How can one avoid getting salty/stagnant water everywhere?
In the new version it seems like almost all murky pools are stagnant. This wouldn't be too bad, but the water tends to get tracked. And, as you may know, about both salty and stagnant water,
it stays there, permanently, if any water that was ever stagnant or salty ever touches a body of water once on those tiles. (
It creates a bit of a problem. Even with the greatest care and diligence, it's likely Urist McSpatters will accidentally get in the clean water of your fortress well and pollute the whole plumbing system with some stagnant water from the murky pools outdoor he had splashed on his shoes. Or, maybe a bucket used to fill a well had some stagnant traces in it. Same deal.
Even when first embarking, murky pools occasionally overlap the local river, causing the
whole river to go stagnant (or sometimes, just a little downstream, but it's still annoying and feels buggy).
How can I avoid anywhere with stagnant water, AKA find an embark with no stagnant water? There's no warning for it, and it seems to be everywhere now, not just in swamps, but forests and foothills of mountains, too. It's highly annoying and seems to be a bug, but I'm pretty sure it's been reported already.. like here ( and here ( It makes it very difficult to have a clean water source in places where this behavior is present.