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Author Topic: Human Law-Giver sabotaging my fort.  (Read 2604 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Human Law-Giver sabotaging my fort.
« on: May 29, 2012, 06:04:27 pm »

The human Deity/Law-giver/Diplomat has been living in my fort for a couple years now.

This guy.

I might have an alternate explanation: the child picked up a blowdart with GCS venom on it and it somehow managed to poke 5 dwarves. Still unlikely, but it explains why there is no combat-log of the Hyena-gas. And there was a blowdart laying around somewhere with venom on it.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Now, I would like to kill this jerk, but I have no idea what sort of repercussions it will have towards the human civilization.
Or what if I attack him and he fires off a syndrome cloud right into my military? I'd probably lose 5 years of training.
He never goes outside of my drawbridges so I'm having a hard time getting him in a good spot to attack.
He mostly sits on my one block wide main stairwell and paths up and down it.

I also suppose I could try to reason with it, but it only attempted to contact my baroness once and now doesn't even follow her around anymore.
Also, it moves real slow, like speed 25 slow, so I don't know if it could make it in time to attend a meeting before my baroness goes to sleep or drink.

I would also like to weaponize this guy if possible.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2012, 06:52:14 pm by Dasqoot »

Urist Da Vinci

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Re: Human Law-Giver sabotaging my fort.
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2012, 07:43:57 pm »

The first step is to imprison him in a smaller portion of your fort - wall him in so he can't wander wherever he likes.

Then, you can decide what you want to do with him. He shouldn't just be wandering around, especially if he is gassing everyone.


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Re: Human Law-Giver sabotaging my fort.
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2012, 07:52:46 pm »

Hell, I'm not even a weird hyena thing and I emit knockout gas. Stop hatin' yo! :P It's a natural defense mechanism in humans; being wrestled? Emit gas. Being chased? Emit gas. About to die? Emit gas. Just died?? Emit gas and other waste products. Okay, that last one doesn't help as a defense mechanism, but still... it's pretty consistent >.>
Fun is Fun......Done is Done... or is that Done is !!FUN!!?
Quote from: Mr Frog
Digging's a lot like surgery, see -- you grab the sharp thing and then drive the sharp end of the sharp thing in as hard as you can and then stuff goes flying and then stuff falls out and then there's a big hole and you're done. I kinda wish there was more screaming, but rocks don't hurt so I guess it can't be helped.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Human Law-Giver sabotaging my fort.
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2012, 08:13:13 pm »

I had an interesting development from the people knocked out by this gas/or the GCS poisoned dart.

That peasant I had highlighted went berserk, but was still too drowsy to move. Most ineffectual berserker ever.

Still haven't been able to get the Hyena-god off of my stairwell. He's dividing my fort in half at the moment, I guess I can dig around him and collapse the stairwell but most of my 247 dwarves are at rock bottom misery and I don't want to lose my first fortress in years that I've been interested in.

Urist Da Vinci

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Re: Human Law-Giver sabotaging my fort.
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2012, 08:50:38 pm »

I had an interesting development from the people knocked out by this gas/or the GCS poisoned dart.

That peasant I had highlighted went berserk, but was still too drowsy to move. Most ineffectual berserker ever.

Experiments from keeping dwarves awake too long has concluded that they eventually go insane. It seems like the drowsiness, rather than the time since they last slept, is the important factor. Normally sleeping removes the drowsy, but sleeping won't help if you have "magically" induced drowsiness. Therefore, a dose of a gas that gives them a massive amount of drowsiness can lead to eventual insanity.


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Re: Human Law-Giver sabotaging my fort.
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2012, 09:04:58 pm »

It's not the GCS-venomed blowdart. Even if the ghost-child could pick up stuff, and did poke a bunch of dwarves with it, GCS venom causes paralysis, not drowsiness. The biggest difference is that you can breathe while sleeping, unless of course you're attacked by a GCS while asleep. Which does happen.
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Re: Human Law-Giver sabotaging my fort.
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2012, 03:08:16 am »

Have you checked to see if there are any pools/splatters of fogotten beast extracts or blood lating around one of your main pathways, bathtubs, or the well?

AFAIK diplomats shouldnt be using their special attacks unless there was a wild animal or hostile nearby.Maybe there are snaking units he is gassing or he is gasing the vermin/wild animals.


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Re: Human Law-Giver sabotaging my fort.
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2012, 05:46:50 am »

If it moves slowly, then it is probably still following your baroness but by the time it has moved enough to recheck pathing your baroness is somewhere else entirely. I would suggest burrow-restricting your baroness until he reaches her, let him have the meeting, and send him on his way. A really slow creature cannot be effectively weaponized since they are terrible in combat, and delayed-action drowsiness is not an effective weapon against enemies.