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Author Topic: Managing your Labor force`  (Read 640 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Managing your Labor force`
« on: September 22, 2012, 01:42:23 pm »

Hi every one, i was just wondering what kinds of systems people had towards delegating your labor force?

I am currently working mine out and just wanted to see what other people do.

Currently i have 70 something pop and have them broken up like this (at least im trying too... im fairly new at the game):
2 Pure Miners (including my Mayor)
3 Miners that also Haul
4 Pure Carpenters for working the Workshops
1 Bowyer/Builder (Carpentry, Mason, Mechanic, Architect)
2 Pure Engravers
2 Engravers that also Haul
4 Pure Masons for Workshops
4 "Craft bots" for Crafting Workshops
4 Pure Builders (Carpentry, Mason, Mechanic, Architect)
1 Clothing Designer (weaving and Clothemaking
2 Pure Fisherdwarves
1 Fishcleaner that Hauls
2 Pure Farming (fields)
1 Master Farming Peon (Everything other than Fields plus wood chopping)
3 Farming Peons that Haul
5 Builders that Haul
5 Doctors 4 of which Haul (some how managed to get 5 immigrants with good doctoring skills  :))
1 Hunter

is this too much segregation? im not really sure how i would do my army..... 4-5 squads that each have 1 from each of the "hauling" subgroups (- the doctors)? that way i will always have some off duty to perform those jobs.

sometimes i feel like i am thinking to far into it and should try to some how simplify the jobs....

not to mention... have i forgotten any jobs? i figured i would put some people on pumping and siege op/eng as i need them... or as i get more immigrants.

thanks for your imput :)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Sane, by the local standards.
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Re: Managing your Labor force`
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2012, 05:47:19 pm »

I usually have a few miners, several crafters, some specialists, and an army of miscellaneous dwarves that do the jobs they came in with, build, and die in droves when enemies come.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Managing your Labor force`
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2012, 06:09:08 pm »

Not really, though I tend to have everyone haul, unless it's something important. Miners, and masons for example won't haul if I'm building something with stone. Or Woodcutters and carpenters.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Managing your Labor force`
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2012, 06:48:39 am »

Preset the custom prof then customize as needed.

You missed the Engineering Core:
Mason, engraving, Mechanics, Pump Op., Architecture, Siege Op., Siege Engineer, and marksdwarf crosstraining.

Processors get a mix of :
Plant processing, Milling, Spinning, Shearing, Milking, Cheese making, Pressing, etc.

Gatherer's get:
Wood cutting, Plant Gathering, animal hauling

The 4 metalcrafting skills

Furnace Op.'s:
Furnace Op and wood burning

Get mason/carp for wall building if you set workshop profile skill req's and burial hauling

Refuse Haulers:
Crosstrain in wrestling/hammer/marks to allow safe goblinite recovery if your fort doesn't have an extra courtyard for goblins to get inside before you engage. Give them recover wounded as well so you don't risk doctors/nurses. (Disable refuse hauling to force corpse recover)

Have a handful of dwarves with the "finds helping other rewarding" trait with only feed wounded so that your doctors can focus on not treating patients in a timely manner.

Butchery and tanning with a tanning specialist.

The bookkeeping broker, float to wherever you need an extra hand, waste time socializing, engraving the world.

(Unofficial)Marksdwarf Reserve
If it isn't a doctor/noble/forger/animal trainer/grower/food hauler it gets marksdwarf training at some point in a reserve squad.
The above exclusions get their own exclusive "Only if the worlds ending" squad and train up on prisoners/no ranged to ensure 0 casualties.

The 6 teacher's you embarked with as well as any more you picked up or trained on the way. They do not engage in combat until all other resources are exhausted.

Have one dedicated per job and the rest can have hauling whatever they produce
Generally you'll want dedicated haulers then excess migrants go to general hauling. Haulers with boosts to strength and agi go to stone or wood hauling until they get drafted.

I've found that while i'm building the initial fort I need lots 10-15+ masons/carpenters to get up my perimeter walls, bridges etc. But that's cause I do filthy above-ground defenses.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Make lye, not war.
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Re: Managing your Labor force`
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2012, 07:42:42 am »

I only fiddle with labor options when absoluteky necessary, particularly when my fort's population goes over 200. I do keep some specialized miners though, and the best smiths are freed from hauling duty.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Managing your Labor force`
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2012, 02:17:26 pm »

I have a list of what I need for every fort saved on my comp. So when migrants come, I just assign spots until everything is full. Usually about 40-50 (not including military) dwarfs depending on what I want to do with a specific fortress. After that, they either go to hauling or military. I try to bring 2 military dwarfs on embark to get things moving.

I always try to condense experience on as few dwarfs as possible per skill. So just 1 carpenter. Just 1 mason. etc. If I plan on building projects (like walls, which I Often do) then I assign the haulers masonry, but forbid them from using the mason shop with the manager. So I don't have to put up with hundreds of no quality furniture per decent piece. A legendary mason can easily put out as much furniture as a mob of unskilled laborers plus the products are much more valuable.

I use the same kind of scheme for things like glass making (to gather sand), weaving (to collect -- but not weave-- silk. Keeps the REAL weaver safe), and mechanisms.

For a population of about 200, it's usually enough to only have 1 skilled dwarf per quality modifiable labor if you anticipate needs before they cause a crisis.
Farming is the main exception: about 4 dwarfs minimum at the fields. 2 brewers. 2+ threshers ( 1 is probably enough tho), 2 millers (millstones or querns? more for querns) , several hunters (depending on the situation, and my wants -- but just for military practice mostly.)

For metal crafting (all 4 of them), I just wing it. if i get a good dwarf, I'll make him the only dwarf doing that labor. Otherwise I aim for a mood.