ADOM always felt complete to me...
What exactly am I funding?
Also WHY would I EVER fund a true blue roguelike? They are games based around reading FAQs and Wikis to beat... and while there are exceptions, ADOM isn't one of them.
Or is ADOM the Dungeons and dragons one...
Hey, be fair. Almost all roguelikes, including ADOM, have been beat strictly spoiler free before. No wikis, no faqs. It just takes a ridiculously longer amount of time, usually
Though there's some roguelike mad people who pick up new RLs and just demolish them out of habit, but I half suspect some of them are either nascent AIs or dark gods from beyond the edge of space.
Forget how many attempts it took that guy that no-spoiled nethack. Can't remember if it was over two or twenty thousand games, hah. But the dude did it. Took several years, but 'e did it.
There's a couple exceptions to
that rule, though. I don't think anyone managed to crack IVAN until they code dived, but IVAN's kinda hostile toward anything resembling sane play.
Anyway, check the other thread to see what it's supposed to fund. General answer seems to be OS-compatibility update and more content, iirc.
The major dnd roguelike is Incursion, not ADOM. Probably a few others, but that's the most complete one I know of. Inc's
definitely winnable without spoilers, though, and in a fairly sane time frame. The manual's very clear and most of mechanics are quite transparent. Only took me a couple dozen splats before I won my first Inc game, heh.