So I'm going to build this fortress that can comfortably house and fully support 1000 dwarves. At least thats the current benchmark goal, Maybe we will up the popcap after it hits 1k. Highest i've gotten was 500 with 20-30 fps. Unnessessary animal life is destroyed. I'm pretty sure I've got the logistics handled, but does anyone have any advice on huge megaforts?
Another requirement is that I can't just think about functionality alone. I need aesthetically pleasing fortress design. Also, practical megaprojects must be involved.
Right now, the main defenses are currently under construction. It consists of a 15z high, 56x48 area carved out of the side a mountain, with a long bridge at the bottom of a ravine over a river as the main entrance, which is behind a waterfall. It features an effective cave crocodile-deployment system, which drops 30 angry reptiles directly onto an invading force. Does anyone else have any fantastical, but ultimately doable and possibly (probably?) practical mechanisms of defense to add to this beast?
Current Features:
5 Crossbow squad posts behind fortifications
Death-Drop-Pit (retractable bridge by lever)
3 sets of Serrated Blade traps interspaced along bridge, 5 traps of 10 blades per set.
CCD system (Cave Crocodile Deployment System)
Barracks, Dining room, food storage for soldiers.
One Ballista Battery, 5 wide.
Main and Secondary Controlrooms.