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Author Topic: PulleyPulled (47.05 With Primal Mod)  (Read 4236 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: PulleyPulled (47.05 With Primal Mod)
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2021, 09:28:55 pm »

Early spring, 252, the Leader ordered the cages around the cage holding the vampire removed.  To be replaced with walls.  Then she ordered a tunnel be dug between the ‘special room’ and the cage.  Doors would also be inserted into the tunnel to control movement.

The idea was simple.  When it was time to release the vampire it would have only one way out - through the ‘special room’.  The room with a massive drawbridge in it.  Which would be designed to crush anybody or anything inside the room when the lever was pulled.

The she was told that the vampire had been released by accident!  They had removed the wrong cage!

But the vampire, after picking up his military equipment, was following orders and stationing himself in the expanded ‘special room’.  But it wasn’t ready yet!

It didn’t matter.  The Captain of the Guard had grabbed the vampire and was escorting it back to the cages.  If there was only a way to carry out her plans without releasing the vampire every time they tried to wall up his cage….unless they walled up the whole area of the cages?

Yes, make it that all prisoners had to move to the cages via the ‘special room’.  That would solve so many problems.

Then there was a report from the surface.  The reindeer bull had been found and the militia was attacking it.

Around this time iton Galleytribes turned in a petition.  A Beta Dwarf who was a Bard it was looking to work within the Village.  The Leader approved of this.  It was be one way to replace the numbers lost during the last year.

Then another Paraceratherium got trapped by one of the cages on the surface.

There would be many trained animals to sell when the Dwarven traders showed up.

Then, on the 16th of Granite, the Elves appeared.  With pack animals.  No wagons.

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The Leader ordered some large cut gems and what few mugs they were willing to trade to the Trade Depot.  She planned to see if the Elves had any interesting animals.  If not then she would look for books for the library and fruit for the still.

Then there was more news from the surface.  Seems Zasit, a Hammerdwarf, in searching for the bull ran into one of the wild Paraceratherium bulls and had started a fight with it.  And, somehow, the Hammerdwarf was winning!

Then a visiting astronomer joined in to attack the Paraceratherium.  And was killed.  Foolish Dwarf should have left the fighting to the professionals.

A memorial slab was ordered to be created for the poor Dwarf.

The Paraceratherium bull was finally maced to death by its tiny attacker.

“Now if they would just kill the reindeer like I ordered them too!” exclaimed the Leader.

Another two Bards’ petitions was approved.

At this point the Elves started to unload their wares AND another Paraceratherium was captured in one of the cage traps.

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There was not much to trade with the Elves.  They did have a feathered Yutyrannus.  A tame Tyrannousaur from the forests.  Too bad the dinosaur was more than the Dwarves could afford.

The other animals, such as a giant beaver, a jaguar, and such, were not worth buying.

And they had NO books.  So the Dwarves bought as much fruit as possible and still give the Elves a profit.  The Leader also bought a few chests and shields.  Didn’t want to give the Elves TOO much of a profit.

As the Leader finished up with the Elves there was news of another migrant wave.  The Leader smiled.  Good.  They needed more people.  To fight, and dig, and cook, and craft, and breed.

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By the time all migrants had entered the settlement the populace had gone from 53 Dwarves to 75 Dwarves (not including the vampire of course).  Plus another Mammoth calf, a Mule Foal, a Water Buffalo calf, a stray Protoceratops calf, a piglet, and another kitten had joined the tamed animals of the settlement.

The animals were either placed in the outside pasture, in one of the inside pastures, or…well the piglet was put up for anybody to take as a pet.

A few migrants were tossed into the militia.

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While the migrants were still coming into the entrance somebody announced the founding of a Farmer guild.  Called The Earthen Hall. 

The Leader sighed and ordered the creation of a chamber for the Guild.

She also realized one of the seven’s great bedrooms was now available.  And a dining spot in the seven’s dining area.  Who was worthy?

The Leader decided the Militia Commander, Shem Sodelular, was the best Dwarf to give the bedroom and dining spot to.  She had been in combat against beasts, nature and unnatural, and should be rewarded.  Also, she was a Noble.  A real one.  Not like the elected Mayor. 

It was also found some of the beds in the first shared bedroom were free.  Due to the earlier deaths.  These beds were assigned to some of the new migrants also.

At this point the Guild requested a Guildhall.  The Leader, of course, approved this request.  As she was already digging one out!

