To nurse a dwarf back to health is one of the least discussed joys of this game!
I had a fort on a rocky wasteland, near a river. The expedition leader/founder was surprised by a goblin ambush, outside the walls, and took a bolt to a kidney. She passed out from the pain, when all of a sudden one of her friends, which happened to be a miner and founder as well, sprang out of the walls and got the attention of the goblin squad, retaliated murdering one after another with her trusty pick.. not without injuries, though.
They were both brought quickly to safety inside. The leader got treated almost flawlessly, her bolt removed, the puncture washed with soap and water, sutured and dressed.
The miner lost the ability to stand cause of a severed nerve, and on closer inspection she had the two-handed copper sword that wounded her still lodged in her leg. Even though the sword was dumped shortly after and she got treated quickly just as her friend, infection already set in.
Her days were thus numbered. A brave dwarf that had denied to her the mercy of a swift death. Yet she didn't resign to her fate, and with hidden reserves of vitality she tackled on new challenges. She took on military training, picks of course. She forged her own crutch and learned to use it, ending up walking even faster than her peers. She volunteered to dispatch the most dangerous of forgotten beasts, three of them under her belt after a couple of months.
On her free time she was always training by the armor stand on the barracks on the courtyard above ground (to avoid cave adaptation), not far from the well over the river.
The well.. which was visited daily by her friend, the leader. Which took to clean herself compulsively after the incident. Because of that bug, in which dwarves try to clean stains off their inner organs. She had a blood spatter left on her kidney after the operation. Her compulsive cleaning really looked like she was afraid of the same infection that was consuming her friend and savior.
They met each other daily, most likely without even needing to talk. The only two on that barren surface. Maybe the cleaning was just an excuse to stay close yet not too close. Maybe the training was just a way to forget about the pain. Everything was there. Guilt, resentment, anger. Determination, courage, forgiveness. Gratitude. Ultimately, acceptance. The knowledge that they would have given their lives for each other, and that if that was the last day they would have spent together, it would have been spent well.
The miner healed over time.