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Author Topic: What does it mean when the equipment is red?  (Read 4202 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What does it mean when the equipment is red?
« Reply #15 on: July 04, 2012, 09:04:09 pm »

If you have one miner left that's sane and intact enough to work, you can rebuild.
Listen up: making a thing a ‼thing‼ doesn't make it more awesome or extreme.  It simply indicates the thing is on fire.  Get it right or look like a silly poser.

It's useful to keep a ‼torch‼ handy.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lawful Neutral; Prophet of Pestilence
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Re: What does it mean when the equipment is red?
« Reply #16 on: July 04, 2012, 10:21:27 pm »

If you have one miner left that's sane and intact enough to work, you can rebuild.
Sounds like you had a nasty tantrum spiral, That can take down the best forts. You dont know what to do, and it spun out of control. Seriously,that stuff is nasty, in my current well-developed fort, a spiral kiled 50% or 100 dwarves. Actually, it was pretty similar to you, It started flooding too, and was caused by a poorly defended fort. But with me, Winter came at that exact moment, freezing things, allowing me to drain things in a emergency move, people stopped complaining then. I rebuilt. you can Too! The dwarven motto is never say die, ever, EVER.

Check him out, is he unhappy? if so, maybe not. However, if he is relatively happy and has a pick, dig him a home, move whatever you can in there, build a bed if you can, use a burrow to get him in there, if nescasary. Injured dwarves arent useless, in fact, they're awesome. They keep going, even if they have no arms and legs, though they're a little slow. flooded forts are nigh irreparable.write off anything on the bottom floor submerged in 7/7 water. Seal yourself off, and focus on basic survival, food and beer.  sounds like you got yourself a goblin problem. You dont have the time or the resources to set up even a preliminary defense. Build a wall, and wall yourself away. 1 more thing, in dwarfdom, dont give up till everyone is 1 minute from complete death. ehh, make it 45 seconds.
The Age of Man is over. It is the Fire's turn now


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What does it mean when the equipment is red?
« Reply #17 on: July 04, 2012, 11:15:09 pm »

If you have one miner left that's sane and intact enough to work, you can rebuild.
Sounds like you had a nasty tantrum spiral, That can take down the best forts. You dont know what to do, and it spun out of control. Seriously,that stuff is nasty, in my current well-developed fort, a spiral kiled 50% or 100 dwarves. Actually, it was pretty similar to you, It started flooding too, and was caused by a poorly defended fort. But with me, Winter came at that exact moment, freezing things, allowing me to drain things in a emergency move, people stopped complaining then. I rebuilt. you can Too! The dwarven motto is never say die, ever, EVER.

Check him out, is he unhappy? if so, maybe not. However, if he is relatively happy and has a pick, dig him a home, move whatever you can in there, build a bed if you can, use a burrow to get him in there, if nescasary. Injured dwarves arent useless, in fact, they're awesome. They keep going, even if they have no arms and legs, though they're a little slow. flooded forts are nigh irreparable.write off anything on the bottom floor submerged in 7/7 water. Seal yourself off, and focus on basic survival, food and beer.  sounds like you got yourself a goblin problem. You dont have the time or the resources to set up even a preliminary defense. Build a wall, and wall yourself away. 1 more thing, in dwarfdom, dont give up till everyone is 1 minute from complete death. ehh, make it 45 seconds.
Thanks for that. Actually I just got some migrants come in, and I'm up to about 32 dwarves now. Minus the trapped ones, that'll make about 20. However, in my current location, winter never freezes the water, so unless there's some way to build a last-minute dam, my trapped dwarves have a pretty high likelihood of dying. There is a massive cavern below though, most of the water is filling up the cave, so that buys me some time to try and evacuate from the first two underground levels anyway.

I am still working on that moat, hopefully if I finish that, then construct some drawbridges to allow for caravan's, I think I might be able to pick up the fort after all. Would a moat + Drawbridges provide a solid defense against the next goblin attack? I'll probably still need to build a wall, since ranged weapons will still go over the moat.

