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Author Topic: Regen: FE Alpha 3: The Abby of Practice  (Read 5855 times)


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    • Regeneration: Forced Evolution
Re: Regen: FE Alpha 3: The Abby of Practice
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2012, 03:01:00 pm »

"Tenma, come with me. I have to... Speak with the people."
Tenma looked frightened at this, but came along anyways. I was just about to open the door to leave my father's office, When a scream came from across the hall. Flinging the door open I ran over and tried to open the door to Hugo's chambers, where Sasha was. It wouldn't budge even when I applied a healthy dose of shoulder "Ren, away. I open." stepping aside Tenma charge the door and it and him went into the room, Looking through Tenma was on the door with a shocked look on it's face "Tenma, Strong? Too Strong." running past Tenma as it got back on its feet I reached for the other door, only to have it opened before I got there. Sasha stood in the doorway "Who are you? And why have you broken into my office? Wait, I remember you. Sanure's boy, we met outside."
"So you are..."
"Hugo, Shaper, Researcher, and in a sense immortal."
"What did you do to Sasha?"
"Well I am her now, she simply does not exist anymore. It is odd to be female, will take some getting used to. Now excuse me, I have some work that needs doing."
"Wait I have questions-"
"You have none Rensuke, look into your father's memories for your answers. You are wearing his amulet, Now please I have a project that requires my immediate attention. Also No.1 Fix that door please."
Turning away and closing the door Sasha, Hugo disappeared deeper into his rooms. And the questions I had I already knew it seemed, well have access to. It is hard to tell what is my memories and what is my father's, I know my name is Rensuke. But who am I really on the inside? What has this done to me?

"Tenma wear this on your face, and try not to speak with anyone."
"Yes, Ren."
We walked through the doors to the great hall, I stood on a table with Tenma just below me. "Fellow men and women of the Abby. Some know me, some heard of me. I am Rensuke son of Sanure, With everything in disarray I will set things right. The elves have left, I know this because I got here in one piece. We must finish the aquaduct and get a solid supply of food before they come again."
"Your father failed us, Hugo failed us. How will you change things?" someone shouted in the crowd, everyone started muttering even the ones that just came with me. "Because I am not my father and I am not Hugo, Hugo is not human. I am, I don't like seeing people die. And you are my people now, I never planned on this. But we need a leader."
"Then I will be the leader."
Everyone went silent as the one they knew as Sasha walked in "Hugo you failed-"
"I did not fail! Higgins failed, your father failed. I built this place, I planned out the aquaduct. This is MY work, not yours boy!"
"You failed everyone, when you stopped being a human!"
Hugo looked taken aback, but not surpised "You think I am not human boy? What do you think I am, I live do I not?"
"You live because you tricked Sasha, you lived because you use people like tools!"
The crowd looked like a sea of emotionless statues as they looked at me and Hugo, this could be my chance. "People of the Abby, I ask you to help me drive out this monster. Exile him."
Hugo let out a bark of laughter "Exile me boy? Exile me where?"
"To the Caverns."
Hugo stood for a moment in thought
"No need to exile me boy, I will go to the caverns under the earth. But know this, you are making a mistake. And when all of you die, I will be safe under the earth. Laughing as you all rot!" with a quick turn Hugo left, probally to gather his things. Good he ruined my life, he took my parents away. Maybe not intentional, but he did nevertheless. A few men started leaving through the door that Hugo went through "Where are you going?" They simply looked at me without a word. Does not matter if they are with him, they can't cause trouble here.

Time acually passed almost a year, but nothing really exciting happend other then Saving 1 guy from a migrant wave. And getting low on food, I hope to have a human fortress on the surface (abit one servile to protect Rensuke) and Me in the caves with my army of creations. I'm going to caves anyways because we are running out of food. And the humans coming with me down below are a few miners and then will be turned into soldiers that will control groups of my army.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 07:54:06 pm by Hugo_The_Dwarf »


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Re: Regen: FE Alpha 3: The Abby of Practice
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2012, 09:48:12 pm »

Oooh, you are segmenting the fort now?
And the scientists' true colours showed at last -- in the difference between "Append" and "Overwrite"

I've got to get this mod... is it just me or do you have multiple magic systems/tech trees in there?


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Re: Regen: FE Alpha 3: The Abby of Practice
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2012, 10:06:51 pm »

THere are tech trees, and Magic systems yes. This is only alpha 3 I had to resurrect Regen and had to lose a good chunk of progress (castes and old lame spells)

So it is a WIP but all the old industires are working, So that mean dwarves are the closest thing to being done lol. Acually correction Kobolds are.

Also will be trying to write up another update. Here is something to expect, Everything is going wrong, but right at the same time.