Then the Elf diplomat ambushed the Baron to have a meeting.  The Elf wanted to ask the short folks to keep the tree killing at one hundred for the year.  The Baron decided to agree to try to keep it to one hundred trees.

By mid spring the Farmer Guild Hall had been dug out and was having a stone floor installed.  Where the walls were dirt they were being dug out and replaced with smooth stone.

The Leader called off the militia.  They were still chasing the reindeer bull and failing.  So she told them to come in, rest, sleep, drink, and eat.

Then it was reported that Minkot Gusilzustash, one of the Miners, was recovering some wounded from the tavern.  Yet, there had been no report of combat!

Seems a Bard had been rescued from the tavern.  But it had no wounds.  Maybe it had become too drunk? 

Outside was a massive snow storm.  Along with a massive murder of ravens.  At least they were the regular sizes.

But the mad reindeer bull was back and attacking one of the raptors!  Once again the militia was called out to deal with the weird animal.

At this point, even though the Farmer Guild Hall was not yet complete, there was a Cheese Making Demonstration being held there.  One wall, and parts of two other walls, were ordered to be engraved.  There were also many stone tables and thrones already in the Hall.  The final Guild Hall would be worth many times what most Guild Halls were

Then the trained female Paraceratherium in the underground pasture finally gave birth to a calf.  Seems they bred slower than the Uintatherium.  But that made sense - they were larger animals.

At this point the Elves left.  In the middle of a storm.

Then it was reported the crazy reindeer bull had gotten trapped in a cage.  HA!  He would be tasty!

Then the Farmer Guild Hall was finished.  And there was much rejoicing.

Outside workers reported the ravens had been replaced by a couple of wild Paraceratheriums.

Then there was report that one of the Paraceratheriums had gotten into a fight with the Triceratops calf.  And was failing to win.

Then, on the 1st of Felsite, late spring of 242, the first birth happened in PulleyPulled!  A new baby boy named Erib Tiristlisid. 

At least the boy would have plenty to drink and plenty of fresh reindeer cheese and reindeer bull meat to feast on!  Besides the eggs.  Many, many eggs.

More workshops were ordered to be created while the newest memorial slab for the dead astronomer was put into place in the catacombs.

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Then there was bad news.  Deler Ralasteb, a Mason, had taken over a Mason’s Workship after withdrawing for society.  On the floor he kept tracing the outline of a tree.  The Leader ordered a couple of trees to be cut down.  Two of the bigger ones - highwood trees!

But even as the Dwarves go out to cut down the two trees the Mason found the wood and stones he needed.  And bones?  Ewww…

Then there is a report of combat.  Seems a raptor got in a fight with a Doedicurus.  And had gotten beaten down by the creature’s tail club.

The Leader ordered the militia out to kill the wild animal.  She would have ordered the wounded velociraptor butchered BUT it was a pet.  So she ordered it to be left alone.  If it died it would get a burial and a memorial slab.  If it healed…it lived on to fight again.

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Surface workers reported not just Doedicurus and Paraceratherium running about.  But also a group of Arsinotheriums.  These creatures,  rhinoceros sized mammals with two huge horns on their heads, had not been seen for years.

Most of the Paraeratheriums had been trapped in cages.  And so had one of the Doedicurus.

At this point the crazy Mason started to work on…well, whatever he had decided to work on.

Outside the Baron was the first to find the wild Doedicurus.  He had gotten first blood with a strike with the staff of his iron spear to the creature’s left foot.  Which is weird as the Baron is a Macedwarf. 

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A Speardwarf was the next on the scene.  The Speardwarf, Deduk Obokvabok, is armed with a copper spear.   Soon both warriors was stabbing and bashing the creature.  It’s armored body did nothing to protect it. Metal weapons was not what is was evolved to handle.  It is stabbed in the head a few times.  Soon it was covered in wounds and blood.

Soon, after one last stab to the head, it becomes a corpse and the two warrior left it’s body in the forest.

Then the Mason stepped out of the workshop and announced the creation of a weapon rack.

The Leader was pleased and sent it to one of the first sevens’ tombs.  The tombs were each having a weapon rack and armor stand placed in them. 

Then there was a report of a accident.  Seems one of the Woodcrafters had been in the barn and had, somehow, been hit in right lower left.  But his giant mole leather robe had protected him.

Then one of the pet velociraptors ran into and got into a fight with a Arsinotherium.  After a exchange of kicks and charges the bigger creature was on the run.  Seems the raptor was the more deadly of the two.

