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Author Topic: In appreciation of Toady  (Read 4250 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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In appreciation of Toady
« on: March 28, 2012, 05:36:25 pm »

Long time player here. I joined back around 40d time. I've played on and off over the years and love the game. Particularly recently I think the changes have been very player-oriented - the new animal training, clothing stuff, fixing marksdwarves. I'm having more fun now than I ever had before and the game seems even more rich and complex than in the past, and that's definitely saying something for dwarf fortress. Even the mechanics of the game have changed significantly - the way in which you gather wood, food, militaries. It's all changed for the better.

So I wanted to make a post about how I appreciate Toady's efforts. I currently have a 200-strong fortress running smoothly at 50 fps with many burrows, orders, designations and all sorts of potential fps issues. I remember playing regularly until the fps crippled my fort and then starting anew - the recent efficiency improvements now mean I can work on the perfection I always dream of when starting afresh. Between the newish military system, fixed marksdwarves, more realistic materials, tougher goblins, hospitals, animal training, new food gathering methods, caverns, HFS, new creatures, efficiency increases, combat reports, ROCK POTS, improved trade, historical figures, greater autonomy for dwarves, burrows and all the other wonderful things I've forgotten I think this game has come a long way from even a year ago.

If I had to fault it I'd say that it needs more mechanicals. Moving devices (elevators or vehicles or platforms/pulleys) would be supreme. Given the richness of the mechanics available though (am I right in thinking this is one of few turing-equivalent games?) that's hardly a criticism.

Oh, and every map has magma now. And HFS. No more 4 hour embark for 2 hours play. Nice one Toady, it's appreciated.

That's all. I love this game and especially all the effort its creator has put in to it. Coupled with the community I can't think of a better gaming experience. Thanks all and one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In appreciation of Toady
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2012, 05:37:37 pm »

Amen, ty Toady


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In appreciation of Toady
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2012, 05:53:36 pm »

Yeah, I really appreciate all of Toady's work. The game is great, and just getting better.

Remember folks, if you can spare a few dollars, you can show your appreciation by sending a few dollars his way. How many hours of enjoyment have you gotten out of DF compared to most games? I made a donation last year when I first discovered DF, and recently made another after 34.0X came out. I'll keep donating as long as he keeps improving it. If you can afford it (and if you bought Skyrim, for example, you can't really claim that you can't afford it) you should do it.

Have them killed. Nothing solves a problem quite as effectively as simply having it killed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In appreciation of Toady
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2012, 05:55:47 pm »

Yeah, I really appreciate all of Toady's work. The game is great, and just getting better.

Remember folks, if you can spare a few dollars, you can show your appreciation by sending a few dollars his way. How many hours of enjoyment have you gotten out of DF compared to most games? I made a donation last year when I first discovered DF, and recently made another after 34.0X came out. I'll keep donating as long as he keeps improving it. If you can afford it (and if you bought Skyrim, for example, you can't really claim that you can't afford it) you should do it.

I've been trying to donate all night but paypal's broken :(


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In appreciation of Toady
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2012, 06:01:21 pm »

I wasn't intending that specifically at you. I was just reminding people in general. :)
Have them killed. Nothing solves a problem quite as effectively as simply having it killed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In appreciation of Toady
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2012, 06:21:37 pm »

I wasn't intending that specifically at you. I was just reminding people in general. :)

It's cool - I think people should donate. Less than the price of an ordinary game, if they like. I'm sitting here bouncing in my seat because I'm so damn pleased marksdwarves will leave combat to pick up the right bolts and I'm gutted paypal's down. Marksdwarves are probably my favourite element of the game and having them working better than ever is just a dream. Tomorrow I'll try paypal again.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In appreciation of Toady
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2012, 07:19:17 pm »

Heres to Toady for never selling out and for always caring! Not many others can say that.
Dwarf Fortress - Losing is fun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In appreciation of Toady
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2012, 07:23:50 pm »

Thank you. I've never found a more interesting game. This trumps them all, thanks to Toady's hard work. We all appreciate him.
I don't care about your indigestion-- How are you is a greeting, not a question.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In appreciation of Toady
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2012, 07:48:36 pm »

Dismemberment, pasting, beating, cutting, slicing, chopping, crushing, bleeding, screaming, Punching in the head with the right hand, shattering the skull, jamming the skull through the brain and tearing the brain!'ing.

If this game were rated by the ESRB, several of the ratings professionals would admit themselves to mental hospitals, and a few more would kill themselves.

That is why this game is awesome.