Ok maybe not tonight. But There is a ton of crap going on. Also more migrants dispite the DANGER! all dead
« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 11:52:42 pm by Hugo_The_Dwarf »


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Re: Regen: FE Alpha 3: The Abby of Practice
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2012, 11:34:57 pm »

I descended the stairs into the caverns, looking about at the glowing lichen on the ceiling and cavern walls. Down here is was always light, down here night and day are seemless. A few miners and masons followed me to the depths for this great endeavour, this exile? Ha! Exile you can't exile something if it goes willingly, better yet noone can exile me. Even the High Council knows this, even when they tryed to destroy me and my work. Shame Sanure had to die, I should have given him a newer model of the soul orb. Then maybe I would still be doing our reseach unhindered by this slight bump, I detest delays. Walking ahead leading the group, I was deep in thought until a snake was in my path. Its head looked slightly like a dragon's, I wasted no time in blasting it in a hale of ice killing it instantly. "Gather up that snake, we need something to eat later." stepping over the dead creature I contiuned on.

"This place looks good, get digging!" the spot I found had a supply of fresh water, with a stable outcrop hanging right above it. Perfect place for my new lab, now just to get those beetles down here without Rensuke knowing...

"Damnit! How much did he take?"
"A few miners, some food. And a few beds, we are still taking stock of what was taken sir."
Damn this place is falling apart, with the food shortage doesn't make anyone very happy to begin with. There was some shouting and a deep squeal from outside the hall, the doors burst open and a massive rat came in chased by the milita the leader was shouting "Kill it, Kill it! Tonight we eat like kings!" Tenma stood up wearing nothing but his helmet and mask as armor, and jumped in the fray. The rat tore one of the soldier's hands off, and he stumbled out clutching the bloody stump as blood spurted out in thick streams, the soldier already looked pale and fainted. Everyone backed away from the beast because of this and it stared back with hunger in its eyes, now that it had tasted blood. But Tenma charged it which surpised everyone because of lack of armor and weapons, the rat tried to bite Tenma but he deftly stepped aside and kicked it in the jaw then began viciously punching it everywhere. The poor beast began to chitter and squeal in pain and fear at this new attacker, and the soldiers jumped in on the action. Then rat was held down as Tenma delt a bone shattering punch to its head, the sound of its skull breaking echoed through the hall like a tree snapping in half. What was left of its head looked like someone had simply pushed their fist into soft bread dough, Tenma simply walked back and sat next to me. I think I want to call Tenma as a fellow man instead of some genderless creature, He does have alot of masculine features. The soldiers looked at Tenma dumbstruck, but before questions could be asked I shouted at them to gather the body and get it butchered.

The warriors hall was carved out and so was the containment cells, my private chambers were also made. I had sent the miners up to grab the beetles, but a distraction was needed. A giant rat walked by so I willed some knowledge into its tiny mind, that unguarded food was in the fortress above. That should be enough to get the beetles down here, and then I can begin my research. This almost seems too easy...

The elves have left so I ordered the doors open, And told everyone to scavenge what we can, weapons, armor, anything of use. Also more migrants have come, You'd think with all the death litter'd everywhere they would stop coming? With that creature Hugo down in the caves there shouldn't be too much troub- "AMBUSH! Goblins have come!" Oh for crying out loud more danger? I was just finishing getting a drink from the well, when a scream of pain could be heard outside the door. And blood was splattered everywhere, when the screaming stopped what killed that person rounded the corner. It was a white croc, it charged at me with a look of hunger. Casting a slow and befuddle spells at it, then flinging ice as fast as I could. But yet it came on, I remembered this, or something close to it. My father had died this very way, I jumped back and fell, so I kicked at it with my foot only to have it bitten off. The beast jumped on me even as I pelted ice into it's head, eventually it dragged me into the pool under the well...

"HAHAHAHAHA! I never had to lift a finger in Rensuke's downfall, nature did it's duty and removed the fool from this world. Oh but there are so many others, I fear everyone will die here. It is time, time to leave this female body and travel the multi-universe once more. Find a new home, new ideas, and new servants." With this Hugo left Sasha's body, opening a rift in space and time. To travel to a new world, new ideas. As for everyone else well...

This sums up this fort, I learned quite a bit with what is wrong with Alpha 3 and have made the fixes and tweaks. I cut it short because I knew everyone was going to die, the essence to make new creations was still pre-mature and would probally did more harm then good. Food was low, surface was just a death trap.

But this will not be my last story NO! It is only the beginning them (acually it's kinda the middle) After making some more changes and updates the Regeneration: Forced Evolution and get out What I hope to be V1.0 A new fortress will be made. So look out for either Me or "The Master" for the next story.
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