the same biomes as Keas, and you can mod giant Keas to be war-trainable if they aren't already; that will give them the *chance* to attack with Giant kea pets.
ninja'd by i1amroy but i'll post it anyway
>> ((EDIT: For them to show up, do I need a new world generated?))
Yes of course. World gen is when entities appear and do stuff.