Also, do the dwarves need alcohol to survive? Before the attack I had a severe problem with lack of drinks. I would queue up some drinks = not enough barrels. Build some barrels = immediately fill them with food, which I have plenty of. So I've had a crap load of dwarves dying of dehydration. Plus I'll need about 80 memorial slabs for the craploads of dead dwarves. Half of which I'm sure will haunt the fort by the time I have all of them built.

Oh, and as for the last miner standing I mentioned earlier, she died while digging out the moat for some unknown reason. But one of the migrants is a miner.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What does it mean when the equipment is red?
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2012, 01:11:31 am »

Also, do the dwarves need alcohol to survive? Before the attack I had a severe problem with lack of drinks. I would queue up some drinks = not enough barrels. Build some barrels = immediately fill them with food, which I have plenty of. So I've had a crap load of dwarves dying of dehydration. Plus I'll need about 80 memorial slabs for the craploads of dead dwarves. Half of which I'm sure will haunt the fort by the time I have all of them built.

well, you don't *need* alcohol. unless you want stuff to actually get done in any sort of reasonable time frame. which, given you don't know when the next siege is going to arrive, is not a completely unreasonable assumption.

to get your dwarfs to stop filling barrels with food, just set the food stockpile to not take barrels (you'll want a separate one for drinks, obviously). set up a kitchen to cook all the food and pile the prepared meals in a new (zero barrel) stockpile to free up your existing barrels the slow way, or use the dump command to do it the fast way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What does it mean when the equipment is red?
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2012, 08:14:53 am »

Also, always go into the "p" menu and set the number of reserved barrels to 10 or so (20-30 for a larger fort).  That prevents stockpiles from claiming all your barrels and keeps them free for use by workshops.

My stills generally consist of:

- A 3x4 up to 4x5 furniture stockpile which only accepts barrels / large pots and gives to the still.

- A 3x4 (up to 4x5) food stockpile which uses barrels, only accepts the plants which I want to brew with (plump helmets, fisher berries, wild strawberries, prickle berries, sun berries), only takes from links, and gives to the still.

- Another 2x4 (up to 4x5) food stockpile with the same settings, which accepts from anywhere, uses barrels, and gives to the previous food stockpile.  This stockpile should be directly next to the stockpile that feeds the still (or within 5-8 tiles).

What you'll see is that harvesting dwarves will bring stuff to the first pile, then immediately pick it up and move it to the second pile.  Which is every so slightly less efficient, but keeps you from getting job cancellation spam.

(My rule of thumb is if the materials for a workshop job can be put inside bins/barrels then you always need a 2-step stockpile.  One which only takes from links and gives to the workshop, the second stockpile can take from anywhere and feeds the first stockpile.)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lawful Neutral; Prophet of Pestilence
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Re: What does it mean when the equipment is red?
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2012, 09:46:27 am »

Note, Drawbridge needs to be 3 tiles wide. Als  as long as you can lock up your fort quickly, if not instantaneaously, the gobbos dont even bother walking up to the fort. However, if they manage to get close, it might be a good idea to put a cage trap or 2 near your entrance, just keep in mind that wagons need 3 tiles of space, and cant pass over traps.

Also Yes, without alchohol they move incredibly slow, and are easily depressed. You dont want that. try forbidding food not in barrels to make room for beer. Make lots of barrels was my solution. I have hundreds, and still not enough.
The Age of Man is over. It is the Fire's turn now


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What does it mean when the equipment is red?
« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2012, 10:49:04 am »

You don't need alcohol, but if you don't have any alcohol available, dwarves will need to drink water. Wounded dwarves in a hospital won't drink alchohol at all, and will have to have water brought to them. Preferably water that's not stagnant, or muddy. Salt water (from an ocean/aquifer in a beach map) is right out. Salt and stagnation can be purified by running the water through a pump.

So you need a well, that draws from water that's at least 2 z-levels deep (this stops the water from being muddy, since that only affects the bottom level of the cistern). Just fetching water from a river/brook outside (a water source zone), or even a lake in a cavern, will work to begin with, but is hardly safe, and the distances involved can be quite long.

