So, I got a Quest to go Kill a Vampire Named Ibu Disembowledconfederates, who supposedly Killed fifty-five People in his lust for blood.
So, After I find The place where he is supposed to be, I realize, First, He's In a Temple
Second, This Temple is right next to A major Fortress
Third, The Vampire is in charge of the Temple.
So, before I accuse him of being a Night Creature, I ask Him about the Place.
Basically, He tells Me something about the Pool of the Temple, Which was the Bottom floor if you don't know about the temple.
The Pool is One Z level Tall, And I drank It for whatever reason (nothing happened)
Anyways, So then I accuse him of Being a night creature, He gets mad, and Then Within Two seconds is in the water, Gets stabbed, and then Drowns Shortly after (or dies from Wounds, i dont know.)
Oh, And i do believe the Water was holy, which was probably what killed him.
Then I Started Exploring the Place.
The Architecture is Amazing For Randomly Generated.
But, Soon Things Get Away from the Nice little Human Temple.
It started with a Room With some Coffins and some Corpses.
Okay, So what, Temples Usually Have Coffins in real life (this is the first temple I have found in DF adventure Mode, also.)
I keep moving, And suddenly, I realized this place was filled with corpses.
All 55 Of Ibu Disembowledconfederates's Kills were in this temple, as shown in this photo:
Obviously all the Kills aren't in the picture, but they are probably all there. I Didn't count
I just Found this Interesting, So Thus, I shared it.