I never expected to smoke as much weed as I do these days.
Not much overall, but enough to surprise me or my inner child (as conservative he was).
Never expected, on a political chart, I'd be less centered than I expected; turns out I'm more liberal, though not siding with R or D (so I'm still mostly central). If I were to compare to my younger self, he'd be on the opposite side, though still not siding with R or D.
Never expected that my body or mind could suffer from a form of Stockholm Syndrome where working was considered. Yes, I was less motivated to screw around and play games, and more motivated to work. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm lazy; this shouldn't be happening.
Never expected the government can still go lower with their standards of living for the common person (as well as their levels of common sense, and how little they view the common public on their levels of common sense). And on that note, I never thought I would actually support activists on these kinds of things (not allying with them completely, just signing petitions where I agree with them most). The kickstarter for that being our internet freedoms. Plus, I ought to make myself look at least somewhat useful on a political level. I can't ignore it for too long.
Never expected to regain any bit of my faith in mankind, until I saw the kinds of things I've started supported, and noticing such a large number of people that agree with things that need a major change.