I noticed you mentioned that the water was filling the caverns. Caverns always have some edge open to the edge of the map, and water will flow off the map. So even if you have an river that's flooding your fort, eventually inflow and outflow will probably balance out. If you can manage to dam the source, everything is technically recoverable. Recovering absolutely everything will be a massive pain, though.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What does it mean when the equipment is red?
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2012, 02:19:54 pm »

I'm by no means an expert but what i'm doing (and works for sieges), is
- have two entries into my fort
 * the first one, for dwarves, heavily trapped (as it's always opened as long as no siege is going on), one or 2 spaces wide, closeable by a bridge (often outside, with multi-zlevel walls ending in fortifications, allowing for marksdwarves garrisoning when the invaders have no ranged attack
 * the second one, for caravans, with the depot very close to the main export stock pile. this entries has 2 drawbridges acting like a sas : when no caravan is inside, the inner bridge is raised, allowing access to the depot, but not to the inside of the fort. when a caravan has reached the depot , i raise the exterior drawbridge and lower the inner one, making the depot "inside" the protected area, and allowing easy access to the export stockpile.

At times i need to keep the traders inside for too long because of invaders, and they may go insane/berserk. to handle that i've made the depot area floodable (i usually embark on aquifer maps) and flood the merchants and especially mules if they go zerk.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What does it mean when the equipment is red?
« Reply #23 on: July 09, 2012, 08:45:19 am »

i've made the depot area floodable (i usually embark on aquifer maps) and flood the merchants and especially mules if they go zerk.
You should have a sign with a disclaimer at your entrance. Something like "Traders are subject to execution at a moment's notice."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What does it mean when the equipment is red?
« Reply #24 on: July 09, 2012, 10:14:12 am »

i've made the depot area floodable (i usually embark on aquifer maps) and flood the merchants and especially mules if they go zerk.
You should have a sign with a disclaimer at your entrance. Something like "Traders are subject to execution at a moment's notice."

"As your trading partners, our utmost priority is to protect you from goblin sieges. We apologize for any inconvenience caused."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What does it mean when the equipment is red?
« Reply #25 on: July 09, 2012, 12:20:54 pm »

Check and see if you have any wood cutters outside. If so you can dam the river with pumps across it's length and stop the water draining in. The water will flow out of the caverns and then you can get the other dorfs out.

Or just dig a long route around the flow and bring them out the back way.

As for traps as siege protection, build a long ring of them around your fort. Wagons can't path, but that's okay. On either side of the ring of traps, within 10 tiles, build three walls in a row parallel, and three ramps to the outside, leading up to the top. Now build a retracting bridge across. Now wagons have access, but it can be closed off to force gobbos over the traps.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What does it mean when the equipment is red?
« Reply #26 on: July 09, 2012, 12:21:07 pm »

i've made the depot area floodable (i usually embark on aquifer maps) and flood the merchants and especially mules if they go zerk.
You should have a sign with a disclaimer at your entrance. Something like "Traders are subject to execution at a moment's notice."

"As your trading partners, our utmost priority is to protect you from goblin sieges. We apologize for any inconvenience caused."
Optionally, you are welcome to volunteer for !!Scientific Testing!!
Quote from: Haspen
Quote from: phoenixuk
Zepave Dawnhogs the Butterfly of Vales the Marsh Titan ... was taken out by a single novice axedwarf and his pet war kitten. Long Live Domas Etasastesh Adilloram, slayer of the snow butterfly!
Doesn't quite have the ring of heroics to it...
Mother: "...and after the evil snow butterfly was defeated, Domas and his kitten lived happily ever after!"
Kids: "Yaaaay!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What does it mean when the equipment is red?
« Reply #27 on: July 09, 2012, 12:24:12 pm »

i've made the depot area floodable (i usually embark on aquifer maps) and flood the merchants and especially mules if they go zerk.
You should have a sign with a disclaimer at your entrance. Something like "Traders are subject to execution at a moment's notice."

"As your trading partners, our utmost priority is to protect you from goblin sieges. We apologize for any inconvenience caused."
Optionally, you are welcome to volunteer for !!Scientific Testing!!

WARNING: Fortress is not to be blamed for-

Broken bones
Missing limbs
Missing of goods
Or loss of your dignity.
Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute
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