Toady, you get a «☼Giant Cave Spider Silk Sock☼»
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 07:51:33 pm by Sting_Auer »
Thank you everyone for the help! I've since flooded the fortress I was working on and now have a new one going up.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Secretly A Kobold Werebull
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Re: In appreciation of Toady
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2012, 07:54:54 pm »

I'm relatively new to dwarf fortress, but I feel that same kind of love for the game and Toady. I'm amazed by how much has been accomplished, and I can't help but look at DF and think to myself "This is almost unbelievable. It is two whole, fantastic games in one package, with astounding detail and amazing random generation of entire worlds and civilizations. And it isn't even in Beta yet."

Years down the line, I'll still be playing this. And I will still be amazed. If I get to see the day, far from now, that DF can truely be called released, with a little 1.0 in the corner, I don't know what I'd say. But I would be proud. Not just for Toady, but for this community that keeps things flowing.

Stay dwarfy, my friends.
This space for rent


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In appreciation of Toady
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2012, 09:46:38 pm »

I'm relatively new to dwarf fortress, but I feel that same kind of love for the game and Toady. I'm amazed by how much has been accomplished, and I can't help but look at DF and think to myself "This is almost unbelievable. It is two whole, fantastic games in one package, with astounding detail and amazing random generation of entire worlds and civilizations. And it isn't even in Beta yet."

Years down the line, I'll still be playing this. And I will still be amazed. If I get to see the day, far from now, that DF can truely be called released, with a little 1.0 in the corner, I don't know what I'd say. But I would be proud. Not just for Toady, but for this community that keeps things flowing.

Stay dwarfy, my friends.

I don't always hug elves, but when I do I use burning-hot magma.

This game is honestly the most fun I've ever had with a computer.  Its complexity allows it to be the purest form of sandbox game in the history of ever.  You can build whatever you want with practically whatever material you want, kill anything you want in a million different ways with varying amounts of gore, suffering, complexity, chance of failure and potential unexpected awesomeness (first time my serrated blade traps got an ambusher I hadn't built a roof over them yet, so I was a bit shocked and then delighted by the blood spatter and random body parts scattered all over the area).  Speaking of that last one, the anatomy and combat systems are both so in-depth that combining them results in both epic one-on-one fights between legendary fighters and equally skilled opponents or giant beasts and the festival of carnage that is Goblin Christmas that we all know and love.  And whatever you want to change you can with a little work, so if you want to watch goblins explode at the hands of your Golden Bling Death Squads go nuts!

These an so many other reasons are why I love this game.  Simply thinking of the research, time, money and effort that Toady has out into this makes me wonder if Armok struck him with his own strange mood and then triggered some kind of Planepacked glitch in the universe - there is simply too much awesome to otherwise explain the artifact-in-progress that is this game.  If this is so, for the love of Armok and all that is bloody make sure he gets all the materials he needs to finish this!  The video game world NEEDS another Legendary Game Designer!

I tell every gamer friend I know about this game, and so far every single one of them has loved it.  My latest acolyte just im'ed me over Steam that he's trying to make a War Tiger Launcher using a small gap, a massive water tower with a fast refill time (said something about 15 stories and a metric assload of pump stacks) and the hordes of tigers the hippies keep selling him.  I don't have the heart to tell him it won't quite work the way he wants it to (then again who knows?) but I know he's going to have Fun regardless.

Thank you, Toady, for the awesome that is Dwarf Fortress.  I raise my Masterwork Adamantine Goblet to you, Good Sir.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In appreciation of Toady
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2012, 09:57:18 pm »

I would donate, but my family aint exactly wealthy.

But I swear, If I made money in my life, this thing is gonna have a investor.
Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In appreciation of Toady
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2012, 10:13:11 pm »

I would donate, but my family aint exactly wealthy.
Throw him 5$ the next time you can. :D Myself, I stopped paying 60$ for most games ... hell, I just do without most games ... but I think I'll be able to drop 60$ on this one here soon (I meant to drop 30$ on it a couple months ago  :-[ ). And I will consider it a bargain considering how much fun (and !!fun!!) I have with it since 0.31.11 when I started.  Especially since, for me at least, the biggest problems now are things like "the animal caretaker doesn't".  This beats the -socks- off quite a few "finished" games that have been released by big-name studios after more than the same amount of man-hours.
Quote from: Haspen
Quote from: phoenixuk
Zepave Dawnhogs the Butterfly of Vales the Marsh Titan ... was taken out by a single novice axedwarf and his pet war kitten. Long Live Domas Etasastesh Adilloram, slayer of the snow butterfly!
Doesn't quite have the ring of heroics to it...
Mother: "...and after the evil snow butterfly was defeated, Domas and his kitten lived happily ever after!"
Kids: "Yaaaay!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In appreciation of Toady
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2012, 10:58:52 pm »

Remember, if you have a bank account with bill pay (and most ones have access to this for free online) you can make them mail a check for you - save the cost of a stamp, and save Toady the paypal fees.

You just enter his name and address from the donate page:

Then you can send any amount any time.