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Author Topic: Some newb questions  (Read 876 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Some newb questions
« on: December 21, 2012, 07:46:46 am »

So, after my first fort ended in a failure because of a minotaur, i have been playing this game non-stop and made like 10 forts (every forts is like... 3h playing), I wanted to avoid asking on forum because i wanted to learn everything on my own, but just can't figure these out with my poor English grade:

1. Archers training: I have went on sites to sites, tips to tips but i still can't figure out how to get these stupid dwarves to train.
Training schedule every months - Check
Crossbow, load of iron or whatever crossbows they have in their hands - check
Archery target - Check (Hell, i always make like 10 of them and i even  try to set a single one of them as barrack training for that stupid archer squad). And ofc shooting direction is 100% correct
Ammo - Check. Load of silver/iron/bone bolts for training, i even double check to see if they are set for training, yes they do
Quiver - no idea where these guys got the quivers from  before i can even make some for them but since i saw them in their inventory, i guess it's good.
I tried everything, set them to be Active/Training, set them to be Inactive, i even disable every single labor they have, yet they just go and hang around the barrack without shooting a single shot. But right after i set them back to hunt, they went and shoot everything on the surface, it's like they are on strike against my commands.

2. How do i find this Luxury thing called Coal, is there any easy method to know which area has coal and what ores on embark? In all 10 of my forts on different worlds, i haven't seen any coal. I embarked on area with "Shallow metals, deep metals, soil, no aqualifier" all the time, seen all kind of metal ores but not a single Lignite or Bituminous coal. My logs resources run low from time to time because of Bin/bed/wood burning usage so i tried digging a huge area for underground tree farm from cavern, but these things are taking who knows how long to grow. Reaching magma doesn't seem to be a good option since i'm still studying on  how to pump it to a certain level.

3. Trading. I have been trading with easy, exporting Stone crafting only with huge success. But i still haven't gotten the hang of what the traders want. I always try to check around my stock to see if there're any "white named" things so i can avoid selecting them without knowing it and only trade the crafted stone items which are brown. But sometime even without any white stuffs and only stonecrafts, the trader would just go "Once a beautiful tree..."? WTH are they talking about??? I know the cavarn are rich and all but stone made out of tree? That's like 30th century technology
So is there any way to tell what do they want before i trade? it gets ultra frustrating after seeing a good carvarn with load of "omg i want all" stuffs but the moment i press T they just go away D:

Thank in advance


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Some newb questions
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2012, 08:12:12 am »

1. You have to make the archery target into an archery range by using the "q" key to near the target, then size the range like you would a bedroom or dining room, then set the shooting direction, then set the squads to train there.
2. I think it's just luck of the draw. You could try conserving wood by making tables, chairs buildings, etc. out of stone and using pots(stone menu at the Craftdwarf's Workshop) instead of barrels.
3. The problem is that you are trying to trade wood to elves. If you have one wooden item(including bins) in the stuff you're trying to trade, they won't trade with you. I usually only trade gems to them and save everything else for dwarf/human traders.


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  • Avatar by PlutoniumApe, "Urist McGuyFieri"
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Re: Some newb questions
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2012, 08:35:05 am »

1. Archers have an issue right now, where they won't train with their crossbows while on active duty. Only inactive squads will train at an archery range. That's why I just send them out to kill wildlife... stupid languars/ravens/keas make for good eats.

2. Bituminous coal and lignite are sedimentary layer stones, and will only be found in those sedimentary layers. Forests and some aquifer areas usually have some, it just depends. I've grown reliant on bringing a ton of bituminous coal with me on embark and making most of my gear I need on site (unless I'm in an evil area, then picks and armor/weapons are a must). The best option for a tree farm is a soil layer, since you need soil or mud to grow plants. Just be careful of fires, I've had fire-breathing titans wreck everything, scorching my entire upper fort in a heartbeat.

A magma pumpstack is really not that hard to build, you just need a consistent power source (I use aquifers and waterwheels) and magma-safe materials. If that's not your thing, you can always set up a system using magma proof mine carts to bring a little magma up from a filling station, and move it where you want it. Don't know how its done exactly, but there should be a tutorial on the wiki and you could ask someone here who knows more about it.

I usually only make beds from logs, and use the rest for wood burning/soap/etc, and pots/buildings/furniture from stone or glass.

3. Elves won't accept wooden goods of any kind, or products that have wood in them (clear glass, obsidian swords, and a few others). Thats why the elves get all my XXClothingXX items, and the other traders get the good stuff. I never sell my bins off, only pots/barrels if I'm selling masterwork roasts.

If the elves do end up mad at you for trading something wooden to them, just airlock em and wait for them to die, or kill them off with your military. Just don't kill the dwarven caravan with your milita, else you face the wrath of the Loyalty Cascade.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Some newb questions
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2012, 08:40:30 am »

If the elves do end up mad at you for trading something wooden to them, just airlock em and wait for them to die, or kill them off with your military.

Actually, if you don't want a war you can just ignore them and let them go. Getting their caravan killed pisses them off far more than trading wooden items.

Aviator CJ

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Some newb questions
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2012, 08:44:49 am »

If the elves do end up mad at you for trading something wooden to them, just airlock em and wait for them to die, or kill them off with your military.

Actually, if you don't want a war you can just ignore them and let them go. Getting their caravan killed pisses them off far more than trading wooden items.

If you really want Elf-provided stuff, you could seize their goods, I've been doing that for 15 years in my current fort, so far the Elves just say "we can't stop you" then they just leave. I suspect they might declare war eventually, but by then you should have either a decent military or a solid trap system.
!!Science!!: Knowledge through magma

There's safe. Then there's unsafe. And then there's the average dwarf fort, which remains unrated because the OSHA inspector flatly refused to go anywhere within a dozen miles of the place.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Avatar by PlutoniumApe, "Urist McGuyFieri"
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Re: Some newb questions
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2012, 09:24:46 am »

If you really want Elf-provided stuff, you could seize their goods, I've been doing that for 15 years in my current fort, so far the Elves just say "we can't stop you" then they just leave. I suspect they might declare war eventually, but by then you should have either a decent military or a solid trap system.

I'm currently at war with elves anyways, but usually I let em go if I do piss em off. More fun to kill them in creative ways, but them I'm stuck dumping the tons of worthless crap they leave behind