Almost at the end of spring another baby Uintatherium was born to the tamed herd in the pasture.   Wonderful.  The Dwarves were gaining so much knowledge about the animals in this southern region.

By now many of the ponds and parts of the river was starting to melt.  Which meant a few idiots were outside trying to fish.

At this point the Doedicurus who had been found in a cage trap had been tamed.  Then slaughtered.  The Dwarves happily came for the meat and bone and skin.  There would be fresh meals and much artwork made from the butchered animal’s skin and bones.

Spring fled and summer came to the forest.
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: PulleyPulled (47.05 With Primal Mod)
« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2021, 02:35:42 pm »

Summer had come and so far, for the year, there had been only one death and it wasn’t even a citizen of the Village.  That didn’t count.  Right?

Then the Militia Commander, Shem Sodelular, gave birth to a baby beta between the tavern and the bedrooms. 

The second baby born in the village!

On top of that the library had become very popular.  Even lacking books many Scholars and Sages and Wise people had visited it.  At the moment there was a Dward Scholar, name of Tirist Grippedmined, who was studying star charts in the library!

The tavern had many visiting Dwarves, a hand full of Humans, and a single Goblin Bard.

The Arsinotherium who was in a cage had been tamed enough to be transferred to the last empty cage in the zoo-statue garden.  Now if the workers would just work faster on the statues!  There was plenty of stone to work with. 

The tamed creature was slashed at a couple of times by a passing raptor but stayed calm.  While wounded it would likely still live a long and happy life in the cage.

On the 17th of Hematite the Dwarves elected a new Mayor.  So the Weaver was replaced before the office was even completed.  The Leader just snorted at the news.  Easy come and easy go.

She was more interested in the greenhouse they were making.  Well, a hole with a stone roof.  The stones were carefully treated to allow light in and keep out animals, the weather, and enemies.  So above plants would be grown.  Of course, it would be accessed only by a underground tunnel.

Then there was a alarm.  From the library.  Seems one of the visiting scholars had attacked one of the Dwarves, or one of the pets, and it looks like one of the locals had been killed? 

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Seems one of the visitors had turned into a WEREASS in the library!!!  The militia was called out while the populace was told to hide in the tavern.

Funny enough, the pet Dilophosaurus was already in the library and had attacked the beast.  And there was a report of a dead Dwarf already.   One of the Storytellers.

On the other hand there WAS a visiting Sworddwarf in the library already.  Maybe he could kill the beast?

But the idiot switched from attacking the were to attacking one of the Farmers.  Why?  Was he crazy?

On top of that, for some reason, on the way to the library to fight the werebeast the Baron got into a fight with one of the Doctors.

Another fight broke out elsewhere.  What was happening?!?!?!   Then the Recruit attacked one of the raptors.

And the Baron seemed to be punching everybody in sight as he moved towards the library.

After the fight who knows how many people would have to be punished and how many would have to be isolated?

The library was locked and the soldiers were ordered to move outside it.  Maybe they would stop fighting everybody?

Then the Recruit attacked a child!

The Leader could only assume the village had gone insane.  The fighting spread - children were fighting children and adults were fighting children and other adults.

Then it was announced one of the soldiers had been murdered by some of the other soldiers.

Even the Leader was attacked and wounded.

Finally one of the soldiers entered the library.  But the werebeast, still totally untouched, pounced on the Macedwarf and started to beat the soldier into a bloody mess.

Two more soldiers were found dead outside the library.

Finally a few of the soldiers, after beating up some passing populace, attacked the werecreature.

Mostly because, after killing everybody in the library, the monster came out and ran into them.

The rest of the remaining squad joined in.  But this wereass had not been worn down by trained war raptors.  It had beaten up poor civilians and animals.  It wasn’t going down.

Then the werebeast turned into a goblin and run around being chased by very pissed off militia  He was cornered and killed.

The barrow alert was canceled and the Leader limped about to see what was left.


Then the game crashed for the first time ever and I decided to delete the save as it was the most horrible event I have ever had happen to me in the history of playing this game.  Page after page after page of everybody killing each other.  Why?!?!  Was it a loyalty cascade for a wereass?  The soldiers hadn't even gotten to it when the fighting started.  It was almost like they were just attacking anybody who got in their way or even looked at them wrong.  Then fights broke out in the Barrow area. 

I have already made a second world using the same mod so I plan to try a adventure game.  I inserted Neanderthals into the new world and plan to see if I can be one of those.  Let us hope that goes better!
The most EVIL creature in Dwarf Fortress!
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