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Author Topic: Splashfountains - Community Waterpark  (Read 5368 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splashfountains - Community Waterpark
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2013, 06:49:12 pm »

I'll take the remaining metalsmith, if that's all right.

Name- Korronus
Profession- metalcraftsdwarf/weaponsmith
Personality- demented and work-obsessed
Personal goal- To die fighting on a waterslide, wielding a weapon of his own making.
Bio- Once a mediocre, unnoticed smith, Korronus now seeks to make a name for himself by making the tools to defend a great fortress. Unfortunately, he was not aware of Splashfountain's goal, but he has adapted quickly to meet its demands.
But you never see a movie where a terrible coal plant accident causes a horrible devastation, do you? Nope, everyone seems to think that nuclear plants get their energy by smacking live atomic warheads all day or something.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splashfountains - Community Waterpark
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2013, 10:14:08 pm »

Starky's Journal - Entry Two

Well, the past seasons were uneventful... It was nice though, no threats, no annoying personalities being annoying and especially no switches!

You say that as if that's a bad thing.

It is, the moment you gain control, you will ask the overseer to go back to that damn village!

You say that as if that's a bad thing.

You just said that! Also, I'd totally live in this fortress if it means a waterpark.

Hey, did you see that unconcious rhino?

Keep up the work, and let's hope this will won't end in hilarity tragedy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splashfountains - Community Waterpark
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2013, 09:51:52 am »

Rep's Journal --- Entry 2

Upon arrival, I spotted so many plants I had never seen before. I also got the opportunity to cook a honey badger that "Psi" took down when it attacked us. It mixed well with some of the plants I found around camp and our dried provisions.

The miner... "Mirei" I think she was called and some of the others quickly dug into a hillside and made us a some necessary rooms and an area where i could put up some farms. Though not for a lack of trying... I cannot seem to make even one of the plants I found outside grow in here. Maybe they need sunlight to grow... no that cannot be right... I will keep trying.



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Re: Splashfountains - Community Waterpark
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2013, 09:58:04 am »

Chimp's Journal - Entry 2

Although the other dwarves haven't thought of my tower idea yet, I've been very busy lately.
This is mainly related to our metal industry. Our site has tetrahedrite galore, but lacks naturally-occuring coal. So I've been very busy chopping down trees to be burnt into charcoal.
Besides that, I've been engaged in carpentry and have made some beds, wheelbarrows, barrels and bins for our fortress. Those were hauled indoors once Mirei and some migrants were done with mining the basic rooms and tunnels of our fortress.

I'm keeping this entry short because I haven't made anything of special note as of yet.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 10:00:04 am by Chimpanzee »
"I am a Legandary Weaver! Nobody handles cloth like me"
"Yeah, that's great. Hey, are you done? If so, we need to smelt this ten thousand large load of hematite. I'll see you next month."
"That's nice. Tell you what, pretend you are weaving metal out of this ore. Now get to work."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splashfountains - Community Waterpark
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2013, 08:22:16 pm »

"Wagons at the gate! Migrants on the hills!" Chimp bellowed as he returned from yet another tree cutting foray.  It was true.  The caravan of merchants was slowly making its way across the river valley.   From overhead, immigrants rounded the end of the drawbridge and paraded wearily into the fortress.  Garth caught one of them by the collar as he passed.

"Hold on, dwarf.  I've got some work for all of you to do.  Head down to the finished goods stockpile and grab all the stone crafts you find there. bring them to the trade depot.  Also, we're out of bins again, so you'll be packing these things one at a time."

Garth turned to his founding seven.  "Starky, go grab a few of those masterwork coffins you made.  Rep, bring down a barrel or two of your finest prepare meals.  PSI, stand around and look menacing while we haggle.  Mion, we need all the good gear we can get here, so bring up your worst practice copper shields."

The dwarves dispersed to gather trade goods while Garth looked through the trader's goods.  The whole process irked him.  Here they were, out on the edge of the world, working for absolutely nothing while doing the work of the king himself, and yet policy dictated that they must be "economically viable" at every stage of growth.  Which meant manufacturing random crap on site to trade instead of working on what they were actually supposed to do.

