we're at 34.06 now, changelog is in the anouncement sub-forum.
The thing with the animal is something I experienced myself. I set it to a chain but didn't remove it from the pasture and the poor thing got dragged all around.
The thing with the bookkeeper is quite useful to find out who has that masterwork steel axe you had meant for your militia commander but seems to have vanished. Or, actually, to find someone's corpse if people can't reach it and you get spammed with job cancelations and want to forbid his stuff but can't find the corpse. Not to mention actually knowing how much booze you really have!
And yeah, untill dwarf invent how to use mugs, they'll each claim a barrel. Let's say you have 10 barrels each with a lot of booze, still only 10 dwarfs can drink at any one time. The rest will go have a drink of water any odd place. You can actually stear this a bit by making an activity zone as water source near drinkable water and use (o), (z), (d) to set it to zone only drinking.
With the burrow, you paint any area that is safe during an attack. Underground farm, stockpiles, dining hall, bedrooms, workshops, the whole ticket. It works over multiple z-levels and alos in places you don't 'see' yet, so if a level is completely safe, just go to the far corner, enter, go to opposite corner, go down z-levels to the last level you use that is also always completely safe, enter. Then pick out the area's that are safe but on a level where some parts are no-go (sealed off above ground farm), give it a name like alert, done.
When an ambush arrives, go to (m)ilitary, (a)lerts and go to the 3rd row, civ alerts. Now select it and activate it. From that moment on, civilians will only take jobs within the area you marked and any jobs outside that area will be canceled. The only ones who ignore this sometimes are children, they might still walk out to look at where mommy was cutting the tree and why she suddenly stopped and ran to the fort, and cats. You might get a lot of job cancelations, especially if someone gets caught outside and kiled and people start telling you that they won't pick up his socks, because they're not allowed to go there.