I have weird dreams all the time. But this is one of my weirdest ever.
I remember walking around my highschool, but every class room was made much bigger than what it really is and adapted for about three times as many students, literally there would be tiers of seats like a miniature theatre. Every class was like this, but abandoned, I walked around it with someone, I forget who I think it was a girl, and then we wake up...
... into a cryogenics cell.
I awake and I am greeted with a couple of others who awake in the same, maroon room out of cryogenics cells, but I think nothing of it despite it being the most obvious false awakening ever. There are rats on the floor and me and my friends decide to stamp on them, despite me being borderline vegetarian and a lot of my friends being actual vegetarian, and we follow the rats down a corridor. We come to a large room, with what look likes a metro station at one end, there are two lines of people queuing for the train, but they are both going to the same location. Everyone in the room is of oriental origin, except from the people in society who are whites but all wear high visability jackets and hard hats.
A bomb siren is sounded and we all have to lie on the floor. For some reason me and the random girl make out on the floor, and the white people of authority pat everyone down and break me and the girl up. It finally is my turn for the train and I board it, on my own.
I am shown a video whilst in the train, it explains how the Earth was rift in two by a "space time anomaly" and essentially is reduced to a dome or semi-sphere. The train stops and I must go out, it is explained that we are on the "off side" or the flat surface of where the other half of earth has been sheared away. All the buildings are very big, white washed and topped with a dark blue pagoda roof, with the tiles being done in a style known as "mountain pottery" in the UK, a white man shows me the town, ashes are piled up against the side of the street, the whole town looks like it could be a ghetto of some kind, still everyone is asian except for authority figures.
Through an ally way I see a large plank wall with barbed wire on top, I am scared as it reminded me of concentration camps and so I run down another street. The facade of the town gives way and I found my self in the suburb of my home town, very British not like the other town at all, and someone calls up from behind "He knows to Much!"
I run and they give chase, I find the train station of my home town and there are women, who have been absent from the rest of the dream, about. Suddenly the sun gains great heat and women begin to melt. I look up and begin to feel the intense sunlight effecting my eyes.
I wake up for real.
> note, I'm white and I dreamt about being racially subjugated by other whites...
> also, my dreams are always like this, but rarely ever as long.