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Author Topic: Small Mountainhome Populations: Does this affect immigration?  (Read 521 times)

Hans Lemurson

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Small Mountainhome Populations: Does this affect immigration?
« on: September 23, 2012, 05:33:48 am »

I was attempting to gen a world without a Dwarven Civ, but the closest I came was a world whose parameter printout stated that there were only 46 dwarves, and the Mountainhome site had a population of 2.  The largest concentration of Dwarves is 23 of them imprisoned in a goblin Dark Fortress.  The rest are outcasts living in lairs.

I know that even in a world without a dwarven civ, you are guaranteed 2 waves of migrants, but after that, nothing.  Since nowadays migrants are (I believe) drawn from historical populations, will the extremely low free dwarf population in the Mountainhomes limit the number of future migrants I might get?
Foolprooof way to penetrate aquifers of unlimited depth.  (Make sure to import at least 10 stones for mechanisms)
Toughen Dwarves by dropping stuff on them.  (Nothing too heavy though, and make sure to wear armor.)
"Urist had a little lamb
whose feet tracked blighted soot.
And into every face he saw
his sooty foot he put."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Small Mountainhome Populations: Does this affect immigration?
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2012, 07:30:26 am »

It will definitely limit the number of historical characters coming to your fort, but as long as the civ is alive, generated immigrants keep appearing. I'm not completely sure though, it could have changed.


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Re: Small Mountainhome Populations: Does this affect immigration?
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2012, 08:41:40 am »

It will definitely limit the number of historical characters coming to your fort, but as long as the civ is alive, generated immigrants keep appearing.

This. The 2 survivors are probably king/queen and general, they won't come to your fort on their own.

Hans Lemurson

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Re: Small Mountainhome Populations: Does this affect immigration?
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2012, 02:33:31 pm »

Ok, I guess I'll keep on genning until I get a world without mountainhomes.


Ok, I got one where the mountainhome is abandoned, there are 7 dwarves in the world, 6 in a necromancer's tower, and one outcast.

The embark information still says that "Dwarves" are one of my neighbors, and my Civ is the "Hammer of Seasons".  Does this mean a dwarven civilization still exists?
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 02:57:38 pm by Hans Lemurson »
Foolprooof way to penetrate aquifers of unlimited depth.  (Make sure to import at least 10 stones for mechanisms)
Toughen Dwarves by dropping stuff on them.  (Nothing too heavy though, and make sure to wear armor.)
"Urist had a little lamb
whose feet tracked blighted soot.
And into every face he saw
his sooty foot he put."

Mr. Palau

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Re: Small Mountainhome Populations: Does this affect immigration?
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2012, 03:02:54 pm »

All the dwarves need to be dead
you can't just go up to people and get laid.


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Re: Small Mountainhome Populations: Does this affect immigration?
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2012, 03:21:53 pm »

That could be enough, the living dwarfs are not part of your civ and I think the dwarf neighbours just means caravan access (you still get caravans with your civ extinct).


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Re: Small Mountainhome Populations: Does this affect immigration?
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2012, 04:55:25 pm »

If the only dwarves left are necromancers or prisoners then you should not at least in my experience get a caravan or trade rep.  Since afaik the trade rep determines immigration you should only get the first two waves of migrants.

as for the original question, if you still have someone left alive in your civ you will get a trade rep and so continue to get non historical migrants.  I have had this happen with only a general as the last dwarf standing, so it should not even require a monarch.
'Your' jetpack was last seen attached to a nuclear powered science tank on Mars.
It's faster to write "!!science!!" than any of the synonyms: "mad science", "dwarvern science", or "crimes against the laws of god and man".