Bridge over Troubled Water? I played it a bit, and am planning an AAR/Let's Play on it soon.
I think it's a decent remake, and am okay with it, but it took me some time to get it to work. I have made some suggestions on your blog a while back, but I don't expect much.
Others may have different views though on this issue.
Some random thoughts:
I must admit though that I never bothered actually waging a war in Bridge Over Troubled Water, because I didn't really understand and liked the combat system, so I guess that might be a problem. Instead, I just used the tried and true method of using Mossad to kill everything.
The thing I liked the most though was the data that you give the player. In regular Conflict: MEPS, you are left guessing what's going on, while in this game, you are granted a lot of information.
There is really no penalty for abandoning Palestine other than Israel being paralyzed for a turn. In regular MEPS, giving up Palestine gives more troops to Syria and Egypt, two Arab rivals that you have to kill anyway. But in your game, that penalty really wouldn't work since your goal is not to destroy Arab states, but just to survive until elections.
Speaking of which, it's such a shame the game ends after elections.
Once you destroyed the Arab dictatorships, you can begin to slowly lose popularity. Since you can't provoke any nearby nation, the Israelis start getting upset and angry at your rule. The game should really allow for the Arab dictatorships to respawn...
Conclusion: Compared to, say, Conflict.NET, which I have downloaded on another computer, this remake is pure gold. Though I really liked how Conflict.NET got rid of the overpowered Mossad.