In the end they ended up trading three masterwork coffins, a couple barrels of plump helmet roast, a wheelbarrow, a few rough copper shields, and great heaps of random stone trinkets to the merchants in exchange for assorted metal bars, some logs, a few bags and ropes, a breeding pair of sheep, a few barrels of ale, assorted meat and plump helmets, and plenty of cloth and leather.

Short update today.

PSI is now dabbling in armorsmithing.

The fortress headcount is now 23, so expect moods any moment now.

By next update I should have the perimeter of the megaproject area channeled out, so I'll post a tentative blueprint at the end for commentary.
Playing a cheesemaker in an average Fortress 'round here would be. Freaking. Terrifying.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splashfountains - Community Waterpark
« Reply #20 on: January 03, 2013, 01:54:19 am »

Starky's Journal - Entry Three

You don't plan to be inside any of those coffins don't you?

No, I've studied the runes he engraved on me. As long as I'm not buried, I won't ever be his plaything.

You know, immortality isn't a bad thing.

And you know, the thing with immortality is that I can't ever die. I will outlive the people here. I will see many people fail, die, and rot. I will see Chimp die because of the construction of his tower. I will see Garth drown in his waterpark. I will see Mirei die because of the accursed blue metal. I will see Rep go insane for the perfect dish. I will see PSI exhaust herself until she dies.

You're too cynical and pessimistic.

I know.

I guess it's a good thing that I'm here. While you think like that, I'll keep thinking like this: And Mion will eventually make his goals come true!

I guess that's possible...

See! You know, without the old man, you'd be an angsty little dwarf. You owe him one.

Don't get started on that again...

You know, the chances that a case like ours happening in this world is forty-six thousand billion to one.

Hey, when Starky dies, can you bury her in a room far away from the fort?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splashfountains - Community Waterpark
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2013, 10:23:12 am »

(this isn't dead... is it?)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splashfountains - Community Waterpark
« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2013, 11:03:17 pm »

PTW. This is extremely promising.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splashfountains - Community Waterpark
« Reply #23 on: January 09, 2013, 01:02:36 am »

Apologies for the delay.  I got the flu and haven't been in the mood for doing much besides watching stupid things on Youtube and coughing spasmodically for the last week. Slowly getting back on track.

And yes, if Starky doesn't manage to achieve immortality before I can off her.
Garth drew back the curtain from the dining room's newly engraved wall revealing a detailed map of the embarkation area.

"This, ladies and gentlemen, is where we currently stand. On the brink of a new era of dwarven construction.  In a few years we will excavate a new lake to fill this valley in the name of dwarvenkind, and in that lake we will build a waterpark whose equal has never been seen."

There was a scattered burst of applause from the crowd of dwarves lounging around the dining hall. Garth sighed.  So few of these dwarves had vision like he did.  Such a disappointment.  He drew a chunk of chalf from his pocket and began to sketch atop the engraving, speaking as he did so.

"Despite the fact that this is to be primarily a recreational facility, it must still be capable of defending itself.  A liquid moat does much to make this goal a viable reality, but I've decided on a few steps to make it more so.  First off, all access to the park will be via glass tunnels which both give a dazzling view of the underwater approach and the opportunity to drown anyone passing through the tunnels at the flip of a switch.

Central to our design will be the island. I intend to preserve a certain amount of soil at surface level while carving away and replacing everything around it. The result will be a natural looking island garden suitable for growing surface and subterranean plants and pasturing livestock. Beneath will be the kitchens and food preparation facilities, as well as the barracks and guest reception area...

Yes, Chimp? You have a comment?"

Chimp spat out the twig he had been picking his teeth with.  "Your island is looking awfully flat.  Couldn't we stick something on there to make it a little more impressive?"

Garth looked at him doubtfully. "You have something in mind?"

"Weeeeellll... I was just thinking, a tower might be good.  Make from wood to really chafe those elves, and then we could make a zoo out of it too."

