Mental note, I think to myself. My cell is clean and tidy, and the guards were not violent-I guess I'm thankful for that.
Seems I've run into what amounts to civilization-industrialized, for certain. I could smell the smoke outside, even with the blindfold. They have books here..even for prisoners. Which means, unless they have a snide sense of humor in relation to the condemned, they must value what knowledge they do have very highly. I would like time to read them all, but I don't have it...
Comments made by my captors indicate a military run monarchical system of government-possibly completely patriarchal...on a good note, at least the possibility of trial suggests a limited constitution, freedom of press? At the behest of the Prince, naturally.
I consider questioning the guards...but, I don't think they'll know much. They've probably heard all the questions before.
Action: I'm most interested in reading the "b] Laws and Ordinances of Hafas City". Maybe a dull read, but I can hopefully glean some information about the people that live here from it.
I've just got to keep my mind occupied for the next hour...and try to figure a way to prove I'm not a rebel. Whoever those are. They'll have my equipment-if presented at a trial, I would hope the recorder might be used as evidence.
I do realize, my fate is likely going to be decided by 'Prince' Malpis. The whims of Nobility are documented as being quite fickle.
Personal Note, I've let my hair down. It can't hurt to be a bit charming.