"That... actually isn't a bad idea." Garth scribbled the idea in. "Now, as I was saying.  North of the Island will be be the meat and booze of our fortress.  The west end will consist of the crystal hall, a submerged, fountained, glassed bubble made suitable for royal dinner parties and the comfort of every common dwarf.  The east end, will, of course, have all the standard features of a first rate Fortress.

Any questions?"

Mirei stood up, giving Garth a run of chills down his spine.  "As a miner, I'm wondering what the plans are for further digging, and where you plan to put the main mineshaft."

"Oh, right, of course.  Currently, I plan to have the main shaft run straight down using the south stairwell of the old fort here.  It will then be connected to the main fort -- like so -- so that our current exterior defenses can be used to contained anything that comes up out of the depths on its way to the new fortress."

Garth looked around, and spotted the hand of an unknown child. "You sir! What is your inquiry?"

"Aren't there supposed to be rides?"

"You are absolutely right, young warrior.  We'll say for now the rides station is... right here.  The tracks will be... somewhere out here. I haven't fully designed them yet.  I received a document on the strange science of hydroplaning with the last caravan, and I've been holding off on finalizing a track design until I've had time to study it fully. Suffice it to say, the rides will be Fun.

Any other questions?"

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Playing a cheesemaker in an average Fortress 'round here would be. Freaking. Terrifying.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splashfountains - Community Waterpark
« Reply #24 on: January 09, 2013, 07:20:39 am »

(good to see this isn't dead and great to hear that it was only the flu and not something worse)

Rep's Journal --- Entry 3

So far the fort seems to be doing fine. There have not been any great incidents and the general mood is great. I heard some of the migrants talking about my food... it seems they were expecting to simply get plump helmets and simple booze, so they were pleasantly surprised.

Garth gathered everyone that wasn't doing anything really important in the dining room to talk about future plans... not that it has anything to do with me, I just want to make food and drinks for everyone. But I have to admit it looked like it would be a great piece of Dwarven history... i have to make sure my food is good enough to get some of the credit for the waterparks construction.

On another note... I simply could not make the plants I found outside grow in here with the rest of the plants. So i tried to plant a few of them outside and they grew fine... i will have to talk to Garth about having a secure farm area set up outside...


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Re: Splashfountains - Community Waterpark
« Reply #25 on: January 09, 2013, 09:15:40 am »

Chimp's Journal - Entry 3
Lately I haven't been very busy. Though all the memories of my 24/7 deforestation of Splashfountains have been collecting over time. A few days ago it felt that such a long time has already passed since the last visit of the liaison and the caravan from the Mountainhome that there was no point to stay.

Thankfully, as Rep said, this isn't dead ( :) ), and yesterday Garth had called everyone into the dining room and showed us an engraving of a map of his plans for the waterpark. After talking in front of all of the fortress' other beards, he turned his head towards mine. After I had told him about my idea of the wooden tower, he added that to the island in the middle of the engraving, albeit doubtfully. So I smiled to myself, though this time it was a grin wider than my usual little smile. :D
The tower is included in the waterpark. I hope my family will decide to come one day to see what has come of our efforts. :)

After he had finished with me, Garth turned back to the rest of the population to continue his lecture. He had been asked some questions by Mirei about the fortress' mining future, and by some unknown child about minecart rides. Then he was finished. Now we have a clear plan of the waterpark in Splashfountains. :)

Nothing of special note has happened after Garth's lecture.

By the way, for some reason I've had a good laugh reading Starky's latest journal that happened to be lying around in her workshop.  :))
"I am a Legandary Weaver! Nobody handles cloth like me"
"Yeah, that's great. Hey, are you done? If so, we need to smelt this ten thousand large load of hematite. I'll see you next month."
"That's nice. Tell you what, pretend you are weaving metal out of this ore. Now get to work."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Splashfountains - Community Waterpark
« Reply #26 on: January 09, 2013, 10:53:23 am »

This is promising
Tai'shar DwarfFortress

I've heard Minecart Airlines Express offers nice trips to nobility. Alternative trips include a voyage over the volcano. Call 1-800-I-THE-GUINEAPIG-VOLUNTEER and book now!
My fucking armok, you broke the game.
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